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What are the Multiples of 55 | All Multiples of 55 up to 1000

Written by Prerit Jain

Updated on: 12 Aug 2023

What are the Multiples of 55 | All Multiples of 55 up to 1000

What are the Multiples of 55 | All Multiples of 55 up to 1000

The first ten multiples of 55 are listed as follows: 55, 110, 165, 220, 275, 330, 385, 440, 495, and 550.

The multiples of 55 are a sequence of numbers that can be obtained by multiplying the number 55 with a sequence of natural numbers.

The difference between any two consecutive numbers in the sequence of multiples of 55 is always 55.

To find the multiples of 55, you need to perform a repeated addition of the number 55 or multiply the number 55 with a sequence of natural numbers.

Alternatively, the multiples of 55 are the numbers that when divided by 55 do not leave any remainder.

What are the first five multiples of 55

The multiples of 55 are a sequence of numbers that can be obtained by multiplying the number 55 with a sequence of natural numbers.

The difference between any two consecutive numbers in the sequence of multiples of 55 is always 55.

Alternatively, the multiples of 55 are the numbers that when divided by 55 do not leave any remainder.

To find the multiples of 55, you need to perform a repeated addition of the number 55 or multiply the number 55 with a sequence of natural numbers.

Step 1: To find the first multiple of 55, multiply 55 by 1. 55 x 1 = 55.

Step 2: To find the second multiple of 55, multiply 55 by 2. 55 x 2 = 110. Alternatively, you can add 55 to the first multiple to get the second multiple of 55. 55 + 55 = 110.

Step 3: Multiply 55 by 3 to get the third multiple of 55. 55 x 3 = 165. Alternatively, you can add 55 two times to the second multiple to get the third multiple of 55. 110 + 55 = 165.

Step 4: The fourth multiple of 55 can be found by multiplying 55 by 4. 55 x 4 = 220. Alternatively, you can add 55 three times to the third multiple to get the fourth multiple of 55. 165 + 55 = 220.

Step 5: To find the fifth multiple of 55, you need to multiply 55 by 5. 55 x 5 = 275. Alternatively, you can add 55 four times to the fourth multiple to get the fifth multiple of 55. 220 + 55 = 275.

Therefore, the first 5 multiples of 55 are listed as follows 55, 110, 165, 220, and 275.

How to find the Multiples of 55

To find the multiples of 55 two methods can be used. The first few multiples of 55 are listed as follows:55, 110, 165, 220, 275, and so on. The multiples of 55 are a sequence of numbers that can be obtained by multiplying the number 55 with a sequence of natural numbers. The difference between any two consecutive numbers in the sequence of multiples of 55 is always 55.

Finding multiples of 55 using the repeated addition method

The first multiple of 55 is 55 itself. To find the second multiple of 55, we add 55 to the first multiple, which gives 110. Continuing this process, we can obtain the third, fourth, and so on multiples of 55. An example of the first five multiples of 55 using the repeated addition method is given below:


55 + 55 = 110

110 + 55 = 165

165 + 55 = 220

220 + 55 = 275

Finding the multiples of 55 using the multiplication method

We can find the multiples of 55 by multiplying 55 with a sequence of natural numbers. For example, the first five multiples of 55 obtained by multiplying 55 with a sequence of natural numbers are:

55 x 155
55 x 2110
55 x 3165
55 x 4220
55 x 5275
Multiples of 55 using the multiplication method

Finding the first 20 multiples of 55

To find the first 20 multiples of 55 using the multiplication method, we can follow similar steps as above. First, we create the sequence of natural numbers from 1 to 20. Then, we multiply each number in the sequence by 55 to find the corresponding multiples. The first 20 multiples of 55 are given below:

55 x 155
55 x 2110
55 x 3165
55 x 4220
55 x 5275
55 x 6330
55 x 7385
55 x 8440
55 x 9495
55 x 10550
55 x 11605
55 x 12660
55 x 13715
55 x 14770
55 x 15825
55 x 16880
55 x 17935
55 x 18990
55 x 191045
55 x 201100
First 20 multiples of 55

What are the multiples of 55 up to 1000

Multiples of 55 up to 1000

Difference between Multiples and Factors of 55

In mathematics multiples and factors are two very different concepts. 

Multiples Factors
Multiples of 55 are obtained by multiplying 55 by any positive integer. For example, the first few multiples of 55 are 55, 110, 165, 220, 275, 330, and so on.Factors of 55, on the other hand, are numbers that can divide by 55 without leaving a remainder. The factors of 55 are listed as follows: 1, 5, 11, and 55. These numbers divide 55 exactly and are also called divisors of 55.
Difference between multiples and factors of 55

In summary, multiples of 55 are the products of 55 and any natural number, while factors of 55 are the numbers that divide 55 exactly without leaving a remainder.

Solved Examples for Multiples of 55

  1. Find the 6th multiple of 55.

To find the 6th multiple of 55, we can multiply 55 by 6:

55 x 6 = 330

Therefore, the 6th multiple of 55 is 330.

  1. What are the common multiples of 55 and 77 up to 500?

To find the common multiples of 55 and 77, we need to find the multiples of each number up to 500 and see which ones are common. The first few multiples of 55 are 55, 110, 165, 220, 275, 330, 385, 440, and 495. The first few multiples of 77 are 77, 154, 231, 308, 385, and 462. Therefore, the common multiples of 55 and 77 up to 500 are 385 and its multiples: 770, 1155, and so on.

  1. Is 231 a multiple of 55?

To determine if 231 is a multiple of 55, we need to see if there is a natural number we can multiply 55 by to get 231. In this case, there is no such natural number, so 231 is not a multiple of 55.

  1. Find the least multiple of 55 that is also a multiple of 77.

To find the least multiple of 55 that is also a multiple of 77, we need to find the LCM (least common multiple) of 55 and 77. The prime factorization of 55 is 5 x 11, and the prime factorization of 77 is 7 x 11. The LCM of 55 and 77 is the product of the highest powers of all the primes involved: 5 x 7 x 11 = 385. Therefore, the least multiple of 55 that is also a multiple of 77 is 385.

  1. How many multiples of 55 are there between 100 and 1000?

To find the number of multiples of 55 between 100 and 1000, we need to find the first and last multiples of 55 within this range, and then count them. The first multiple of 55 greater than 100 is 110, and the last multiple of 55 less than 1000 is 990. To find the number of multiples between them, we can divide the difference between them by 55 and add 1:

(990 – 110) / 55 + 1 = 17

Therefore, there are 17 multiples of 55 between 100 and 1000.

FAQs on Multiples of 55

What is the easiest way to find multiples of 55?

To find multiples of 55, you can start by multiplying 55 by the natural numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …). For example, the first few multiples of 55 are 55, 110, 165, 220, and 275.

Are all multiples of 55 odd numbers?

No, not all multiples of 55 are odd numbers. In fact, some multiples of 55 are even, such as 110, 220, 330, and so on.

How can multiples of 55 be used in real-life situations?

Multiples of 55 can be useful in situations involving time, distance, and speed. For example, if a train travels at a speed of 55 miles per hour, its multiples can be used to calculate how long it takes to travel different distances.

What is the relationship between multiples of 55 and divisibility by 5 and 11?

Multiples of 55 are divisible by both 5 and 11. This is because 55 is the product of 5 and 11. Therefore, any multiple of 55 will also be a multiple of both 5 and 11.

Can multiples of 55 be used in music?

Yes, multiples of 55 can be used in music. In fact, 55 Hz is a common frequency used in music production, particularly for bass and drums. Other multiples of 55, such as 110 Hz and 220 Hz, are also commonly used in music.

Written by by

Prerit Jain

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