Interactive Java lessons with hands-on problem solving

Java tutor - Manisha Sharma
Bachelors degree
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Quick assignment help
90% of students get assignment support within 24 hours.
Rated highly for assignment help
Clear, step-by-step support for assignments.
Flexible lesson scheduling
90% of students find it easy to schedule lessons.
About your tutor
I completed my bachelors and masters degree in Computers. I also have a specialized degree in tutoring.I am working as an Senior Android application developer in an MNC company having 4+ years of experience and aware about how companies works on real projects. During my career I have developed so many applications in android related to real estate,kiosk application, offline applications. I explain everything with clarity and also maintain good patience in clearing up all the doubts of my students. I also assist students in completing their assignments and homework.
Project help
Paired coding
Teaching methodology
As an Android developer i focus giving practical knowledge instead of giving theoretical knowledge. I am fully aware about how companies work on real projects. My teaching strategies are totally based on the requirements of the students as the learning requirement of each student is different. I also assist them with their assignments, homework, and test preparation.
Student types
Adult / Professional
All Levels
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