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9 Best Python IDE and Code Editors for Windows, Linux, and Mac

Written by Shifa Ali

Updated on: 09 Aug 2024

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Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, having a good Python IDE or code editor can help make your coding tasks easier and more efficient.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the 9 best Python IDE and code editors for Windows, Linux, and Mac in 2023, along with their pros and cons.

Best Python IDEs and Code Editors

PyCharmWindows, Linux, and MacLink
SpyderWindows, Linux, and MacLink
Wing IDEWindows, Linux, and MacLink
Jupyter NotebookWindows, Linux, and MacLink
AtomWindows, Linux, and MacLink
Sublime TextWindows, Linux, and MacLink
VS CodeWindows, Linux, and MacLink
PyDevWindows, Linux, and MacLink
Top Python IDEs & Code editors

What are IDE and Code Editors?

A software development program is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment). IDEs, as their name suggests, combine several tools made especially for software development. These tools typically consist of the following:

  • An editor created to work with code (with, for example, syntax highlighting and auto-completion)
  • Tools for creation, use, and debugging
  • Source control in some form

Most IDEs have many options and support a wide range of programming languages. As a result, they might be big and take a while to download and install. To use them effectively, you may also need advanced knowledge. Using an IDE, which streamlines manual processes and unifies all the tools into a single framework, aids in automating a developer’s task. The developer must manually perform the selection, integration, and deployment processes if there is no IDE. The primary purpose of the IDE was to streamline the SDLC process by minimizing coding and preventing typing Errors.

On the other hand, a dedicated code editor can be as basic as a text editor with simple syntax and code formatting features. The majority of competent code editors have debugging control capabilities. The best ones also communicate with source control programs. An excellent dedicated code editor is typically smaller and faster than an IDE but frequently has fewer features. Some developers also favor Code editors instead of IDE. A developer can write code in a code editor, which is essentially a text editor, to create any software. Developers can also save small text files for the code in the code editor. Code editors are small and operate quickly when compared to IDEs. Code editors can run and debug programs.

Best Python IDEs

Here we have compared different types of IDEs so that you don’t have to. We have shortlisted the best IDEs that are easy and have a lot of functionality

1. PyScripter


PyScripter offers all the features observed in a contemporary Python IDE in a compact package. Additionally, it is natively compiled for Windows, resulting in minimal memory usage and maximal performance. The IDE was entirely created on Delphi and is extensible using Python scripts.

FeaturesWhy You Should Pick ItCompatibility
Editor for syntax highlighting.
Python interpreter built-in.
Full Python debugging with remote debugging support.
Unit testing that is integrated
Integration of Python software such as PyLint, TabNanny, Profile, etc.
Encoded Python source code is fully supported.
Remote Python Debugger
Run or troubleshoot memory files with Code Explorer
Find and Start replacing in Files
Regular expression testing with integration
Python version selection using command-line arguments
External Python script execution
Features of PyScripter

2. Pycharm


One of the most popular Python IDEs is PyCharm, formed by JetBrains. It is among the top Python IDEs. All a developer needs for efficient Python development is PyCharm.

The developers can create clean, maintainable code using PyCharm. It boosts productivity and provides developers with intelligent support. By saving time, it takes care of repetitive tasks, increasing profit.

Intelligent Python editor, clever code navigation, and quick and secure refactoring.
Debugging, testing, profiling, deploymentsremote development, and database tools
PyCharm also supports JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Angular JS, and Live Edit features.
It is tightly integrated with the scientific stack, IPython Notebook, and Python console
Helps in error detection, quick fixes, and auto-code completion.
By increasing a lot of cost-saving factors, it provides multiple framework support.
It supports a robust cross-platform development feature so programmers can write scripts on various platforms.
A valuable part of PyCharm is its customizable interface, which boosts productivity.
When you consider the features and tools PyCharm offers the client, it is an expensive tool.
The initial installation is challenging and can hang up in the middle every so often.
Features of Pycharm

3. Spyder


Python development is particularly well-known. It was created mainly for scientists and engineers to give Python a robust scientific environment. It provides advanced features for editing, debugging, and data exploration. It has a robust plugin system and API and is very extensible.

Auto Code completion and Syntax highlighting.
From the GUI itself, SPYDER can explore and edit variables.
Along with functions and automatic code completion, etc., it functions flawlessly in the multilingual editor.
As a result, a developer can run the code cell by cell or line by line because of its strong integration with the Python Controller and ability to interact with and modify variables just by cell.
Finding and removing bottlenecks to free up the performance of the code is very effective.
It has a potent debugger that can smoothly trace each step of script execution.
It has a helpful feature that allows you to edit your documents and instantly view any object documents.
To enhance its functionality, it also supports extended plugins.
It cannot be configured to disable any warnings the developer wants.
If too many plugins are activated at once, performance level goes down.
Features of Spyder

4. Wing


With many valuable features, developers need for Python development; Wing is another well-liked and effective IDE on the market today.

It includes the best Python editor and a powerful debugger, making interactive Python development quick, precise, and enjoyable. Wing offers a 30-day trial version so developers can also sample its features.


30 Day Free Trial
Wing assists in navigating the code with go-to-definition, locating the application’s uses and symbols, editing the symbol index, using the source browser, and conducting efficient multiple-file searches.
With the help of the Django testing framework and unit tests, it supports test-driven development.
It supports remote development, and it can also be customized and expanded.
Additionally, line editing is possible, the error is displayed clearly, and auto code completion is available.
Dark themes, which many developers like to use, are not supported by it.
Beginning users may find the Wing interface intimidating, and the commercial version is far too expensive.
Features of Wing

5. Rodeo


One of the best Python IDEs is called Rodeo, and it was created for data science-related tasks like gathering data and information from various sources and plotting problems. Cross-platform functionality is supported. It can also be used as an IDE for interactive experimentation.

It supports every component needed for data science or machine learning tasks, including data loading and experimentation.
It enables interaction, data comparison, inspection, and plotting for the developers.
Rodeo makes it easier to write clean code by offering auto-completion, syntax highlighting, and IPython support.
It is distinct because it is a lightweight, highly customizable, and user-friendly development environment.
Both a text editor and a Python console are available.
It includes all of the supplementary materials under the final tab for better understanding.
It needs to be maintained correctly.
No additional support services from the company staff in the event of problems.
Features of Rodeo

Best Code Editors for Python with Maximum Functionalities

Code editors are text editors used to modify source code to meet specifications. They can be standalone or integrated applications. They are also very quick because they only have one function. The top 4 of the best code editors used by Python developers worldwide are listed below.

1. Sublime Text

Sublime Text
Sublime Text

With a Python API developed in C++ and Python, Sublime Text is a well-known cross-platform text editor.

It was created in a way that makes it compatible with numerous other markup and programming languages. Using plugins enables users to add new features. According to developers, it is more dependable than the other code editors.

With just a few clicks, Sublime Text can open files and navigate to words or symbols.
Multiple selections, along with a command palette that allows you to sort, change the syntax, change the indentation, and other things, are some of its most vital features.
It has a robust API, a broad ecosystem of packages, and high performance.
It is cross-platform, allows split editing, allows instant projects to switch, and is highly customizable.
Features of Sublime Text

2. Atom


A desktop application with plugin support built using web technology; Atom is a free source code editor created in Node.js.

It is built on the atom shells framework, which enables cross-platform functionality. The best feature is that it can be used as an Integrated Development Environment.

The efficiency with which Atom handles cross-platform editing boosts the productivity of its users.
A file system browser and package manager are also included.
clever and adaptable auto-completion enables users to write scripts more quickly.
It supports features for multiple panes and locates and replaces text throughout an application.
Features of Atom

3. Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code

An open-source code editor called Visual Studio Code was created primarily to create and debug the newest web and cloud projects.

It can seamlessly combine editor and useful development features. It is a popular option for Python developers.

The auto code completion feature with IntelliSense, which completes syntax based on variable types, function definitions, etc., is supported.
It has an effective debugger, and the user can use it directly in the editor.
Strong GIT integration enables users to perform GIT operations like push and commit now from the editor.
With the help of Visual Studio, we can add new languages, debuggers, themes, and other features.
Features of Visual Studio Code

4. VIM


Popular open-source text editor Vim is highly configurable and used to create and modify text.

The creators of VIM claim that it is a very reliable text editor with consistently high performance standards. A standalone application and a command line interface are available for the Vim text editor.

VIM has a multilevel undo tree and is very persistent.
It includes a robust system of plugins.
It offers broad support for a variety of files and programming languages.
It has effective search and replaces integration and functionality.
Features of VIM


Python is one of the most well-known and widely used languages. There are many useful, practical, and potent Python IDEs available, both paid and free if you’re looking for the best Python IDE to increase your productivity. Equally, many options are available in free and paid tiers if you prefer a lightweight code editor.


What is the Best Python IDE

There is no one Python IDE that is “best.” However, a few IDEs, including PyCharm, Atom, and Visual Studio Code, are well-liked by Python programmers.

What are the different IDEs of Python?

Popular open-source IDE Atom has many plugins and is highly customizable. Some of the famous Python IDE Visual Studio Code comes with IntelliSense, which offers code completion and error checking.

What characteristics mark a quality Python IDE?

Code completion, syntax highlighting, and code navigation features are all essential for a good Python IDE. It should be simple to install and operate.

What advantages come with using a Python IDE?

You can write code more quickly and accurately with a Python IDE, which can help you identify and correct errors.

Additional Resources

Written by by

Shifa Ali

Reviewed by by

Prerit Jain

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