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24 Best Python Projects (with Source Code) for Beginners and Advanced Developers in 2024

Written by Shifa Ali

Updated on: 07 Aug 2024

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In this blog, we’ve curated a list of 24 Best Python Projects that are ideal for both beginners and advanced developers in 2024.

These projects cover a diverse range of topics and skills, from simple console applications to complex web applications, data analysis, and machine learning models. Each project comes with source code, making it easy to learn and practice Python programming.

So, whether you’re looking to advance your skills, build a portfolio, or simply have fun coding, we’ve got you covered with these exciting Python projects.

24 Best Python Projects in 2024

  • Mad Libs Generator
  • Guess the Number Game
  • Dice Rolling Simulator
  • Rock-Paper-Scissors Game
  • Hangman Game
  • Currency Converter
  • Password Generator
  • Weather App
  • Web Scraper
  • Image Resizer
  • Text-Based Adventure Game
  • Contact Book
  • Neural Machine Translation
  • Object Detection
  • Stock Price Prediction
  • Facial Recognition
  • Natural Language Generation
  • Chatbot
  • Recommendation System
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Web Scraping
  • Music Genre Classification
  • Fraud Detection
  • Image Segmentation

Beginner Python Projects

Python is one of the most widely used programming languages today, thus beginner Python projects are a wonderful way to get started in programming and get expertise with it. Python is renowned for being straightforward, easy to comprehend, and versatile, making it a great option for novices. Building a basic calculator, developing a to-do list application, or putting together a simple game like Hangman may all be excellent places to start. As you write and test your code for these tasks, you’ll get a sense of success that is quite satisfying and reasonably straightforward to achieve. You’ll develop a strong foundation in Python programming as you go through beginner-level projects, laying the groundwork for later, more complicated, and difficult tasks.

#1 Mad Libs Generator

Beginner Python Projects #1 Mad Libs Generator
ProjectMad Libs Generator
Description:This project involves building a program that generates a silly story by prompting users to provide various types of words. The final output is a story with the user’s words filled in.
Libraries Used:None
Process:Use input() function to get user input and format the story using string interpolation.
Time Required:2-3 hrs
Purpose:Gain experience with basic Python syntax, string manipulation, and input/output.
Additional Features:Allow users to save and share their completed Mad Libs with friends via social media or email.
Mad Libs Generator

#2 Guess the Number Game

Beginner Python Projects #2 Guess the Number Game
ProjectGuess the Number Game
Description:This project involves building a program that generates a random number and asks users to guess it. The program provides feedback to users based on whether their guess is too high or too low.
Libraries Used:None
Process:Use random module to generate a random number and while loop to ask users for guesses until they get the correct answer.
Time Required:2-3 hrs
Purpose:Learn to work with Python’s random module and gain experience with conditional statements and loops.
Additional Features:Add different levels of difficulty (easy, medium, hard) to the game, with different ranges of numbers to guess from.
Guess the Number Game

#3 Dice Rolling Simulator

Beginner Python Projects #3 Dice Rolling Simulator
ProjectDice Rolling Simulator
Description: This project involves building a program that simulates rolling a dice. The program asks users how many dice they want to roll and generates random numbers accordingly.
Libraries Used:Random
Process:Use random module to generate random numbers and while loop to ask users for the number of dice they want to roll.
Time Required:2-3 hrs
Purpose:Gain experience working with Python’s random module and learn about the basics of simulation.
Additional Features:Allow users to roll multiple dice at once and display the total result.
Dice Rolling Simulator

#4 Rock-Paper-Scissors Game

Beginner Python Projects #4 Rock-Paper-Scissors Game
ProjectRock-Paper-Scissors Game
Description:This project involves building a program that allows users to play Rock-Paper-Scissors against the computer. The program provides feedback to users based on whether they won, lost, or tied.
Libraries Used:Random
Process:Use random module to generate the computer’s choice and conditional statements to compare the user’s and computer’s choices.
Time Required:2-3 hrs
Purpose: Learn to work with Python’s random module, gain experience with conditional statements and loops, and practice programming logic.
Additional Features:Add a scoring system to keep track of wins and losses over multiple rounds.
Rock-Paper-Scissors Game

#5 Hangman Game

Beginner Python Projects #5 Hangman Game
ProjectHangman Game
Description:This project involves building a program that allows users to play Hangman. The program generates a random word and prompts users to guess letters. The program provides feedback to users based on whether their guess is correct or incorrect.
Libraries Used:Random
Process:Use random module to generate a random word and while loop to ask users for guesses until they guess the correct word or run out of guesses.
Time Required:2-3 hrs
Purpose: Learn to work with Python’s random module, gain experience with string manipulation, and practice programming logic.
Additional Features:Allow users to choose from different categories of words to guess (e.g. animals, movies, countries).
Hangman Game

#6 Currency Converter

Beginner Python Projects #6 Currency Converter
ProjectCurrency Converter
Description:This project involves building a program that converts one currency to another. The program prompts users to enter the amount and the currencies they want to convert.
Libraries Used:forex-python
Process:Use forex-python library to get exchange rates and multiplication to convert currencies.
Time Required:2-3 hrs
Purpose:Learn to work with third-party libraries in Python and gain experience with arithmetic operations.
Additional Features:Use an API to fetch real-time exchange rates and allow users to convert between any two currencies.
Currency Converter

#7 Password Generator

Beginner Python Projects #7 Password Generator
ProjectPassword Generator
Description:This project involves building a program that generates a strong password for users. The program asks users for the length and complexity of the password they want to generate.
Libraries Used: random
Process:Use random module to generate a random password and conditional statements to check the complexity of the password.
Time Required:2-3 hrs
Purpose:Gain experience with string manipulation and practice programming logic.
Additional Features:Allow users to specify the length and complexity of the generated password.
Password Generator

#8 Weather App

Beginner Python Projects #8 Weather App
ProjectWeather App
Description:This project involves building a program that fetches the weather information for a given location. The program prompts users to enter the location and displays the weather information.
Libraries Used: requests
Process:Use requests library to fetch weather data from an API and display it to the user.
Time Required:3-4 hrs
Purpose:Learn to work with third-party APIs in Python and gain experience with handling data in JSON format.
Additional Features:Use an API to fetch real-time weather data and display a 5-day forecast.
Weather App

#9 Web Scraper

Beginner Python Projects #9 Web Scraper
ProjectWeb Scraper
Description:This project involves building a program that extracts data from a website. The program prompts users to enter the URL of a website and the data they want to extract. The program then displays the extracted data.
Libraries Used:requests, BeautifulSoup
Process:Use requests library to get the HTML code of a website and BeautifulSoup to extract the required data.
Time Required:3-4 hrs
Purpose:Gain experience with web scraping in Python and learn to work with HTML and CSS.
Additional Features:Allow users to specify a website and retrieve specific information from it (e.g. headlines from a news website, product prices from an e-commerce site).
Web Scraper

#10 Image Resizer

Beginner Python Projects #10 Image Resizer
ProjectImage Resizer
Description: This project involves building a program that resizes images. The program prompts users to enter the path to an image and the new dimensions. The program then resizes the image and saves it to the specified path.
Libraries Used: PIL
Process:Use PIL library to open, resize, and save images.
Time Required:3-4 hrs
Purpose:Learn to work with image processing in Python and gain experience with handling image files.
Additional Features:Allow users to specify the desired dimensions and file format of the resized image.
Image Resizer

#11 Text-Based Adventure Game

Beginner Python Projects #11 Text-Based Adventure Game
ProjectText-Based Adventure Game
Description:This project involves building a program that allows users to play a text-based adventure game. The program presents users with a series of choices and prompts based on their decisions.
Libraries Used:None
Process:Use conditional statements and loops to build the game logic and prompt users for input.
Time Required:3-4hrs
Purpose:Practice programming logic and gain experience with building text-based interfaces.
Additional Features:Add multiple branching paths and multiple possible endings to the game.
Text-Based Adventure Game

#12 Contact Book

Beginner Python Projects #12 Contact Book
ProjectContact Book
Description:This project involves building a program that allows users to store and retrieve contact information. The program prompts users to enter contact information and saves it to a file. The program also allows users to search for and display contact information.
Libraries Used:None
Process:Use input() function to get user input and format the story using string interpolation.
Time Required:2-3 hrs
Purpose: Learn to work with file I/O in Python and gain experience with building data-driven applications.
Additional Features:Allow users to import and export contacts from a CSV or vCard file, and allow them to sort and filter contacts by various criteria.
Contact Book

Advanced Python Projects:

Python projects at the advanced level call for a thorough grasp of programming principles, methods, and data structures, as well as the capacity to problem-solve creatively. You can push the bounds of what is possible with Python programming by working on these projects, which may be difficult but immensely rewarding. Advanced level tasks might include developing a machine learning model, making a web application using a Python framework like Django or Flask, or making a game with a Python game engine like Pygame. These tasks need a sizable investment of time and work, as well as a solid command of Python programming and related fields of technology. Python projects at the advanced level may be a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge, originality, and problem-solving abilities.

#13 Neural Machine Translation

Advanced Python Projects: #13 Neural Machine Translation
ProjectNeural Machine Translation
Description:This project involves building a program that translates text from one language to another using neural machine translation. The program uses a neural network to translate text and can be trained on a dataset of parallel sentences in different languages.
Libraries Used:TensorFlow, Keras, NLTK
Process:Use TensorFlow and Keras libraries to build a neural network and train it on a dataset of parallel sentences. Use NLTK library for data preprocessing and text tokenization.
Time Required:2-3 days
Purpose:Learn about natural language processing, neural networks, and deep learning in Python.
Additional Features:Allow users to specify the source and target languages and provide multiple translation options, as well as allow users to save and share translations.
Neural Machine Translation

#14 Object Detection

Advanced Python Projects: #14 Object Detection
ProjectObject Detection
Description:This project involves building a program that detects and identifies objects in images or videos. The program uses a pre-trained neural network to detect and classify objects in real-time.
Libraries Used:TensorFlow, OpenCV
Process:Use TensorFlow library to load a pre-trained neural network for object detection and OpenCV library to process images and videos.
Time Required:2-3 days
Purpose:Gain experience with computer vision, object detection, and neural networks in Python.
Additional Features:Use the model to detect and track objects in real-time video streams, and allow users to specify the minimum confidence threshold for detection.
Object Detection

#15 Stock Price Prediction

Advanced Python Projects: #15 Stock Price Prediction
ProjectStock Price Prediction
Description:This project involves building a program that predicts stock prices based on historical data. The program uses machine learning algorithms to analyze past stock prices and make predictions about future stock prices.
Libraries Used:TensorFlow, Pandas, NumPy
Process: Use TensorFlow library to build a machine learning model for stock price prediction and use Pandas and NumPy libraries for data preprocessing and analysis.
Time Required:2-3 days
Purpose: Learn about machine learning, data analysis, and financial markets in Python.
Additional Features:Use machine learning algorithms to predict future stock prices and provide users with buy/sell recommendations based on the predictions.
Stock Price Prediction

#16 Facial Recognition

Advanced Python Projects: #16 Facial Recognition
ProjectFacial Recognition
Description:This project involves building a program that recognizes faces in images or videos. The program uses machine learning algorithms to detect and recognize faces in real-time.
Libraries Used:TensorFlow, OpenCV
Process:Use TensorFlow library to build a machine learning model for facial recognition and OpenCV library to process images and videos.
Time Required:2-3 days
Purpose:Gain experience with computer vision, facial recognition, and machine learning in Python.
Additional Features:Allow users to train the model with their own faces and recognize them in real-time video streams or images.
Facial Recognition

#17 Natural Language Generation

Advanced Python Projects: #17 Natural Language Generation
ProjectNatural Language Generation
Description:This project involves building a program that generates natural language text based on a given prompt. The program uses natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to generate coherent and grammatically correct text.
Libraries Used:TensorFlow, NLTK
Process:Use TensorFlow library to build a machine learning model for natural language generation and NLTK library for data preprocessing and text tokenization.
Time Required:2-3 days
Purpose:Learn about natural language processing, machine learning, and text generation in Python.
Additional Features:Use machine learning algorithms to generate coherent and grammatically correct sentences or paragraphs of text based on user input.
Natural Language Generation

#18 Chatbot

Advanced Python Projects: #18 Chatbot
Description:This project involves building a program that simulates human conversation. The program uses natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to understand user input and generate appropriate responses.
Libraries Used: TensorFlow, NLTK
Process:Use TensorFlow library to build a machine learning model for chatbot and NLTK library for data preprocessing and text tokenization.
Time Required:2-3 days
Purpose:Gain experience with natural language processing, machine learning, and conversational interfaces in Python.
Additional Features:Allow users to have natural language conversations with the bot, and provide intelligent responses based on the user’s intent and context.

#19 Recommendation System

Advanced Python Projects: #19 Recommendation System
ProjectRecommendation System
Description:This project involves building a program that recommends items to users based on their preferences. The program uses machine learning algorithms to analyze user data and generate personalized recommendations.
Libraries Used: TensorFlow, Pandas, NumPy
Process:Use TensorFlow library to build a machine learning model for recommendation system and Pandas and NumPy libraries for data preprocessing and analysis.
Time Required:2-3 days
Purpose:Learn about machine learning, data analysis, and personalized recommendations in Python.
Additional Features:Use machine learning algorithms to suggest products or services based on the user’s browsing or purchase history, and allow users to rate and provide feedback on recommended items.
Recommendation System

#20 Sentiment Analysis

Advanced Python Projects: #20 Sentiment Analysis
ProjectSentiment Analysis
Description: This project involves building a program that analyzes the sentiment of text. The program uses natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to determine whether a piece of text is positive, negative, or neutral.
Libraries Used: TensorFlow, NLTK
Process: Use TensorFlow library to build a machine learning model for sentiment analysis and NLTK library for data preprocessing and text tokenization.
Time Required:2-3 days
Purpose:Gain experience
Additional Features:Allow users to analyze the sentiment of text data (e.g. social media posts, customer reviews) and provide an overall sentiment score as well as a breakdown of positive/negative/neutral sentiment.
Sentiment Analysis

#21 Music Genre Classification

Advanced Python Projects: #21 Music Genre Classification
ProjectMusic Genre Classification
Description:This project involves building a program that classifies music into different genres. The program uses machine learning algorithms to analyze audio signals and identify the genre of a given music track.
Libraries Used: Librosa, TensorFlow
Process: Use Librosa library for audio signal processing and feature extraction, and TensorFlow library for building a machine learning model for music genre classification.
Time Required:2-3 days
Purpose: Gain experience with audio signal processing, machine learning, and music analysis in Python.
Additional Features:Use machine learning algorithms to classify music tracks into different genres, and allow users to upload their own music files to be classified.
Music Genre Classification

#22 Web Scraping

Advanced Python Projects: #22 Web Scraping
ProjectWeb Scraping
Description:This project involves building a program that extracts data from websites. The program uses web scraping techniques to crawl web pages and extract relevant data, such as product prices, news articles, or job listings.
Libraries Used:BeautifulSoup, Requests, Scrapy
Process: Use BeautifulSoup and Requests libraries for web scraping and Scrapy library for creating web spiders.
Time Required:2-3 days
Purpose:Learn about web scraping, data extraction, and automation in Python.
Additional Features:Allow users to specify a website and retrieve specific information from it (e.g. headlines from a news website, product prices from an e-commerce site).
Web Scraping

#23 Fraud Detection

Advanced Python Projects: #23 Fraud Detection
ProjectFraud Detection
Description:This project involves building a program that detects fraudulent activities in financial transactions. The program uses machine learning algorithms to analyze transaction data and identify suspicious patterns or behaviors.
Libraries Used:Pandas, Scikit-learn
Process:Use Pandas library for data preprocessing and analysis, and Scikit-learn library for building a machine learning model for fraud detection.
Time Required:2-3 days
Purpose:Learn about data analysis, machine learning, and fraud prevention in Python.
Additional Features:Use machine learning algorithms to identify fraudulent transactions or behavior in financial data, and provide alerts or warnings to users when suspicious activity is detected.
Fraud Detection

#24 Image Segmentation

Advanced Python Projects: #24 Image Segmentation
ProjectImage Segmentation
Description:This project involves building a program that segments images into different regions or objects. The program uses computer vision techniques and machine learning algorithms to analyze image data and identify different regions or objects.
Libraries Used:TensorFlow, OpenCV
Process: Use TensorFlow library to build a machine learning model for image segmentation and OpenCV library for processing images and videos.
Time Required:2-3 days
Purpose:Gain experience with computer vision, image analysis, and machine learning in Python.
Additional Features:Use machine learning algorithms to identify fraudulent transactions or behavior in financial data, and provide alerts or warnings to users when suspicious activity is detected.
Image Segmentation


In conclusion, Python programming offers a wide range of fun and difficult projects for both novice and experienced developers. There is a Python project that can help you improve your knowledge and abilities, regardless of whether you are interested in web development, machine learning, or data analysis. Anyone wishing to increase their knowledge of Python programming may get started with one of the 24 projects mentioned in this article. The source code is also available and can be a terrific learning and experimentation tool. Use our detailed resource for learning python with ease – Python Tutorial, a comprehensive guide for beginners

More Useful Resources

How to Learn Python
Best Python Certificates
Best Python Bootcamps


What are good projects for Python?

Some exciting Python projects include
1. Password Generator
2. Weather App
3. Web Scraper
4. Image Resizer
5. Text-Based Adventure Game
6. Contact Book

What big projects use Python?

Python is used in a lot of projects and tools we use in our daily life including
1. Bulk File Rename
2. Image Resize Application
3. Speed Typing Test
4. Recommendation System
5. Sentiment Analysis

Can I learn Python by doing projects?

Once you are well versed with the syntax and concepts on Python it is best to start working on projects as they are a great source of learning in real time.

Where to get Python projects for beginners?

There are a lot of videos and blogs covering various python projects. Our website covers some basic beginner projects that include:
Dice Rolling Simulator
4.Rock-Paper-Scissors Game
5.Hangman Game

Is Python hard to learn?

Python is one of the easiest programming languages. It is very beginner friendly and helps in paving a great career path. Its syntax is similar to spoken English which makes it easier to learn.

Written by by

Shifa Ali

Reviewed by by

Prerit Jain

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