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Kumon vs Khan Academy: Which is Best For Your Child in 2024?

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Kumon vs Khan Academy

Are you tired of seeing your child struggle with math homework? Do you find it difficult to help them with their math problems because you can’t understand the concepts yourself? You’re not alone.

Many parents find themselves in this frustrating situation, which is why they turn to tutoring services, like Kumon and Khan Academy for help. Both services aim to improve students’ math skills using different approaches and teaching methods.

The main difference is that Kumon is a one-on-one tutoring program that focuses on math and reading, while Khan Academy is a free online learning platform that offers courses in a variety of subjects. Whether you’re a concerned parent or a student looking for extra education support, read on to find out which program is best among Kumon vs Khan Academy.

In this article, we’ll compare Kumon vs Khan Academy and help you make an informed decision on which tutoring center is the right fit for your child.

Introduction to the Debate: Kumon vs Khan Academy

If you are considering online tutoring, the most important step is to carefully compare all your options for top online tutoring services and make an informed decision on which tutoring service is the right fit for your child.

We have analyzed the two programs Kumon vs Khan Academy on the following parameters:

  • Subjects offered
  • Teaching methodology
  • Tutor matching process
  • Pricing and plans offered
  • Customer reviews

Kumon vs Khan Academy: Comparison

The following table can help in easily determining which platform will be a good choice for you based on different parameters.

ParametersKumonKhan Academy
Company typeOffline classroom ServiceShort Video Lessons
Subjects OfferedMath and readingKhan Academy covers the entire K-12 curriculum, grammar, science, history, AP, SAT, and more.
Mode of teachingOnline, In-person, and HybridWeb tutorials and Pre-recorded video lessons
Cost of tutoringKumon tutoring prices range from$150 to $200 per subject.Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. Khan Academy includes multiple educational tools including free-of-cost instructional videos. Khan Academy is not a tutoring service.
Minimum purchaseThe minimum purchase is $50 as the enrollment fee.Not applicable
Help in Tutor selection(Tutor Match)Kumon centres are individually owned and operated.Not applicable
Offers free trialKumon requires a one-month advance cancellation notification to stop tuition payments for the following month.Khan Academy produces short lessons in the form of videos. Its website also includes supplementary practice exercises and materials for educators.
Cancellation policyNo. Kumon doesn’t offer a free trial. Although they do have a free assessment test.Not applicable
RatingTrustpilot rating: 2.9/5Trustpilot score: 3.7/5
Kumon vs Khan Academy: Comparison

Understanding Kumon

Kumon vs Khan Academy #1 - Kumon

What is Kumon?

Kumon is one of the most popular after-school tutoring programs for students, which helps them to perform well in school by developing various essential skills, like confidence, critical thinking skills, and the mindset to learn from study materials independently.

It also helps in developing strong problem-solving and calculation skills, which helps students deal with mainly the concepts of algebra.

This makes it a perfect option for all those students who want to learn or develop good math skills.

Apart from math, Kumon also has a reading program where they help students build reading ability which helps them understand basic sentences.

How does Kumon work?

Kumon is an individualized learning program that focuses on building strong foundational skills in math and reading.

One of the best things about Kumon is it follows its own method of teaching known as the Kumon Method.

As per the Kumon method, when a student enrolls in the program, they are first assessed to determine their current skill level. Based on the results of the assessment, a personalized learning plan is developed that targets the areas where the student needs improvement.

The Kumon method is designed to allow students to progress at their own pace. Students are provided with worksheets to complete independently each day.

As they complete each worksheet, they are given immediate feedback on their work, and they move on to the next worksheet in the series.

One of the key features of the Kumon method is its emphasis on repetition and mastery. The method is designed to help students master each skill before moving on to the next one.

This approach helps to build a strong foundation of knowledge and skills that students can draw upon as they progress through more advanced coursework.

In addition to the worksheets, Kumon also provides students with support materials, such as videos and study guides, to help reinforce their learning.

Subjects covered by Kumon

Kumon offers programs in math and reading for students of all ages and abilities, from preschoolers to high school students. Here are some of the subjects and skills typically covered by Kumon:

MathCovers a wide range of topics, from basic counting and number recognition to advanced calculus and much more.
ReadingThis program emphasizes vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking skills.
Writing and Language learningThis program focuses on covering different languages, such as Japanese, Spanish, and French.
Subjects covered by Kumon

What is the minimum age for kids to enroll in Kumon?

Kumon accepts students as young as three years old for their Early Learner’s program, which focuses on developing pre-reading and pre-math skills. However, the majority of Kumon centers start accepting students at the age of four or five years old.

Although, Kumon’s programs are individualized and designed to cater to each student’s unique abilities and learning pace. Therefore, while age may be a factor in determining eligibility, it’s not the only consideration.

Kumon instructors typically assess each child’s skills and abilities before recommending an appropriate starting point in the program.

Source: Kumon Official Website

What is the cost of Kumon?

Kumon centers are individually owned and operated, so the cost of each center has its own fees which depend on the location and subject matter being taught.

The primary factor that determines the cost for Kumon students is whether they are enrolled in math, reading, or both.

However, the monthly fee for Kumon can range from $150 to $200 per subject. Although high school students and those at higher levels may have to pay a higher fee, all sessions have the same duration.

Source: Kumon Official Website

*Pricing info retrieved from the Kumon website in November 2023 

Evaluating Kumon: Pros vs Cons

Pros Cons 
Personalized Learning: Kumon online tutoring provides a personalized learning plan for each student based on their current level of knowledge and learning goals. This means that students can work at their own pace and receive individualized attention from their tutor. Lack of Interest: Kumon follows the approach of solving the same worksheet multiple times until the student understands the topics clearly. Since students have to do the same worksheet on repeat, it might become boring and leads to students losing their interest.
Focus on Skill Building: Kumon helps students in developing problem-solving skills, calculation skills, and reading abilities. So if your child has a problem in math or wants to improve their skills in reading, then Kumon is a great option to consider.Lack of Personal Interaction: Online tutoring can lack the personal interaction that in-person tutoring provides. Some students may find it difficult to establish a connection with their online tutor, which can impact their motivation and engagement. 
Convenience: Online tutoring provides students with the convenience of learning from anywhere, at any time. With Kumon online tutoring, students can schedule their sessions according to their own availability and take classes from the comfort of their own homes. Pressure Building: Kumon focuses on helping kids and developing skills and knowledge by asking students to solve their worksheets on a daily basis. However, this procedure followed by Kumon may cause stress among the students as if some students are not able to solve the worksheet on time, then the pressure among the student might increase. This will bring a lot of damage to the kids rather than developing their skills.
Focus on Mastery: Kumon allows students to learn and master basic concepts through repetitive worksheet solving. This help students in mastering the basic concepts, which will further help them to easily understand complex topics.Limited Social Interaction: Online tutoring can limit a student’s social interaction with peers, which can be an important aspect of learning and personal growth. Students may miss out on opportunities to build relationships and collaborate with others in a physical classroom setting.
Helps in Developing Soft Skills: Kumon provides worksheets to students that they need to solve on a daily basis. This helps in developing strong concentration skills and daily study habits among students.
Pros and Cons of Kumon

Understanding Khan Academy

Kumon vs Khan Academy #2 - Khan Academy

What is Khan Academy?

Khan Academy is a totally free-of-cost educational platform that provides after-school classes to students. This makes Khan Academy totally different from all other learning platforms. It provides various instructional videos, practice exercises, and free courses, which include the concepts of math, science, economics, art, humanities, and more.

One of the best things about Khan Academy is that it provides a personalized learning dashboard. This means that as a learner at Khan Academy, you can create a customized learning plan by selecting your own courses and learning at your own pace. Khan Academy also offers free educational resources in more than 36 languages and that’s the reason, why it has learners all around the world.

Khan Academy is suitable for learners of all ages as it provides courses and resources for kindergarten students as well as for high school students. It also provides various helpful resources for teachers as using Khan Academy, teachers can prepare practice papers for their students and use them to learn as well.

How does Khan Academy work?

Khan Academy offers a wide range of educational content, including video tutorials, interactive exercises, quizzes, and assessments, across subjects like math, science, economics, history, computer programming, and more, so you can choose the subject you want to learn or improve upon.

After selecting the subject, you can watch various videos based on it as the Khan Academy offers a vast collection of videos covering various topics in the subject you chose. The videos are typically between 5-15 minutes long and are designed to be easily understandable.

After watching the videos, you can practice the concepts you’ve learned through interactive exercises. The exercises are designed to provide immediate feedback, so you know where you stand.

Khan Academy also provides personalized learning experiences, so you can track your progress and see how far you’ve come. You can also earn badges and certificates for completing specific tasks.

If you need help, Khan Academy provides a discussion forum where you can ask questions and get answers from other learners or even Khan Academy staff.

Khan Academy also has its own app, so you can download the Khan Academy app on your phone or you can visit their website. Along with teaching the basic concepts, Khan Academy also prepares its students for various tests like SAT, LSAT, and MCAT for free and makes learning easy and free for everyone.

Subjects covered by Khan Academy

Khan Academy covers a wide range of subjects and skills, including

MathCover topics like algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, statistics, and more.
ScienceCover topics like physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, and more.
ComputingCover the topics of computer programming, computer science, and more.
Economics and FinanceCover the topics of microeconomics, macroeconomics, finance, and more.
Arts and HumanitiesCover the topics of art history, music, history, civics, and more.
Test PreparationKhan Academy helps students prepare for additional exams, including standardized tests such as the SAT, LSAT, MCAT, GMAT, and more.
Grammar and WritingKhan Academy also helps students to strengthen their grammar and writing skills.
Subjects covered by Khan Academy

What is the minimum age for kids to enroll in Khan Academy?

Khan Academy is designed to be a platform for learners of all ages, from children to adults. There is no minimum age requirement to enroll in Khan Academy, and learners of all ages are welcome to use the platform.

Students aged 13 or above can create their own Khan Academy accounts. However, if any student is under 13 years, then their parents or guardians can also create accounts for their children on Khan Academy and monitor their progress through the platform’s parent dashboard. This allows the parents to see their child’s activity and track their progress through various courses and exercises.

Parents can create a Khan Academy account for their children under 13 years by the following 2 steps:

  1. Creating a parent account: In this, the parent can create a Khan Academy account for themselves using a Facebook, Google, and any other email account. They can use this account to monitor their child’s progress.
  2. Creating an account for your child: In this, the parent can create a Khan Academy account for their child without providing any email address or name of their child. They just have to select a username and set an easy-to-remember password.

Source: Khan Academy Official Website

What is the cost of Khan Academy?

Unlike other educational brands and platforms, Khan Academy is totally free. Learners can access video tutorials, interactive exercises, quizzes, and assessments across a wide range of subjects, without having to pay any fees.

Source: Khan Academy Official Website

Evaluating Khan Academy: Pros vs Cons

Pros Cons 
Free: Khan Academy is a non-profit organization that provides free educational resources to anyone, anywhere in the world. This means that students can access high-quality education regardless of their financial situation. Limited Interaction with Instructors: Since Khan Academy is an online learning platform, students may have limited interaction with instructors. This can make it difficult for students who need more one-on-one support or who have questions that cannot be answered by the learning materials alone. 
Wide Range of Subjects: Khan Academy offers courses in a wide range of subjects, from math and science to humanities and economics. This allows students to explore different subjects and pursue their interests. Self-Motivation: Since Khan Academy is self-paced, students need to be self-motivated and self-disciplined to stay on track with their studies. Students who struggle with motivation or who need more structure may find it challenging to complete courses on their own. 
Self-Paced Learning: Khan Academy allows students to learn at their own pace, with no deadlines or schedules to follow. This can be particularly helpful for students who need more time to understand certain concepts or who want to move ahead quickly.  Limited Feedback on Written Work: Khan Academy is primarily focused on math and science subjects, which are often more formulaic and require less writing. Students who need feedback on their writing or who want to improve their writing skills may need to seek additional resources outside of Khan Academy.
Interactive: Khan Academy’s courses are interactive, with videos, quizzes, and other learning materials that engage students and help them retain information. Health Issues: Khan Academy provides online courses which means students need to invest a lot of time in front of the screen. This may cause various health issues, especially eye problems.
Accessible: Khan Academy’s platform is accessible from any device with an internet connection, making it easy for students to learn from anywhere in the world. 
Pros and Cons of Khan Academy

Kumon vs Khan Academy: which is right for your child?

Kumon and Khan Academy are both popular educational platforms that can help children improve their academic skills. However, they have different approaches to learning and may be better suited for different types of learners.

Kumon is a traditional tutoring program that offers a structured curriculum and focuses on repetitive practice to help students master academic skills. Students work independently on worksheets that gradually increase in difficulty. Kumon offers tutoring in math and reading for children of all ages.

Khan Academy is a free online learning platform that offers a wide range of courses in math, science, history, and more. Students can watch videos, practice problems, and take quizzes to learn new concepts and skills. Khan Academy also offers personalized learning plans and badges to track progress.

Here are some additional pointers that may help you decide between Kumon and Khan Academy:

  • Learning Style: Kumon’s structured approach suits self-motivated, independent learners, while Khan Academy’s personalized style caters to those who thrive in a flexible, interactive environment.
  • Subject Needs: If the child requires targeted support in math or reading, Kumon’s focused curriculum may be ideal. For broader academic enrichment, Khan Academy’s extensive subject offerings provide the necessary breadth.
  • Parental Involvement: Kumon requires more parental involvement in monitoring progress and ensuring consistent practice, while Khan Academy offers greater autonomy for students.

Kumon vs Khan Academy cost 

Here is an overview of the Kumon vs Khan Academy cost comparison.

KumonKhan Academy
Kumon tutoring prices range from$150 to $200 per subject.Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization which provides free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. 
Kumon vs Khan Academy pricing

Why should you consider Wiingy for 1-on-1 online tutoring?

Till now, we have discussed Kumon and Khan Academy and both are great options for your child. However, there is another excellent pocket-friendly online tutoring option that you should consider before choosing what’s best for your child and that option is Wiingy.


The Wiingy platform offers 1-on-1 online tutoring to school, college, and adult students through its network of 1,000+ expert-vetted tutors for coding, math, science, computer science, AP, and 100+ subjects.  

Over 20,000 students have used Wiingy for private tutoring, homework help, assignment help, language learning, homeschool tutoring, and test prep. Students and parents have consistently rated the Wiingy experience as 4.8 out of 5. 

Unlike tutor marketplaces, each Wiingy tutor is vetted individually and undergoes an extensive assessment that includes interviews, mock lessons, and coding tests. 

Less than 3% of applicants are selected to become tutors on Wiingy’s platform. This means that you work only with top verified, qualified, and experienced tutors

An experienced tutor will be able to create a structured lesson plan customized to your pace and learning style. You will also get access to study materials, notes, practice materials, and exam strategies to help accelerate your learning. 

We know that sometimes you don’t want to pay for private tutoring because it is too expensive. Tutoring costs anywhere from $100 to $150 per hour which isn’t reasonable at all.

However, Wiingy’s rates are affordable, starting from just $28 per hour, much lower than the average tutoring offered by other platforms.

We don’t require you to sign up for packages or subscriptions, so you can pay for lessons as you need them. We also offer a free trial lesson so you can try out our service before you commit

While we try to match you with the perfect tutor per your needs, we understand that sometimes, even the best tutors might not be the right fit for you. 

This is why we offer you the Perfect Match Guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your tutor for any reason, you can request a replacement tutor at no additional cost.

Lastly, if you do not wish to continue our services, we offer you a no-questions-asked full refund for your unused lessons with us. 

In addition, we have 24/7 instant support from a personal student success advisor. You can contact your advisor via chat or phone if you have any questions, whether it’s about your lessons, your tutor, payments, or if you are looking to explore any other subject.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs )

Is Kumon worth it for 4 years old?

Yes, Kumon is worth it for 4 years old. Starting a journey in Kumon at such a young age will have lots of academic advantages for your kid.

Is Khan Academy expensive?

Khan Academy is not at all expensive. Instead of being expensive, it is totally free. You can download the ‘Khan Academy’ app from the play store or from the app store or you can also visit the website.

Why Khan Academy is so popular?

There are various reasons why Khan Academy is so popular. One of the major reasons is that it provides popular in-demand courses like computer programming all free of cost.

What is the age limit for Khan Academy?

Students above the age of 13 can easily create their own accounts on Khan Academy and could start learning. Students below the age of 13 require the guidance and help of their parents to create an account.

Does Kumon help kids with math?

Yes, Kumon’s Math Program helps kids to develop a strong foundation in math topics, like fractions, decimals, and arithmetic, along with developing their problem-solving and calculation skills.

Additional comparisons

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