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How many calories in an apple

Written by Rahul Lath

Updated on: 24 May 2023

How many calories in an apple

How many calories in an apple

Calories in an apple: A calorie is a unit of energy that a person will be getting from food. An apple contains 95 calories. This article will help you to understand calories, how many calories in an apple, and also the benefits of apples.

What Is Calorie?

A calorie is a unit of energy that is used to describe the amount of energy that one person will get by eating or drinking certain foods. It’s denoted by ‘cal.’

Common Usage:

  • Used for measuring energy in fruits.
  • Used for measuring energy in vegetables.
  • Used for measuring energy in certain dishes.

Kilogram Calorie
A kilogram Calorie is a unit of heat that is equal to the heat that is needed to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree in one atmospheric pressure. This unit is generally used by nutritionists to find the measure of energy produced by food items. kilogram Calorie is also known as a Large calorie. It’s denoted by ‘Kcal.’

Gram Calorie
A Gram Calorie is a unit of heat that is equal to the heat that is needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree in one atmospheric pressure. It’s also known as a small calorie.

How Many Calories in an Apple?

According to nutritionists, an apple contains:
Calories – 95
Carbohydrates – 25 g
Fat – 0 g
Fiber – 4 g
Proteins – 0 g
Sugars – 19 g

Benefits of Having an Apple

  • Supports weight loss:
    Apples are highly rich in fiber and water content. The fiber content in the apples is good at reducing weight.
  • Good for the heart:
    According to nutritionists and doctors apples tends to reduce heart-related diseases. The fiber content in apples helps in maintaining the cholesterol levels in the blood. Apart from this, it offers polyphenols, out of which flavonoid epicatechin helps in lowering blood pressure. Various studies have also proved that a high intake of flavonoids lowers the risk of stroke.
  • Fewer chances of having diabetes:
    The antioxidants such as polyphenols quercetin and phloridzin in apples help in reducing the chances of diabetes by resisting the high levels of insulin release.
  • Promotes good gut health:
    Apples contain pectin which acts as a prebiotic. It actually feeds the microbiota, which is believed to be one of the good bacteria in the gut.
  • Helps in preventing cancer:
    According to various studies in the medical field, polyphenols fight cancerous cells and prevent them from multiplying.
  • Fights against asthma:
    The antioxidant properties in the apples protect your lungs from oxidative damage.
  • Maintains good health of the brain:
    The quercetin content in the apples protects your brain from the damage that is caused by oxidative stress.

FAQs on Calories in an Apple

Is apple good for weight loss?
Yes, it’s good for weight loss. Apples are highly rich in fiber and water content. The fiber content in the apples is good at reducing weight.

Is 1 apple a day good for weight loss?
Yes. Apples are highly rich in fiber and water content and the fiber content helps in reducing weight.

What is the measure of carbohydrates in an apple?
25 g

What is the measure of calories in an apple?
95 calories

What are the benefits of apple?
The benefits of apple are as follows:
1. Supports weight loss
2. Good for the heart
3. Fewer chances of having diabetes
4. Promotes good gut health
5. Helps in preventing cancer
6. Fights against asthma
7. Maintains good health of the brain

Written by

Rahul Lath

Reviewed by

Arpit Rankwar

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