Interactive Coding for Kids lessons with problem solving and patient focus
Java tutor - Juno Robertson
Bachelors degree
/ hour
Quick assignment help
90% of students get assignment support within 24 hours.
Project-based learning for real-world skills
90% of students complete relevant coding projects.
Interactive debugging sessions
Students debug and improve their own code in real-time.
About your tutor
I have a M.Sc. in Computer Science, specialising in Mobile App Development. I have strong debugging and problem-solving abilities as well as a familiarity with a range of mobile app development languages and frameworks demonstrating the capacity to make difficult coding topics understandable to students at all levels. I possess enthusiasm for researching emerging technology and market trends for mobile applications. I keep up with innovation by frequently taking part in hackathons and app development competitions. I also like to contribute to open-source projects and mentor budding coders. I teach Information technology, Dot Net, HTML, Java and presentations.
Bootcamp help
Assignment help
Great for beginners
Project help
Teaching methodology
I strongly advise having a solid foundation in the principles of app development, which should include knowledge of UIUX design, database integration, and backend connectivity. As they work on practical app development projects, students apply the principles theyve learned to produce polished and useful applications. Students can exchange ideas, get comments, and work together on app development projects in the collaborative learning environment I create. Students are exposed to a variety of viewpoints during the app development process and teamwork is encouraged as a result. I assist students with developing a professional internet presence, developing a portfolio, and navigating the employment market. I assist students in getting ready for possible careers in the app development sector by providing insights into industry expectations.
Student types
All Levels
Adult / Professional
Subjects taught by tutor
Computer Science
Data Analysis
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