
Ready to write it?

Scholarship award worth $2,400

($200 every month from Oct 2023 to Oct 2024)

Wiingy Future STEM Leaders Scholarship

Interested in STEM subjects? Is your passion for all things STEM a driving force for your ambitions? If so, get ahead by being a part of the Wiingy Scholarship.

Less Time on Forms, More on Your Essay - Apply in 30 Seconds

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July edition essay topic

"Unexpected lessons I've learnt in my summer break so far"

Entries now open


Scholarship overview

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are rapidly changing the world. From new medical breakthroughs to innovative technologies, STEM is at the forefront of human progress. At Wiingy, we aim to inspire, empower, and provide opportunities for young innovative minds in STEM. This scholarship is designed for students with a passion for STEM. It is available to all students, regardless of whether they are considering majoring in STEM or are already on the path to a career in STEM. It’s open to students studying a range of STEM subjects, including but not limited to chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology, computer science, environmental science, engineering, statistics, aerospace, artificial intelligence, and many more.

Starting from Oct 2023 till Oct 2024, we’ll select one student each month for Wiingy’s Future STEM Leaders Scholarship to receive a scholarship amount of $200.


  • Applicants must be currently enrolled as a school or college student in a recognized institution.
  • Applicants must be majoring in or intending to major in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) subject.

How to apply for scholarship


Click on the “Apply Now” button.


Fill out the online registration form.
(Apply in 30 Seconds)


Receive the essay submission link in your inbox.


Write a 400-600 word essay on the topic of the month.


Attach your most recent academic records (unofficial copies are accepted).


Submit your scholarship application.

Evaluation criteria

In order to apply for the scholarship, students must write and submit an original essay on the topic of the month. Scholarships will be awarded based on the following criteria:


The essay should be well-written and informative. It should clearly and concisely explain the essay topic of the month.


The essay should be original and thought-provoking. It should demonstrate the applicant’s ability to think critically and creatively about STEM education.

Grammar and style:

The essay should be free of grammatical errors. It should be written in a clear, concise, and engaging style.

Other websites where you can find us:

Important timelines for July edition:

Application Start Date: July 1, 2024
Application Deadline: July 31, 2024
Winner Announcement: August 10, 2024
Follow us on socials for latest updates

Winning entry for June

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Samia Evans

Duke University | North Carolina, Canada

From Blank Minds to Bright Futures: My Journey in Transforming Public Health Through Technology

As the chatter in the room increased, everything in my mind went blank. My heart sank to my feet. Everything I was about to say suddenly vanished. I began to sweat, slowly tapping my foot, praying my name wouldn’t get called next. “Maybe you should add that,” I kept telling myself after each person went. I was lost—there was no way I could speak and sound like I knew what I was talking about so early on. It was now the second day of my Summer 2024 internship. Our project lead, Mark, took turns calling a team member individually to give a sixty-second elevator pitch about our project, even though we had just learned the information the previous day. This summer, I am interning at Duke University to build a Polypeptide Helicity and Ensemble Prediction tool that more accurately predicts intrinsically disordered regions of proteins. Through my internship at Duke University, I am collaborating with like-minded students to build this tool. This tool can potentially transform the future of Public Health as increased accuracy in protein prediction can enable the use of proteins as linkers to antibodies, which will help with disease treatment and developing vaccinations. As part of the team, I will be building the Public Interface of the website, giving researchers access to the first interactive tool, where they can submit these proteins for accurate prediction. This opportunity to transform public health has allowed me to explore my strengths and weaknesses. Coming into the program, I needed more self-confidence and was hesitant to communicate in professional spaces. Being challenged to give weekly elevator pitches and presentations to other project teams has allowed me to build more professional skills, such as public speaking, to employ when solving real-world problems to make my community safer. In addition to this opportunity, I also became a tour guide to get myself out of my comfort zone and to communicate with less anxiety. Pursuing the role of a tour guide has also allowed me to share my Duke experience and give other prospective students a glimpse of life at Duke. After a few weeks of becoming a tour guide, I noticed that I could present my project progress more confidently and deliver my elevator pitches with less anxiety. In just ten weeks, I was exposed to different types of software, such as FastAPI, Docker, Bash, Voila, Jupyter, and much more. This exposure allowed me to piece together a puzzle that was once foreign to me, enabling me to build an interactive user interface for direct software interaction. This summer, I have learned more about myself and my classmates and gained a deeper understanding of the transformative power of code. With coding as my paintbrush, I have been able to illuminate life by helping develop new drug and vaccine markets that help fight off diseases quickly. The software I am building has allowed me to delve deep into the transformative power of technology, helping me feel more connected to my community by advancing the field of biology. This summer marks the beginning of my journey of seeking opportunities to make my community safer by solving real-world issues through the transformative power of code while giving back to my community and pouring into the next generation.

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Featured entries for June

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Araksya Gevorgyan

American University of Armenia | Lori, Armenia

This summer, I’m setting out on a journey of discovery, growth and adventures. As an 18-year-old from Armenia, I am passionate about discovering my old country and learning as much as I can. The first thing I’m planning is to uncover Armenia's hidden gems. Lake Sevan, with its shimmering waters and cool breezes, is calling my name. I’ve always dreamed of camping by its shores, waking up to the serene sunrise. I plan to go camping by the lake with a group of close friends, setting up our tents right by the shore. Sevan is a perfect place for fishing and swimming, especially if I am with my close friends. It’s a perfect escape from the everyday hustle, a chance to reconnect with nature and each other. The call of the wild doesn’t end there. Dilijan National Park, with its dense forests and serene trails, is next on my agenda. The city I live in is near Dilijan and I have been there a lot, but never near extreme places. I’ve always loved hiking, and this summer, I’m determined to conquer some of the park’s most challenging paths. Each step will be a testament to my perseverance and a celebration of Armenia’s lush landscapes. The sense of accomplishment at the end of a long hike, combined with the breathtaking views, will be worth every ounce of effort. But I also know where I will end my little trip. There is a little library café called Qarahoonj. I love that place as it is made of wood and looks very comfortable and cozy. Giving back to the community is also a key part of my summer plans. I’ve signed up to volunteer at a local animal shelter, a place where abandoned and stray animals find care and compassion. I’ll be spending time walking dogs, playing with cats, and helping to keep the shelter clean and welcoming. There’s something incredibly fulfilling about seeing the joy in an animal’s eyes, knowing that you’ve made a difference in their life. Additionally, I’m organizing a community clean-up event to tackle litter in our local parks and hiking trails. It’s my way of contributing to the preservation of Armenia’s natural beauty and inspiring others to take action. I did an externship this year about the water reservoir pollution. During the research, I understood how much it needs to be cleaned. I hope I will be able to make a change. This summer isn’t just a break from school; it’s a season of opportunity, growth, and connection. I’m ready to embrace each day with enthusiasm, to learn new things, to explore new places, and to strengthen the bonds with the people I care about. By the time autumn rolls around, I hope to look back on these months with a sense of achievement and a heart full of unforgettable memories.

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Colton Russell Erlandson

Texas A&M University | TX, USA

Summer plans can be like a New Year’s Resolution in many ways. You envision so much time coming where you make the most of every minute, but then that time actually comes around, and it’s not what you imagined it would look like, or you simply get lazy or put it off, so those resolutions never come true. This has been my case or the past 11 summers I can remember, but not this year, I’ve got other plans. This summer I plan on getting a head start on my education, becoming more disciplined, working, and deepening the bonds with my friends. I’ve never been the best student. I have a pretty good base level of intelligence, so studying hard was never something I wanted to do. I always was able to put stuff off and make it work, so why change? Except in this past year, I’ve seen what my procrastination cost me. Scholarships, GPA, friends, everything because I sat in my room, doing nothing productive, sitting in this cycle that I knew wasn't good for me. But, with college, especially joining the Corps of Cadets at A&M University, I see a brand new beginning for myself. Well, I’ve read that “The best way to get ahead is to get started”, so that’s what I’m going to do. I’ve emailed my future professors and I have found online courses for subjects like math and science, so I have vowed to learn as much as I can about coding in Python and college level chemistry, and refreshing my Calculus skills. Plus this will be the first summer where I intentionally practice the trombone and get better. I also plan on building my discipline, which includes going to the gym and having a consistent sleep schedule. This regimented routine will help me prepare for the responsibilities in life and will give me an opportunity to feel better about myself, physically and mentally. I’m thinking about trying to go with friends. Speaking of friends, I have spent summers away from friends usually, not making the effort to plan events with them. But this year, I feel that I truly have close friends that I care for, and I want to carry that momentum through this summer to better learn how to care for others that are close with me and make more of an effort for the social things I want. Lastly, I want to make some money continuing my freelance yard work business, Wildcat Yard Services. I have built up some clientele, and I would like to grow as a business to earn some money towards my tuition. I have found that yard work is a great fit for me personally. I get to be my own boss, choose my schedule, and learn valuable skills. Time management, giving quotes, client relations, communication skills, and many other skills are all things that being in the yard business has taught me, and I can apply it to my personal life. Everyday, my goal is to get at least one job by going door-to-door, as I have found that to be the most consistent way to get clients. Overall, the recurring theme this summer is to take this opportunity to do the things I always tell myself I should do, and be the person I know I can be. I have always told myself “Next year or semester will be my time to reset” yet it has never happened. That ends this summer.

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Frequently asked questions

The total scholarship amount is $2400. $200 will be awarded to one student each month from October 2023 – October 2024, to be used for tuition, books, and academic expenses..

No, this scholarship is a one-time award. However, previous applicants and winners are welcome to reapply.

To apply, click on the “Apply Now” button. You will be redirected to a Google form where you can register yourself. Then you will receive an essay submission link in your email to submit your essay response.

To be eligible for this scholarship, you must: 1. be currently enrolled as a school or college student in a recognized institution 2. be majoring in or intending to major in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) subject.

The winner of the current scholarship month will be announced on the 10th of the subsequent month.

Winners will be selected based on their essay strength of the following criteria: 1. Content: The essay should be well-written and informative. It should clearly and concisely explain the essay topic of the month. 2. Creativity: The essay should be original and thought-provoking. It should demonstrate the applicant’s ability to think critically and creatively about STEM education. 3. Grammar and style: The essay should be free of grammatical errors. It should be written in a clear, concise, and engaging style.

An announcement will be made on the Wiingy website and our social media channels.

Winners will be announced on the Wiingy scholarship page and will also be notified via email.

The award amount will be made directly to the winner.

Scholarship applicants will undergo verification by reviewing copies of their most recent academic records (unofficial copies are accepted).

For any questions or clarifications regarding the scholarship application process, please email us at hello@wiingy.com with the subject line “Scholarship application inquiry”. We aim to respond within 48-72 hours.


5 days left!