


Top-tier Elementary School Math tutoring with 3+ years of tutoring experience,Clarifing doubts and homework help.


I was a straight A student all throughout grade school and even in college! I received my bachelor of arts at the honors level in both mathematics and fine arts. I also minored in economics. I currently work in marketing and have done so for the past 3 years, so I also have experience with graphics platforms like Canva, Adobe Photoshop, Gimp, Adobe Illustrator, and more! I'm constantly using my logical and creative side, so I am comfortable helping you grow in either department! I'm very responsive



Master’s / Graduate Degree

Can also teach

  • Middle School Math
  • High School Math
  • Elementary School Math

Teaching methodology

My tutoring sessions will be catered to you. I am more than happy to meet you where you're at. When it comes to math, I like to break things down with a color coded system so that there is a clear flow of what is happening. I love to give examples as I'm tutoring, but I'm also open to helping with homework problems, going through study guides, or even explaining why you may have gotten a question wrong. I'll check in to make sure that you're understanding what's going on, and I always encourage that my students stop me at any point if they have any questions or need additional clarification. For any graphics tutoring, I like to be super hands on. I'll share my screen, break down what's going on, and encourage you to follow along! I am also comfortable sharing any notes from our session with you so that you can refer back to.

Angie Joseph - Elementary School Math Tutor
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Angie Joseph



Elementary School Math Tutor

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