What is 6th-grade math?
Written by Medha Pandey
Updated on: 18 Jan 2025
6th-grade math is typically about ratios and proportions, positive and negative numbers, and equivalent equations. Some schools also teach advanced maths such as Pre-Algebra and Geometry.
6th grade is the first year of middle school. 6th-grade math is basic math required in our day-to-day lives and it plays a crucial role in building the foundation for high school math. Students must have an understanding of the important 6th-grade math topics and lesson plans to make sure they practice and keep up with the syllabus.
According to Wiingy’s expert 6th-grade tutors, the important 6th-grade math topics include:
Important 6th-grade math topics include:
- Ratios and Proportions
- Numbers Operations
- Integers
- Decimals
- Factors
To know more about the 6th-grade math curriculum, core subjects, and skills, continue reading.
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6th-grade math curriculum
6th-grade math curriculum or 6th-grade math lesson plans can be covered through accelerated, average, or basic tracks.
Accelerated math courses
Accelerated math courses are for students who excel in maths and like challenges. So students who take accelerated math lesson plans in 6th grade practice advanced math problems from Algebraic thinking that includes Variables, Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities. Accelerated 6th-grade math curriculum may also include Geometry problems from 3D figures, Transformation, and Area.
Average math courses
Average math courses are for normal-paced students. It covers the topics that a 6th-grade student must know by the end of the year. This plan follows the topics that are part of the standard 6th-grade curriculum. It includes Decimals and Fractions, Ratios and Proportions, Numbers and Operations, Geometry, Probability, Statistics, and Algebraic expressions.
Basic math courses
Basic math courses are for slow-paced students. Students who might have a lesser understanding of maths might prefer this course. It covers the basic topics of 6th grade such as the number system, whole numbers, integers, fractions, and decimals, and similarly simpler formulas and problems from Geometry, Stats, and Probability.
Please Note, that it is quite normal if you find math difficult. According to a survey by Gallup, up to 37% of U.S. teens find math problematic. You can follow these study tips to improve in 6th-grade math – 6th-grade math tips
Or, you can ask your parents to help you with a 6th-grade math tutor.
Core math subjects of 6th grade
6th grade is a crucial time for students. It forms the base for advanced-level maths and upgrades your skills and abstract thinking ability. The 6th-grade math curriculum might vary depending on the schools and educational boards, which may include some or all of these topics.
Ratios, Proportions, and Rates
- Ratios and proportions
- Equivalent ratios
- Ratio application
- Intro to rates
- Solving proportions and unit rates
- Understanding unit rates
Decimals and Fractions
- Generate equivalent forms of decimals
- Comparing and ordering decimals
- Estimating and rounding decimals
- Adding and subtracting decimals
- Multiplying and dividing decimals
- Scientific notations
- Introduction to fractions
- Lowest common multiple
- Least common denominator
- Divisibility patterns
- Prime and composite numbers
- Factors and GCF
- Simplify fractions
- Equivalent fractions
Geometry and Measurement
- Basic geometry definition
- Angles
- Classify lines
- Classify triangles
- Triangles
- Classify Polygons
- 3-D figures
- Classify Quadrilaterals
- Geometric patterns
- Similar, congruent figures, lines of symmetry
- Transformation
- Area
- Finding area by composing and decomposing shapes
- Circumference
- Proportional change
- Surface area
- Volume
Data and Graph
- Introduction to Graphs
- Frequency Tables and Line Plots
- Pictographs and Venn Diagrams
- Bar Graphs
- Line Graphs and Line Plots
- Double Bar Graphs and Double Line Graphs
- Coordinate Graphing
- Measures of Central Tendency
- Misleading Graphs and Statistics
- Stem and Leaf Plots
- Box and Whisker Graphs
Numbers and Operations
- Roman and Greek Numerals
- Generate Equivalent forms of Whole Numbers
- Comparing and Ordering Whole Numbers
- Rounding Whole Numbers
- Estimating Whole Numbers
- Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers
- Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers
- Dividing Whole Numbers
- Exponents and Square Roots
- Order of Operations
- Variables and Expressions
- Properties of Addition and Multiplication
- Patterns and Sequence
- Understanding Opposites
- Using Positive and Negative Numbers to Represent Quantities in the Real World
- Finding Rational Numbers on a Number Line
- Integers in the Real World
- Comparing and Ordering Integers
- Comparing Rational Numbers
- Adding and Subtracting Integers
- Multiplying and Dividing Integers
- One-Step Equations
Algebraic Thinking: Variables and Expressions
- Properties of Numbers
- Whole numbers and integers
- Algebraic Expressions
- Substitution and Evaluating Expressions
- Evaluating expressions with multiple variables
- Expression value intuition
- Evaluating expression word problems
Equations and Inequalities
- Algebraic equations basic
- One-step equations intuition
- One-step addition and subtraction equations
- One-step multiplication and division equations
- Intro to inequalities with variables
- Dependent and Independent variables
- Analyzing relationships between variables
Key 6th-grade math skills you must know by the end of the year
By the end of 6th grade, there are specific math skills that you should have mastered to set yourself up for future math classes. Here are some key skills that a 6th grader must know by the end of the year:
- Understanding of whole numbers which includes adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing multiple digits numbers.
- Understanding the concept of equivalent fractions and simplified fractions.
- Determining the least common multiple and greatest common factor.
- Must be able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions including mixed numbers.
- Identifying and classifying basic geometric shapes.
- Calculating the area and volume of various geometric shapes.
🤩Parctice math with these top resources exclusively for 6th-graders. Read: 6th-grade math resources
Key Takeaways
6th-grade math is the stepping stone of middle school math. Having a strong foundation in 5th-grade math serves well for 6th-grade math. Doing well in 6th-grade math will help students keep up with more challenging math courses in high school.
- The 6th grade can be covered in three different math courses i.e. accelerated, average, and basic math courses.
- The topics that are important for a 6th grader are ratios and proportions, factors, decimals, fractions, expressions and equations, and basic geometry.
- Some students might find 6th-grade math challenging, they should immediately speak to their teachers and parents to prevent failing in 6th-grade math.
😵Wondering if 6th-grade math can get tough? Read: Is 6th-grade math hard?
Looking to Learn 6th Grade Math? Book a Free Trial Lesson and match with top 6th Grade Math Tutors for Concepts, Homework help, and Assignment Help!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What do you call 6th-grade math?
6th-grade math is a stepping stone to middle school math. Students get to know about the basics of algebra which is a crucial math subject for high school math.
Is 6th grade math hard?
Since 6th-grade math is the transition year between elementary math and middle school math, it can be challenging. Students get to know about the basics of algebra which is a crucial math subject for high school math.
Whether 6th-grade math is hard or not depends on the student’s past skills and knowledge which might differ from student to student.
What is involved in 6th-grade math?
6th-grade math topics Decimals and Fractions, Ratios and Proportions, Numbers and Operations, Geometry, Probability, Statistics, and Algebraic expressions.
What are the lessons in Grade 6 math?
The lessons in 6th-grade math include operations with rational numbers, numerical and algebraic equations, equations and inequalities, ratios, rates and probability, percentages, graphs, and geometry.
What are 6th-grade math lesson plans?
6th-grade math lesson plans can be divided into basic, average, or accelerated math courses.
Accelerated math courses cater to students who excel in math and enjoy challenges. They cover advanced problems in Algebraic Thinking, Geometry, and 3D figures.
Average math courses cover standard 6th-grade topics like decimals, fractions, ratios, numbers, operations, geometry, probability, statistics, and algebraic expressions.
Basic math courses cover simpler topics like the number system, whole numbers, integers, fractions, and decimals.

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Medha PandeyReviewed by
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