


Learn Python for Kids With Free Resources and Books!

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Learn Python for Kids With Free Resources and Books!

Python is the coding language of the future. It is expected to grow more in demand in the upcoming time. Learning Python is no longer only for IT professionals to grow in their careers. It is also becoming essential for kids to learn too. Learning Python will give kids an early and strong start in this highly in-demand coding language. Learning Python coding for kids might sound a bit intimidating but is actually something that can be done with the help of many free resources like books, websites, and apps.

With this blog, we will discuss some free online resources that will definitely help kids in learning Python.

What is Python coding?

Python is a high-level programming language with many different uses. Python’s user-friendly interface was designed for general-purpose programming. It is a structured, object-oriented programming language. Python is a programming language that is frequently used to build website software, automate tasks, and analyze data.

Python is the easiest text-based program. It is designed in a way that kids can comprehend the concepts of Python in the early stage. The easy-to-use interface and easy-to-understand syntax in Python allow kids to grasp Python concepts in the early stage. Python is the second-highest-paid computer language. So learning Python at an early stage helps kids to build their 21st-century essential skills.

Free resources to learn Python coding for kids

Python coding is the skill that boosts the confidence of your kids! It is not necessary to make your kids learn python coding only through online classes. There are many alternative resources available for your kids to learn Python coding for free. We came up with some best free resources available to enhance your kid’s coding knowledge.

1. CodeCombat

Code Combat

Age: 7-16
Code Combat teaches Python to kids through fun games. They use innovative game-based learning technology to help students to learn the concepts better. Code Combat is designed for beginners to teach Python, JavaScript, and C++ programming languages using human, beginner-friendly terms in the gaming environment.

2. CheckiO

Check IO

Age: 7-13
Level: Easy
CheckiO is a coding game designed for both beginners and advanced programmers. This game allows kids to enhance coding skills by solving fun tasks in TypeScr and Python. This helps kids to learn Python in a fun-induced environment.

3. Pygame


Age: 7-14
Level: Easy
PyGame is a user-friendly platform designed for kids to learn Python coding. It allows kids to design their games using UI libraries and the Python Package Index.

Best books for kids to learn Python

Learning the introduction of Python through books enhances your child’s reading skills and also the basic understanding of Python. So, we have listed the best books that give knowledge about the introduction of Python for your kids.

1. Python for Kids

Python for kids

Author: Jason R. Briggs
Price: $24
This book’s target age is elementary school level. This book explains the introduction of Python with fun. Your kids can learn the basics of coding and practice through the exercises

2. Computer Coding For Kids

Computer coding for kids

Author: Vorderman, Carol
Price: $27.70
This book’s target age is elementary school kids. This book is designed with visually pleasing graphics to engage your child in learning. It covers the basic concepts of Python comprehensively. So, this book is easy-to-understand for your kids.

3. Coding Project in Python

Author: Craig Steele
Price: $19.99
This book’s target age is elementary and middle school level. This book allows your kids to learn essential concepts comprehensively.

Why Python coding for kids?

Python is a worldwide programming language used by many programmers. Learning Python coding in the early stages allows the kids to improve their skills in the programming language that was currently in trend. Python is the advanced programming language that is used for designing mobile apps, websites, and GUI applications. Learning Python coding enhances your kid’s computational skills and builds creativity to include their concepts in coding. Python coding improves your Kid’s scientifical and computing knowledge.

How kids can learn Python?

Kids should learn the basic concepts of Python like variables, loops, and if/then statements. Learning the basics of Python in the early stages helps kids to code better in the future. There are many leading online coding classes designed specially to tune young minds with fundamentals of Python coding like basics of syntax with English-like commands. These classes teach strings and numbers, how to create variables and functions, and if statements. The online coding classes are well-designed with experienced tutors to teach kids with the side focus of fun. Learning coding with fun makes your kid engage in learning.

Tips to engage your child in learning Python

  • Follow a proper schedule to engage your kids to learn Python.
  • Compare the coding classes with free demo classes and check whether the courses teach effectively.
  • Make use of the coding games that teach Python using the gaming environment.
  • Parents should know about the basics of Python coding. So, they can ensure their kids are learning these basics comprehensively.
  • Always teach your kids about the importance of Python coding to create a significant impact on them.
  •  Monitor regularly your kid’s way of learning.

These are some effective ways to make your child engage in Python coding and master the same.

Advantages of learning Python coding

  • Python coding is an essential 21st-century skill to boost their confidence and creativity.
  • Python coding enhances scientifical knowledge and computational skills.
  • It helps to build the foundation to excel in Python.
  • It improves a child’s ability to accomplish complicated tasks.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Why is Python a 21st-century essential skill?
Python is a well-known programming language used by programmers worldwide. So, Python is the 21st-century on-demand programming language that boosts career opportunities.

What is the right age for your kids to start Python coding?
Age 4 to 5 is the right age to kick start your kid’s career in Python coding. Learning Python in the early stage helps your kids to succeed in their features.

Why Python enhances scientifical and computational skills?
Python programming language is designed with syntax, loops, and arrays that are co-related to scientifical skills. Python’s unique feature is adding concepts in the codes of lines. So, this boosts the creativity of your kids and enhances computational skills.

How to choose the best online coding classes for kids?
Parents can choose the best online coding classes by comparing the demo classes.

Is learning Python introduction books effective for kids?
Yes, learning Python through books not only improves your kid’s coding knowledge but also enhances your kid’s reading skills.

We hope this blog helped you to understand what is python coding, why is it important to learn Python kids, and free resources and books to start learning! If this blog helped you and you want to earn more about other beginner-friendly coding languages, then read our blog on Java coding for kids.

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