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How to Learn Python?

Written by Shifa Ali

Updated on: 18 Jun 2024

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Python is the foundational language for Machine Learning, Data Analytics, and Data Science. Anyone looking to enter these domains must be fluent in their principal language. The first doubt that would set in as a beginner is how to learn Python, and where to look for resources and tutoring.

Python is a beginner-friendly, simple-to-grasp language. In this blog, we have handpicked a comprehensive list of all the resources available all across the internet for you to kickstart your Python Journey!

About Python

Python the next-generation ABC Programming Language, was developed in the late 1980s by Guido van Rossum. A general-purpose programming Language, Python is not limited to solving problems of a particular domain. Python is free and open-source software. It is available for cost-free download from the official Python Programming Page.

Python has diligently maintained its feature of a comprehensive suite of in-built libraries, which cancels the need to download separate packages. Owing to this, it is commonly referred to as “battery included”.

Since the evolution of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Python a versatile and functional programming language has been adapted enormously by machine learning engineers worldwide making it one of the most popular programming languages. It has been recognized as the Programming Language of the Year by the TIOBE Programming Community Index due to its highest rise in ranking in 2007, 2010, 2018, and 2020,  making it the only language to hold the title for 4 years.

Features of Python

Various Python features that make it one of the most popular/easiest programming languages are listed below:

Simple Structure: Python syntax is direct, concise, and user-friendly. Unlike Java and C++, you do not need prior coding experience to pick up the syntax.

Object-Oriented Programming Language: Python is an Object Oriented Programming Language that uses concepts like Objects, classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction, Encapsulation, and many more

Portability: Python is a platform-independent language. Python code can be executed on any platform (such as Windows, Mac, Linux) without any modifications. 

Dynamic Typing: In Python Language, datatype declaration of a variable is not required, assigning a value is sufficient. The Python compiler is unaware of the data type of the variable till the run-time.

Integration Language: Often termed a “glue language”, Python can extend to other languages like Java/C++. The performance-centric code can be written in Java/C++. This way the existing libraries of Java/C++ can be accessed within the Python code.

Graphical User Interface: Python has a comprehensive set of libraries to create GUIs. The top libraries are Tkinter, wxPython, and JPython. The standard library for generating GUIs is Tkinter. 

Robust Standard Library: Unlike other programming languages, Python has extensive libraries like TensorFlow, Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, and PyTorch which cut down on the programming segment.

Read-Evaluate-Print Loop (REPL) Environment: Python compiles the code line by line making debugging easy. Piecewise execution is beneficial for learners.

Why Learn Python?

Python has gained immense popularity among developers due to its simple structure and Dynamic typing. Complex Software Development, Data Analysis, Data Visualization, Machine Learning, Web Development, and Financial Analysis demand Python developers.

Here we have curated a list of all the high-paying jobs that require fluency in Python:

  1. Data Engineer
  2. Finance
  3. Web Development
  4. Data Scientist / Data Analyst
  5. Machine Learning Engineer
  6. Game Development
  7. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  8. Python Developer

For more information, head over to our blog for a comprehensive idea of the Applications of Python!

Best Ways to Learn Python

The first step to learning Python is to choose the right source. Research about what method of teaching aligns with your method of learning. For in-depth knowledge, learners should opt for tutoring as their choice as that would help them grasp the fundamentals needed to master the language.

With plenty of resources available, settling on one source can be baffling. Here we have a comprehensive list of all the learning sources:

  1. Python Tutoring Services
  2. Python Courses
  3. Python Web Tutorials
  4. Python Bootcamps
  5. Python Certifications
  6. Python Projects
  7. Python Books
  8. YouTube Channels
  9. LinkedIn Learning

#1. Tutoring Services for Python

If you’re looking to learn Python, online tutoring is the best option. A qualified teacher’s tutoring would help you pick up fundamentals quickly. Here we’ll take a look at the top 3 tutoring services available for learning Python :


#1 python tutoring service - wiingy

Wiingy offers personalized 1-on-1 tutoring sessions where you can book a free lesson, chat with academic advisors, pitch in your learning requirements, then you can be mapped to an expert Python tutor. The Wiingy Python tutors help you go from elementary principles of “Python Syntax” to advanced concepts such as “Python Decorators”.

Key Specs:

  • Free Trial: Yes
  • Pricing: Starts at just $28/hr 
  • Level: All (Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced)


#2 python tutoring service- preply

Preply provides 1-on-1 tutoring sessions where you can use various filters to narrow your options to find the most suitable tutor. Preply presents the learner with numerous search filters such as language, availability, country of birth, and price per lesson.

The specialties taught include Python for beginners, Advanced Python, Flask, DRF, Django, Gevent, and AsyncIO. The price for tutors drops depending on nationality.

Key Specs:

  • Free Trial: No
  • Pricing:  $7/hr to $40/hr (Avg: $20/hr)
  •  Level: All (Beginners, Intermediate Learners, Advanced)


#3 python tutoring service- wyzant

Wyzant is a 1:1 tutoring platform that provides its tutoring service both online and offline. You can compare tutors, by their qualifications, ratings, and fee charged and chat with them for free before you decide to enroll. You will be charged the tuition fee only once you’ve attended the lesson. If you are not satisfied with your first lesson, no fee is charged for it.

Key Specs:

  • Free Trial: No
  • Pricing: $35/hr to $70/hr 
  • Level: Beginners, Intermediate Learners, Advanced

For a comprehensive list of the Best online Python tutoring services, head over to our blog!

#2 Courses to Learn Python

Online Python Courses provide a structured curriculum, transitioning from basic to advanced levels. They provide regular feedback and evaluation which helps learners track their progress. If you are looking for an interactive and flexible learning method Python Courses are the way to go. The top Python courses to enhance your learning are listed below:

[Coursera] Python for Everybody Specialization

#1 python course- coursera

The 5 series course presents the groundwork of Python Programming Language and explains the basic principles of Data Structures, and Dictionaries.

You will learn to retrieve data from websites, work with XML, and learn operations to manage databases.

It outlines the fundamentals of email data visualizations and building a search engine.

Key Specs: 

  • Duration: 1 month – 20 hours a week (You can learn at your own pace)
  • Level: Beginner (No prior experience required)
  • Certificate: Available

[Udemy] The Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python

#2 python course- udemy

The course prepares the learner to use Python professionally, both Python 2 and Python 3. 

The course offers in-depth knowledge of Jupyter Notebook and a thorough understanding of creating GUIs and building games using Python libraries. It also offers a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

Key Specs: 

  • Duration: 22 hours 13 minutes 
  • Level: Beginner (No prior experience required)
  • Certificate: Available

[Codecademy] Learn Python 3

#3 python course- codecademy

The course introduces you to the basics of Python 3. It provides an overview of Python dictionaries, lists, loops, Strings, and functions. 

The course orients you to working on modules, and code reusability and sets the stage for integrating the skills into projects similar to Magic 8-Ball, Block Letters. It provides access to optional coding challenges.

Key Specs: 

  • Duration: 25 hours 
  • Level: Beginner (No prior experience required)
  • Certificate: Available

For a comprehensive list of the Top online Python courses, refer to our blog!

#3 Web Tutorials to Learn Python

Web Tutorials make learning Python easy for reading Learners. They provide an in-depth description of fundamental to advanced concepts needed to kickstart your journey.

One of the benefits of studying from web tutorials is their availability. They are readily available at all times for the learners to refer to. Here we have the top Python web tutorials to enhance your learning:

[Wiingy] Learn Python Programming

Wiingy provides 9 comprehensive modules on Python basics, Python I/O, Python Operators, Data Types, and many more. The modules are 22 hours 13 minutes long covering around 4-11 topics in one module.

The exceptional Handling modules are an hour long with snippets of code blocks for better understanding. Along with theoretical knowledge, the tutorial provides practical insights into the programming language.

[w3schools] Python Tutorial

The tutorial explains Java Methods, Classes, File Handling, Type Casting, Operators, and many more. It offers a “Test Yourself with Exercises” section and provides the learner with their own Java Server to test out the concepts learned. The Python tutorial offers learning by Example, Exercises, and Python Quiz.

You can also track your progress with the free “My Learning” program.

[Python Docs]The Python Tutorial — Python 3.12.3 documentation

The tutorial introduces you to the most note-worthy features of Python. It does not give a detailed description of the basic concepts but covers the fundamentals of a Python interpreter, its environment, and Data Structures.

#4 Bootcamps for Python

An accelerated, targeted training would greatly benefit people looking to learn Python. Bootcamps help learn Python in a sped-up way especially if you are looking to transition from your career background. It is a budget-friendly alternative and the curriculum satisfies the continuous technological advancements in the field. 

[Springboard] Data Science Bootcamp

#1 Python Bootcamp - Springboard Data Science

The bootcamp is a 1-on-1 mentorship program that acquaints you with Python, SQL, R, and pandas to elevate your Data Science and Machine Learning skills. 

The bootcamp assures employment guarantee and post-completion it connects you on 1:1 calls with a career coach.

The eligibility criteria for landing a job is a bachelor’s degree along with the BootCamp and successful completion of all mandatory coursework.

Key Specs: 

  • Duration: 6 months (Learn at your own pace)
  • Price: $10,900

[Udemy] 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp

#2 Python Bootcamp - Udemy 100 Days of Coe

The course teaches the latest technologies and tools used at companies such as Apple, Google, and Netflix through animated videos and stacks of real-world projects. The Bootcamp will elevate you from beginner to professional.

Key Specs: 

  • Duration: 58 hours 19 minutes
  • Price: $37.31

[Coding Nomads] Learn Python: The language of the future

#1 Python Bootcamp - Coding Nomads Learn Python

The boot camp would elevate you from being a beginner to an advanced one. The main course incorporates the Django Web Framework, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, and Flask Web Framework. 

Fortune, Forbes, and The Balance have ranked Coding Nomads as the best Python course.

Key Specs: 

  • Duration: 7-10 months
  • Price: $1,049 Monthly, $3,796 (4-Month), $11,088 (12-Month Bootcamp)

For a comprehensive list of the Best Python Bootcamps, head over to our blog!

#5 Certifications for Python

Certifications are bona fide proof of your knowledge of the subject. It is essential even for an experienced developer to have certifications to secure a job. Certifications provide an advantage over other candidates who lack validation for their skills. Apart from an official proof, these certifications give access to workshops, and webinars enriching the learning experience.

Some of the most popular certifications in Python are listed below:

CertificationExam CodeFormat
PCEP™PCEP-30-02Code insertion, Drag and drop, fill the gap, sort, single and multiple choice 
PCAP™PCAP-31-03Single and multiple-choice questions
PCPP1™PCPP-32-101Single and multiple-choice questions
Top Python Certifications

PCEP™ – Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer

The credential assesses the students for Python’s logic and structure, control flow mechanisms, data collections, and built-in user-defined functions.

The certification is highly beneficial for entry-level software developers, data analysts, and testers.

Key Specs: 

  • Number of Questions: 30
  • Passing Criteria: 70%
  • Validity: Lifetime
  • Exam Duration: 40 minutes

PCAP™ – Certified Associate Python Programmer

The credential assesses the students for more advanced aspects of programming consisting of lambdas, generators, and file processing.

The certification is beneficial for junior-level software developers, data analysts, and testers.

Key Specs: 

  • Number of Questions: 40
  • Passing Criteria: 70%
  • Validity: Lifetime
  • Exam Duration: 65 minutes

PCPP1™ – Certified Professional Python Programmer Level 1

The credential assesses the students for proficiency in the advanced use of OOP features, concepts of GUI, and network programming.

The certification is highly beneficial for middle-level software developers, data analysts, and testers.

Key Points: 

  • Number of Questions: 45
  • Passing Criteria: 70%
  • Validity: Lifetime
  • Exam Duration: 65 minutes

For a comprehensive list of the Best Python Certifications, head over to our blog!

#6 Python Projects

Once you are thorough with the fundamentals starting a project will help you gain a deeper insight into the language. While making a project you’d encounter multiple queries. In resolving these, you’ll learn new debugging methods and get clarity on the concepts.

To be proficient you need hands-on experience in Python and the most efficient way to do so is to create projects and apply all the Python skills you have learned. Below are the best suitable projects for beginners, intermediate, and advanced levels:

Build a Hangman Game With Python and PySimpleGUI

#1 Python Project : Hangman game Python Project

The easiest project to deploy your Python skills is to build a Hangman Game using PySimpleGUI a GUI Toolkit.

It involves importing the random library, defining the logic of the game, and initializing the game state. 

ChatterBot: Build a Chatbot With Python

#2 Python Project -cChatterBot Build a Chatbot With Python

The libraries used to build a Chatbot comprise of spaCy, Transformers, TensorFlow, and Flask. Your skills will be deployed in training the chatbot and creating a flask server.

Create a Python Wordle Clone With Rich

#3 Wordle Python Project

In this project, the learner will deploy the skills honed from Data Structures and File Handling. Libraries like rich, and random help add a colorful terminal interface.

The user’s learning points would be defining the logic of the game, creating the game loop, and error handling.

For a comprehensive list of the Best Python Projects, head over to our blog!

#7 Books for Python

Python books provide comprehensive knowledge about the programming language. The topics are structured in a way, that helps a smooth transition from basics to advanced topics. Books can be used for reference whenever needed, and allow self-paced learning.

Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming

#1 Python Book - Python Crash Course

Author: Eric Matthes

It covers Python fundamentals like variables, lists, classes, and loops gradually moving on to the advanced concepts. The book’s last section has 3 projects using tools like Pygame, matplotlib, and Plotly for data visualization and later Django to create a web app. 

The book is an ideal initiation for beginners comprising of challenges on what you’ve learned up to that point. 

Clean Code In Python 

#2 Python Book - Clean Code in Python

Author:  Mariano Anaya

The book highlights the magnitude of clean code, tackling refactoring techniques and microservices.

At the closing stages, the learner can set up a productive development environment by leveraging automatic tools, creating advanced object-oriented designs using descriptors, and eliminating duplicated code using software engineering principles.

The book is a perfect fit for experienced learners. It is ideal for team leads, software architects, and senior software engineers.

The book requires you to have a strong basic understanding of the programming language.

Fluent Python: Clear, Concise, and Effective Programming

#3 Python Book - Fluent Python

Author: Luciano Ramalho

Fluent Python is a great bridge from intermediate to advanced Python. The book has 5 short books within it addressing areas like:

  • Data structures: Sequences, dictionaries, sets, Unicode, and data classes
  • Functions and Control flow
  • Object-oriented Concepts: Composition, Inheritance, Interfaces, Operator Overloading, Protocols.
  • Metaprogramming: Properties, Descriptors, Decorators.

For a comprehensive list of the Best Python Books, head over to our blog!

#8 YouTube Channels to learn Python

Learning Python is streamlined by YouTubers. YouTube channels help learners save money, time, and energy, which helps them employ their resources more efficiently. YouTube is the best source for learning Python free of cost.

Some of the famous YouTube channels that have helped learners all over the world learn essential Python coding skills are listed below:

Corey Schafer

#1 Python YouTube Channel - Corey Schafer

Corey Schafer has a comprehensive series of videos on Flask, Django, Matplotlib, and Pandas. From setting up a Python environment tutorial to Python OOP Tutorials the channel covers it all. 

The channel meets the needs of beginners to advanced learners.

His teachings dispel confusion and bring clarity. The tutorials are said to be fast, clear, and straight to the point with no new or confusing points that leave one hanging.

He also provides the link to the source code for every video.

About the channel: (Info as of May 24)

  • Joined: Jun 1, 2006
  • Views:  95,301,689iews
  • Subscribers Count: 1.31M  subscribers 
  • No. of Videos: 235 videos
  • Average Duration of Videos: 15 minutes
  • Based In: United States


#2 Python YouTube Channel- Sentdex

Setdex has basic Python Programming tutorials on Tuples, Strings, Built-in Functions, Indexes, Slices, and Error Handling.

Ranging from fundamental programming concepts to advanced Python topics, Sentdex has material on Neural Networks, Django Web Development, Deep Learning, and Data Analysis with Python.

The videos are compiled into multiple playlists like Face Recognition with Python, Pytorch- Deep Learning with Python, Self-driving Cars with Carla, Python, and many more.

About the channel: (Info as of May 24)

  • Joined: Dec 17, 2012
  • Views: 114,652,078 views
  • Subscribers Count: 1.33M subscribers 
  • No. of Videos: 1,254 videos
  • Average Duration of Videos: 15-20 minutes
  • Based In: United States

Programming with Mosh

#3 Python YouTube Channel- Programming with Mosh

Multiple videos ranging from Python for Beginners – Learn Python in 1 Hour to Python Machine Learning Tutorial (Data Science)

Mosh provides free access to Python Cheat Sheets and exercises for beginners.

Mosh demonstrates the possible mistakes you can make and even corrects them. For an absolute beginner, this is a perfect platform to master Python.

About the channel: (Info as of May 24)

  • Joined: Oct 7, 2014
  • Views: 201,471,565 views
  • Subscribers Count: 3.91M subscribers 
  • No. of videos: 222 videos
  • Average Duration of Videos: 10-minute short videos, 1-2 hour courses
  • Based In: United States

#9 LinkedIn Learning for Python

LinkedIn Learning is an impactful way of learning Python and making your resume competent at the same time. 

The courses can be accessed on phones or tablets and the certification can be showcased on your LinkedIn profile under the “License and Certificates” section. This adds credibility to your skills and improves the prospects of your profile being noticed.

Some of the popular LinkedIn courses for Python are:

Python for Non-Programmers: Python from zero

#1 Python LinkedIn Learning Python for Non Programmers

As the name suggests the program is designed for entry-level programmers to cement their core skills. 

The tutorial involves a step-by-step explanation with a quick challenge to test if you’ve grasped the concept. The course includes three complete projects, a digital fortune cookie, a word counter, and a number guessing game. 

Course Outline:

  • Duration: 1h 55m
  • Level: Beginner
  • Rating: 4.8 out of 5

Python Essential Training: Getting Started with Python

#2 Python LinkedIn Learning Python essential Training

The course encompasses Python, pip, Jupyter Notebook installation, and Python basics – Variables, Operators, Functions, Classes, Objects, and more. It touches basic data types like ints and floats, Booleans, and Strings. 

The tutorial takes on basic data structures, control flow, functions, classes, and objects. It addresses how to handle errors and exceptions.

Course Outline:

  • Duration: 4h 22m
  • Level: Beginner
  • Rating: 4.7 out of 5

Learning the Python 3 Standard Library

#3 Python LinkedIn Learning Learning the Python 3 Standard

Command in Python libraries makes coding quicker. In this Python 3 course, Kathryn Hodge perfects the basis in the Python standard library. The tutorial would familiarize you with the Python HTML parser module, JSON Module, and Text Wrap Module.

After the course, you’d be efficient enough to calculate future times, create a timer, and format dates and times using the Python calendar, Python time, and DateTime.

Course Outline:

  • Duration: 2h 9m
  • Level: Beginner + Intermediate
  • Rating: 4.6 out of 5

How to improve Python Skills?

To improve Python skills learners can seek help from an expert Python tutor. Once you are thorough with the concepts move to project building.

To be proficient you need hands-on experience in Python and the most efficient way to do so is to create projects and apply the Python skills learned. It is typical, for you to face problems while working on a project, extensive research will help you build practical skills.

The top tips to help improve your Python skills are:

Explore the rich ecosystem of Python libraries: Use the standard libraries for data analysis, machine learning, and web development.

Understand the logic of the code: DO NOT COPY PASTE CODE. Practice coding regularly on LeetCode, HackerRank, or Codecademy. Take up coding challenges to push your limits.

Engage With Experts: Interacting with an experienced programmer would help you gain confidence. You feel a sense of belonging in your struggling arc. Sharing perspectives, ideologies, and learning techniques would help boost your journey.

Teach Beginners: One effective way to enhance your Python knowledge and gain deeper insights into older concepts is to teach novices. Along with brushing up on your Python concepts, you will be in touch with the new technologies the market offers in the domain.

Dry run a code: To understand the logic of a code it is essential to walk through the code before you compile it. This would help detect logical errors and contribute to your critical thinking ability and coding skills.

Debug a code: Isolating complex sections of code and walking through them gives you a clearer idea of its logic.

To learn more about How to Improve your Python skills, be sure to check out our blog! 

Useful Python Resources

Top online Python courses

Best Python Bootcamps

Best Python Projects

Best Python Certifications

Best Ways to Learn Python Programming in 2024

How to build a Python Portfolio?

11 Reasons Why Python is the Best Option for Developers

Top 7 Python Competitions and Contests

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to learn Python?

For people without a programming background (beginners), it would take 9-12 months to get hold of the language.
If you know how to code, you can learn advanced Python in around 6-8 weeks.

How to learn Python for free? 

1. Take up a Free Python course
2. Take tips for learning Python from experienced programmers
3. Take the help of Free Python web tutorials listed above
4. Join the Python community to expand your resources

Can I learn Python at an advanced age?

Yes, you can learn Python at an advanced stage. According to a survey by FreeCodeCamp, more than half of their students are over the age of 30, and 11% are over the age of 50. You always have to learn something new regardless of your age. Start by identifying why you want to learn Python, identify the learning resources that align with your learning methods, and then get started. Interact with Python enthusiasts and take inspiration.

Can I self-learn Python?

Yes, you can self-learn Python. It is one of the easiest programming languages. Start your learning journey by getting into the depth of the basic concepts through Python courses, tutoring, or YouTube Channels mentioned above in the article. Tune in to Python-related podcasts. Be a part of Python communities to grasp basic Python skills. Start by building basic Python applications to deploy the skills acquired.

Written by by

Shifa Ali

Reviewed by by

Prerit Jain

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