Dedicated SAT Math coach with 3 years of experience in tutoring students to excel in SAT exams. Willing to take personalized lessons. A bachelor's tutor in encouraging learners.
I am a dedicated SAT tutor with extensive tutoring expertise in the field. I am deeply committed to assisting students in excelling in all subjects of the test and achieving their objectives. With a passion for math, English, and science, as well as a strong background in education, I provide personalized tutoring that is targeted to each student's specific academic needs and learning style. Possess a solid understanding of a variety of ideas, including mathematics, English, biology, physics, and chemistry, to name just a few. I believe in traditional and structured tutoring methods, but I am not afraid to change things up to meet the student's learning needs.
Bachelor’s Degree (4 years)
Can also teach
- SAT Verbal
- SAT Math
- SAT Prep
Teaching methodology
To prepare students for the SAT exam, I use a comprehensive teaching style that can cover math, chemistry, biology, English, and physics flawlessly. In arithmetic, I reinforce essential concepts and problem-solving strategies through targeted practice problems. This helps students build critical thinking skills while also teaching them about real-world applications of the subject. In chemistry and biology, I stress comprehending essential ideas and concepts, which are supported by hands-on experiments and visual aids to improve comprehension. For English, I emphasize critical reading, writing, and grammar abilities that are necessary for SAT achievement. I teach pupils close reading skills, essay writing techniques, grammatical standards, and finally for physics,