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Scratch Blocks | Item in Scratch

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item in scratch

Scratch is a visual block-based programming language created by MIT labs, which means that the codes are in the form of blocks, divided across nine categories depending on their function and characteristics, and all you have to do is drag these blocks and drop them onto the coding area and arrange them strategically, according to your project goal, for your project to run.

With this blog, we will learn about one of the Scratch blocks, Item in Scratch.

This is Chapter 1.2 in the
Advanced Scratch Tutorial

What is an Item in Scratch?

Item in Scratch is a part of the List blocks which are dark red in color and used to manipulate the storage of multiple values. The item supports any value in Scratch like Boolean, number, or a string. It works like a Variable block as it is used to read, create, and modify values.

All the Item blocks in Scratch are found using the List block which is under the Variable blocks. Item blocks are dark red in color.

Different Item blocks in Scratch

There are a total of 9 Item blocks in Scratch, out of which 5 are Stack blocks, 3 are reporter blocks, and 1 is a Boolean block.

Stack blocks are rectangular blocks designed in such a way that they can easily fit above or below other blocks, Boolean blocks are elongated hexagonal blocks used to report only Boolean values, and Reporter blocks are the blocks used to report a value that can be anything from numbers to strings.

“add () to ()” block

This block is used to add a given item to the bottom of the specified list. This block comes under the category of stack blocks. The values can be added directly to the block.

“add () to ()” block

“delete () of ()” block

This block is used to delete a given item from the specified list. This block comes under the category of stack blocks. The values can be added directly to the block.

“delete () of ()” block

“delete all of ()” block

This block is used to delete all the items from the specified list. This block comes under the category of stack blocks. The values can be added directly to the block.

“delete all of ()” block

“insert () at () of ()” block

This block is used to insert an item into the specified list at a specified position. This block comes under the category of stack blocks. The values can be added directly to the block.

“insert () at () of ()” block

“replace the item () of () with ()” block

This block is used to replace a specified item with the last given input. This block comes under the category of stack blocks. The values can be added directly to the block.

“replace the item () of () with ()” block

“item () of ()” block

This block is used to report the value of the specified item given as an input. This block comes under the category of reporter blocks. The values can be added directly to the block.

“item () of ()” block

“item # () in ()” block

This block is used to report the item number of the first item which holds the input value. If the item is not on the list, it reports 0. This block comes under the category of reporter blocks. The values can be added directly to the block.

“item # () in ()” block

“length of ()” block

This block is used to report the number of items present in a specified list. This block comes under the category of reporter blocks. The values can be added directly to the block.

“length of ()” block

“() contains () ?” block

This block is used to check if the list has the items given as the input. If any one of the items of the list is equal to the given input, it returns “true”, otherwise “false”. This block comes under the category of Boolean blocks. The values can be added directly to the block.

“() contains () ” block

How to use Item in Scratch?

Since the Item block comes under the “List” block in Scratch, you just need to add the listed block. To add the “List” block, first create a list by clicking on the “Make a List” option and add the desired blocks.

Uses of Item in Scratch

Item in Scratch can be helpful for the following purposes:

  • It helps the user in manipulating the storage of multiple values.
  • It supports any value in Scratch like Boolean, a number, or a string which makes it versatile to use.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is an Item in Scratch?
In Scratch, an Item is a part of the List blocks which are dark red in color used to manipulate the storage of multiple values.

How many total Item blocks are available in Scratch?
There are 9 Item blocks in Scratch, out of which 5 are Stack blocks, 3 are reporter blocks, and 1 is a Boolean block.

What are the list blocks in Scratch?
A list block is a sub-category of blocks that comes under Variable blocks. List blocks are used to manipulate the storage of multiple values.

What is the use of Item in Scratch?
In Scratch, the Item supports any value in Scratch like Boolean, number, or a string which makes it versatile to use.

What is a Boolean block in Scratch?
In Scratch, the Boolean blocks are elongated hexagonal blocks used to report only Boolean values.

We hope you understand what Item in Scratch is and its types and uses. If you have any doubts, you can ask your doubts in the comment section. To continue your learning about Scratch blocks, read our blog on motion blocks in Scratch.

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