What is Middle School Math?
Written by Medha Pandey
Updated on: 18 Jan 2025
Middle school math is a stepping stone to more advanced math in high school and college. It teaches students about different types of numbers, and how to perform operations with them. They are even taught how to include percentages, decimals, and fractions. Also, middle school students learn to evaluate all the operations using negative and positive numbers.
Important Middle School Math topics are:
- Percentage.
- Operating with Integers.
- Equations and Inequalities.
- Geometry.
- Ratio and Proportions.
- Linear Equations.
- Number System.
Middle school math starts in grade 6. 6th-grade middle school students strengthen their base in elementary math and speed up their calculative skills.
In grade 7, students build on their grade 6 math skills to learn more advanced concepts, such as pre-algebra.
In grade 8, students get prepared for more of their high school math. Some students may want to take up Algebra 1 in 8th grade and accelerate their high school math preparations. These students usually go for AP math tests and other advanced courses in math.
Middle school math is also an important foundation for success in STEM fields and other areas of life. To know more about the Middle School Math curriculum and core subjects, continue reading!
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Middle School math curriculum
Middle School math curriculum is designed to help students to learn systematically, level by level, through different types of courses or lesson plans.
While which middle school math course you actually choose is entirely your decision, there are three common middle school math lesson plans: Average, Advanced, and Remedial math courses.
Accelerated Middle School math courses
This lesson plan is designed for advanced-paced students. In accelerated or advanced courses, students will come across advanced math, which might be complex; for example: Algebra 1. In America, while some schools allow students to take Algebra 1 in middle school, some don’t. This course might have topics like:
- Fraction.
- Linear Equations.
- Geometry.
- Pre-algebra.
- Algebra I.
Average Middle School math courses
This lesson plan is designed for average-paced math students. This course follows the standard middle school math curriculum and might include the following topics:
- Fraction.
- Linear Equations.
- Geometry.
- Pre-algebra.
Basic Middle School math courses
The lesson plan designed for students who might take extra time to understand the concepts can be referred to as a remedial or basic lesson plan.
✍️Please note, that if a student is exceptionally slow-paced in understanding middle school math, they should try to get additional support and attention from middle school math tutors.
This course might include math topics like:
- Whole Numbers.
- Fractions.
- Decimals.
- Ratio, Proportion, and Percentage.
- Geometry
Core subjects of Middle School Math
In 8th grade, students should grasp the math concepts that were taught in the previous grade. Middle school students must have a strong base because high school math is going to be more demanding for them. They also must review all the maths skills from previous grades.
The middle school math curriculum typically covers the following topics:
Numbers System
Students will gain a thorough understanding of rational numbers by the end of 7th grade. They will also be able to solve problems involving decimals, fractions, and percentages.
In 8th grade, students will progress to irrational numbers.
The Number system may include the following topics:
- Repeating decimals.
- Square roots and cube roots.
- Irrational numbers.
- Approximating irrational numbers.
- Exponents with negative bases.
- Exponents.
- Working with powers of 10.
- Scientific notation.
- Arithmetic with numbers in scientific notation.
- Scientific notation word problem.
Rigid Transformation and Congruence
Rigid transformation is a type of geometric operation that moves a shape without changing its shape or size.
Rigid Transformation and Congruence may include the following topics:
- Rigid transformation.
- Properties of rigid transformation.
- Angle in Triangle.
- Congruence.
In middle school math, students are introduced to Geometry. They get to know about the basic geometric vocabulary.
In eighth grade, students learn about the Pythagorean Theorem and apply it to real-world and mathematical situations.
Geometry may include the following topics:
- Angles between intersecting lines.
- Triangle angles.
- Pythagorean theorems.
- Pythagorean and distance between points.
- Pythagorean theorem proofs.
- Volume.
Dilation, Similarity, and Introducing Slopes
This topic is basically taught in 8th-grade math. These concepts are too important for students to understand. Since, it might be used in different areas of mathematics such as geometry, trigonometry, and calculus.
Dilation, Similarity, and Introducing Slopes may include the following topics:
- Projecting and Scaling.
- Circular Grid.
- Dilation with no grid.
- Dilation on a Square Grid.
- Similarity.
- Similar Polygons.
- Similar Triangles.
- Side Length Quotient in Similar Triangles.
- Meet Slope.
- Writing Equations for Lines.
- Using Equations for Lines.
Linear Relationships
This topic is important as it is very common in the real world. It is taught in 8th grade.
Linear Relationships may include the following topics:
- Proportional Relationships.
- Representing Linear Relationships.
- Finding Slopes.
- Linear Equations.
Linear Equations and Linear System
Learning about linear equations and linear systems is important. These concepts are used in many different areas(algebra, geometry, and trigonometry) of mathematics. Linear equations and linear systems are also used in many real-world applications.
Linear Equations and Linear Systems may include the following topics:
- Number Puzzles.
- Linear Equations in One Variable.
- Systems of Linear Equations.
Functions and Volume
Functions and volume are essential concepts. In addition to providing a solid foundation for higher-level math courses, they are also useful for a variety of real-life situations.
Functions and Volume may include the following topics:
- Inputs and Outputs.
- Representing and Interpreting Functions.
- Linear Functions and Rate of Changes.
- Cylinders and Cones.
- Dimensions and spheres.
As mentioned earlier, Pre-Algebra is an overview of the entire high school Algebra. Students learn the basics of algebraic concepts. Nonetheless, it is one of the most challenging math subjects of middle school and must be practiced daily.
Pre-Algebra may include the following topics:
- Linear Relationships
- Functions
- Equations
👩💻To find the best math resources and worksheets please visit: Middle School Math Resources
Middle School math skills you must know
Middle School math skills prepare students for high school-level maths. A strong foundation in middle school math is essential for students who plan to pursue careers in STEM fields. Hence, these are the middle school math skills you must know:
Average Math skills (Grade 6 to 7)
These average math skills act as the foundation for more complex or advanced math. It consists of standard middle school math topics. Having a strong understanding and clear concept of standard math topics will give you a head forward in the future.
The average math skills are as follows:
- Operating with Integers
Integers are one of the most important foundational math concepts in 6th grade. Students need to understand the entire concept of integers before heading towards advanced math.
Most schools teach integers before or during 6th grade. However, if students have a solid understanding of integers and the right math skills, it will make advanced math much easier.
- Fractions
Fraction is an important topic that students learn in grade 6. It is another foundational concept that is important for success in middle school and high school.
- Equations and Inequalities
Equations and inequalities are typically introduced in grade 7. However, some schools and states may introduce them in grade 6.
Once students learn the basic math skills involved in identifying variables, they can start solving more complex equations.
- Ratio and Proportions
Ratio and proportions are another popular math concept for grades 6 and 7. It is a great way for students to learn math skills that they will use in their everyday lives.
Also, it helps students to understand and describe relationships between given quantities.
- Percents and Percentages
Percentages are another important math concept, introduced in grade 6. Students need to pay close attention to percentages as they are used in many real-life math skills, such as rate and unit-rate problems.
Advanced math skills (Grade 7 to 8)
Advanced math skills are more complex and directly impact the foundation of advanced high school math. They are essential for success in many STEM fields.
The advanced math skills are as follows:
- Geometry
Geometry is the most important math concept that students learn in middle school. In grades 7 and 8, students learn the basics of geometry.
In grade 8, students are also introduced to the Pythagorean Theorem. It is the most important theorem in geometry, especially for high school geometry.
- Number System
Number systems are typically introduced in grade 7 in most states. In middle school math, students learn to identify rational and irrational numbers. They also learn how to interpret rational numbers and perform operations(addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) on them. They also get to know about decimals, fractions, and percentages. Students also learn to evaluate all these operations using both positive and negative numbers and solve problems involving both rational and irrational numbers.
- Linear Equations
In grade 8, students learn about linear equations. This expands their understanding of functions and teaches them new math skills for operating and solving functions.
They also learn to compare equations by looking at the relationships between the variables and their quantities.
- Pre Algebra
Algebra is a vast concept in mathematics. Pre-Algebra is like an introduction to Algebra. Students taking accelerated lesson plans in middle school math complete pre-algebra in grade 7. Acquiring algebraic concepts is pivotal for learning high school math on time.
- Algebra 1
Normally, Algebra 1 is taught in 9th grade of high school math. However, students with gifted math skills complete Algebra 1 in 8th grade, to prepare a strong base for high school math, and to reduce the syllabus load of high school.
Students who complete Algebra 1 in 8th grade also get enough time opportunity to prepare for advanced placement tests (AP tests), SAT, ACT, and other advanced courses in their high school. Having said that, algebra 1 is a fairly challenging math subject and must be practiced seriously to pass with a good GPA.
To discover the most practical tips and strategies for middle school math please read: Middle School Math Tips
Key Takeaways
Middle school math is important for STEM aspirants. During this period students develop a strong foundation in math.
- Middle school math is a transition period from basic to more complex concepts like algebra and geometry. Middle school math helps students to develop their skills and thinking ability.
- The Middle school math curriculum can be covered through accelerated, average, and basic math courses.
- Middle school math comprises topics like Number Systems, Fractions, and Linear Equations which will lay the foundation for advanced math. It also includes topics like Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, and Geometry which will help them with their high school level math.
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What Happens if You Fail in Middle School Math?
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What math is taught in 7th grade?
The specific math taught in 7th grade can vary. But they are most commonly taught about integers, decimals, percentages, ratios, scientific notation, exponents, fractions, and roots radical. They learn to read the numerical forms. They also learn to read and express whole figures and numbers in extended form.
What math is taught in 8th grade?
The math taught in 8th grade might vary. But the common topics are Numbers System, Pre-Algebra, and Geometry. These topics form the foundation for high school math. Having clear concepts on these topics would help you further in your future.
What grade level is Algebra 1?
Algebra I is generally taught in 8th or 9th grade. It gives students a basic idea of algebraic concepts and lays a foundation for more advanced math.
Some schools might offer Algebra I in 7th grade for advanced students. And some might offer it in 10th grade for students who take time to develop the skills.
What math is for 12 grade?
Students reaching 12th grade might have completed Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry. So, in 12-grade they might take Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Statistics, and Trigonometry. These topics will prepare them for college-level maths and for the future.

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Medha PandeyReviewed by
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