


How to Clear Board In Scratch? | Clear Scratch Sprite, Blocks, Backdrop

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Clear Board In Scratch

Clear board In Scratch: As complex as coding seems, coding with Scratch is simple. That is why Scratch is one of the most popular and widely used coding languages in the world, especially for children between the ages of 8 and 16 who want to learn to code. Scratch is designed by keeping simplicity in mind so that beginners can grasp the basics of coding easily.

In this blog, we will discuss how to clear or delete different features like sprites, backdrops, and blocks in the Scratch editor. Scroll down to find out more.

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Advanced Scratch Tutorial

How to clear board in Scratch?

Clearing the board in Scratch means deleting the sprites, blocks, and backdrops used.

  • To delete a sprite in Scratch, click on the delete icon for the sprite.
  • To delete a backdrop in Scratch, click on the delete icon for the backdrop.
  • To delete a block in Scratch, right-click on the particular block and you will see the “delete block” option.

The detailed steps on how to clear sprites, backdrops, and blocks in the Scratch editor are explained below.

How to delete a sprite in Scratch?

The steps to delete Sprite from the Scratch board have been explained below:

  • Step 1: Click on the sprite icon, which is located beneath the Scratch stage. You can edit the sprite too.
  • Step 2: When you click on the sprite icon, you will see a delete icon attached to the sprite icon. Click on it and your sprite will be deleted, as shown in the image below.
delete scratch sprite
Scratch Sprite

How to delete a backdrop in Scratch?

The steps to delete the backdrop from the Scratch platform are explained below:

  • Step 1: If you want to delete the backdrop from the Scratch project, then click on the backdrop icon located below the Scratch stage.
  • Step 2: Once you click on the backdrop icon, you will notice the “backdrop” tab next to the “code” tab above the block palette. Click on the “backdrop” tab.
  • Step 3: Here, you can edit the backdrop if you want. But if you want to delete the current backdrop, then just click on the delete icon attached to the backdrop icon, as shown in the image below.
delete Scratch backdrop
Scratch Backdrop

How to a block in Scratch?

The steps to delete a block from the Scratch platform are explained below:

  • Step 1: If you have used a block that is inconsistent with your project and wants to delete it, you can do so by right-clicking on the block.
  • Step 2: When you right-click on any block, you’ll see three options: duplicate, add a comment, and delete the block. Click on “delete block” and your selected block will be deleted.
  • Step 3: If you want to delete all the blocks, then simply refresh the page and all the blocks will be deleted.
  • Step 4: Also, if you want to delete a block from the extension category, you need to refresh the page.
Scratch Blocks
Scratch Blocks

FAQs on how to clear the board in Scratch

What is the “pen down” block in Scratch? 
The “pen down” block in Scratch is a block in the pen extension. This block is a stack block. This block will make the sprite continuously pen a trail wherever it moves on the Scratch stage.

What is a scratch stamp? 
The Stamp block is a block in the pen extension. This is a stack block, and when used in the Scratch project, the sprite will produce a bitmap image of itself which is stamped onto the Scratch stage.

Where is “erase all” in Scratch? 
The “erase all” block in Scratch is a block in the pen extension. This block removes all the marks made with the pen or by stamping. It is a stack block and the only pen extension block that the Scratch stage can use.

How to clear the screen in Scratch? 
If you want to clear any component of the Scratch editor, like sprite, backdrop, block, music, or any other component, you can do so by deleting each component individually. Or you can just refresh the page and reload your projects to clear the screen in one go.

How to clear the stage in Scratch? 
In the Scratch stage, there are two components: sprites and backdrops. You can delete each of the components by clicking on the icons and then clicking on the delete option attached to the icons. Read the above blog for detailed information on how to clear a stage in Scratch.

All features of Scratch are simple and easy to understand. Some features are fun to use like animated thumbnail, creating emojis, and many more! Happy with the blog? Support us by leaving a comment below to let us know what more topics you want us to cover.

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