Engaging Data Analysis & Databases lessons with problem-solving

Java tutor - Malek Chouayekh
Bachelors degree
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Quick assignment help
90% of students get assignment support within 24 hours.
Rated highly for assignment help
Clear, step-by-step support for assignments.
Interactive debugging sessions
Students debug and improve their own code in real-time.
About your tutor
Hey hey! I am Maleque and I am a Caltech undergrad, majoring on Computer Science and Astrophysics. I have been pursuing as a math and CS tutor for 3 years now. I am a silver medalist in the Pan African Math olympiads and I definitely enjoy problem-solving. With me, you will not only learn concepts but you will also learn their applications in real world and how they affect our reality.
Assignment help
Bootcamp help
Paired coding
Job readiness
Teaching methodology
I generally love to give summaries on concepts that my students need to learn. I then proceed with examples and few problems that I work with my students together to showcase the methodology and tools to solve problems. I then give my students some problems to do on their own and then help them solve and give guidance when needed.
Student types
Subjects taught by tutor
Microsoft Excel
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