Supportive Guitar and Singing tutor with adaptable, motivational lessons


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Private tutor - Pramuk Wak

Bachelors degree



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Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars.
Student Favorite
Highly rated by students for excellence
77 ratings

About the tutor

Hello~ My name is Pramuk Wak, a dedicated music tutor with a Bachelor's degree in Chemical and Physical Sciences. My teaching philosophy is rooted in making learning not just effective but also engaging and fun. I strongly believe in customizing each lesson to fit the unique learning style, pace, and goals of every student, ensuring an enjoyable experience for all. My focus is on teaching guitar and singing, aiming to inspire students of all levels to develop a lifelong love for music. Let’s embark on this musical journey together! Join me on a musical journey to unlock your true potential! Thank you!


Ear training icon

Ear training

Songwriting icon


Music composition icon

Music composition

Great for advanced icon

Great for advanced

Tutoring icon


Great for intermediate icon

Great for intermediate

Solfege icon


Rhythm timing icon

Rhythm timing

Production icon


Great for beginners icon

Great for beginners

Audition icon


Teaching methodology

As a music tutor, I focus on creating a customized learning experience that’s engaging, inspiring, and effective to allow a student to develop their own unique, distinguished, and iconic vocal timbre. My most important approach deals with understanding the practical techniques which allow you to harness your emotion and musical yearning to achieve. My approach adapts to each student’s unique style, helping beginners build a solid foundation and guiding advanced students in refining technique and performance. Hands-on practice, constructive feedback, and interactive elements form the core of each lesson, making music accessible and fun. I aim to empower students to unlock their full potential and develop a lifelong appreciation for the art of music.

Student types

School icon


College icon


All Levels icon

All Levels

Adult / Professional icon

Adult / Professional

ADHD icon


ASD icon


Learning Disabilities icon

Learning Disabilities

Anxiety or Stress Disorders icon

Anxiety or Stress Disorders

Home schooled icon

Home schooled

Interactive lessons

Record lessons icon

Record lessons

Note taking icon

Note taking

Pets are welcomed icon

Pets are welcomed

Parent feedback icon

Parent feedback

Mobile joining icon

Mobile joining

Smart teaching tools

Simulators image


Recording software image

Recording software

Tuner apps image

Tuner apps

Backing tracks image

Backing tracks

Free lesson slots

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