


What Are Logical Statements in Scratch? | And, Or, Not Blocks

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Scratch programming

Logical Statements in Scratch: As Scratch is a block-based visual programming language, it is typically used by children over the age of 8 to learn about coding by creating fun and interactive projects, such as games, animations, etc. Codes are block-based and all you have to do is drag and drop them strategically on top of each other for your project to run, which sounds pretty straightforward. Scratch programming language has blocks such as Conditional, Relational, Logical and much more.

In this article, let us discuss everything about logical statements on Scratch and how to use logical operators in Scratch. Read further to find more.

What Are the Logical Statements in Scratch?

In Scratch, a logical statement is a block that joins two or more expressions so that the value of the resulting compound expression depends on the meaning of the original expressions. A few logical operators in Scratch are AND, OR, and NOT.

When you use two simple statements within a logical connective, it forms a complex conditional statement, and that conditional statement evaluates if one or the other conditions are met. In simple words, a statement is true if what it asserts is the case, and it is false if what it asserts is not the case. Such a statement that is either true or false defines logical statements. These logical statements are the primary foundation for connectives in conditional statements.

What Are the 3 Logical Operators in Scratch?

The three logical operators used in Scratch programming language are as shown in the image given below:

Logical statements in scratch

Three logical operators of Scratch are listed below:

  1. And– The result is true only if the two expressions are true.
  2. Or– The result is true if either of the two expressions is true.
  3. Not– The result is true if the expression is false.

1. AND Operator in Scratch

Two expressions are required as parameters for the AND operator. The AND operator gives true if both expressions are true; otherwise, it returns false. The block executes as true if both expressions are true; if not, it returns as false. In certain study studies, it was discovered that a conditional statement’s many basic statements were connected logically just by the conjunction “AND.”

Students can only learn how two assertions connected by a logical connective will appear in a formal language (like Scratch) when each statement is judged to be true and the logical connective “ABD” then combines these statements to make the Complex Conditional Statement “true.”

2. OR Operator in Scratch

Two expressions are provided as inputs to the OR operator. The OR operator returns true if either expression is true. The OR operand returns false only when both of the two expressions are false. Hence, when you are using the OR operator block, make sure at least one statement is true.

3. NOT Operator in Scratch

When using the NOT operator, only one phrase can be entered. If the expression is true, the outcome of the operator is false; if the expression is false, then the outcome of the operator is true.

Relational Operators in Scratch

There are three operators in Scratch that let you compare the connection between two values or variables. In order to determine if one is true or untrue, it will compare the two. The software will move on to the next line of code and execute what is there if the comparison is accurate. These are the three relational operators:

  1. Greater than
  2. Less than
  3. Equal to

The usage of relational operators in Scratch are as follows:

relational operators

FAQs On Logical Statements in Scratch

Q 1: What is logical statements in Scratch programming?
A 1:
When you used two simple statements within a logical connective it forms a complex conditional statement and that conditional statement evaluates if one or the other conditions are met. Such a statement that is either true or false defines logical statements.

Q 2: What is logical statements in Scratch 3.0?
A 2:
When you used two simple statements within a logical connective it forms a complex conditional statement and that conditional statement evaluates if one or the other conditions are met. Such a statement that is either true or false defines logical statements.

Q 3: Which is a logical operators in Scratch?
A 3:
Common logical operator in Scratch are AND, OR, NOT.

Q 4: What re relational operators in Scratch?
A 4:
There are three relational operators in Scratch; Greater than, Less than and Equal to.

Scratch is a simple language to navigate. It has an easy to use desktop with very clear and direct instructions for actions like saving and sharing. Compared to an interpreted language like Python, Scratch is a lot easier and definitely an option for children who wish to dip their toes into coding and such computer languages. In today’s world where computer technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, such easy-to-use and accessible languages are extremely helpful and a good starting point for children to introduce themselves to interpreted languages.

Additional Read

Conditional Statements in Scratch

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