


Excellent and Skilled Tableau Tutor with Bachelor's Degree and 3+ Years of experience. Helps in homework assignments and mock prep from high school to university students..


I hold a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering and am currently pursuing further studies in Civil and Structural Engineering, driven by a passion for understanding and improving our built environment. I have been teaching for almost 3 years, combination of teaching in a university and in online basis. I have the passion of teaching and sharing my knowledge to students.



Bachelor’s Degree (3 years)

Can also teach

  • Tableau

Teaching methodology

I always ask the student what are their feelings about the specific topic we need to work out. I don't put pressure on students to understand easily the topic as every students have their own pace or learning. I believe that it always takes time to fully understand something especially if that's a new learning. I am assisting my students with their homework, assignments, and assessment preparation.

Jemarlyn  Maldia - Tableau Tutor
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Jemarlyn Maldia



Tableau Tutor

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