NAPLAN Past Papers and Practice Tests – Year 3, Year 5, Year 7 and Year 9

By Wiingy on Jan 22, 2025

Updated Jan 22, 2025

Are you or your child preparing for the NAPLAN test? If yes, then it is critical for you to analyze NAPLAN past papers. We have compiled and organized all the past tests for you to easily download and practice.

Table of Contents

Links to Download NAPLAN Year 3 Past Papers:

YearWriting PromptWritingReading MagazineReadingNumeracyLanguage Conventions
2016NAPLAN_2016, writing prompt, Year 3NAPLAN_2016_, writing, Year 3NAPLAN_2016_, reading magazine, Year 3NAPLAN_2016_, reading, Year 3NAPLAN_2016_, numeracy, Year 3NAPLAN_2016_, language conventions, Year 3
2015NAPLAN 2015, writing prompt, Year 3NAPLAN 2015, writing, Year 3NAPLAN 2015, reading magazine, Year 3NAPLAN 2015, reading, Year 3NAPLAN 2015, numeracy, Year 3NAPLAN 2015, language conventions, Year 3
2014NAPLAN 2014, writing prompt, Year 3NAPLAN 2014, writing, Year 3NAPLAN 2014, reading magazine, Year 3NAPLAN 2014, reading, Year 3NAPLAN 2014, numeracy, Year 3NAPLAN 2014, language conventions, Year 3
2013NAPLAN 2013, writing prompt, Year 3NAPLAN 2013, writing, Year 3NAPLAN 2013, reading magazine, Year 3NAPLAN 2013, reading, Year 3NAPLAN 2013 final test, numeracy, Year 3NAPLAN 2013, language conventions, Year 3
2012NAPLAN 2012, writing prompt, Year 3NAPLAN 2012, writing, Year 3NAPLAN 2012, reading magazine, Year 3NAPLAN 2012, reading, Year 3NAPLAN 2012, numeracy, Year 3NAPLAN 2012, language conventions, Year 3
2011NAPLAN 2011, writing prompt, Year 3No separate docNAPLAN 2011, – reading magazine, Year 3NAPLAN 2011, – reading, Year 3NAPLAN 2011, – numeracy, Year 3NAPLAN 2011, – language conventions, Year 3
2010NAPLAN 2010,– writing prompt, Year 3No separate docNAPLAN 2010, – reading magazine, Year 3NAPLAN 2010, – reading, Year 3NAPLAN 2010, – numeracy, Year 3NAPLAN 2010, – language conventions, Year 3
2009NAPLAN 2009, – writing prompt, Year 3No separate docNAPLAN 2009, – reading magazine, Year 3NAPLAN 2009,– reading, Year 3NAPLAN 2009, – numeracy, Year 3NAPLAN 2009, – language conventions, Year 3
2008NAPLAN 2008, – writing prompt, Year 3No separate docNAPLAN 2008, – reading magazine, Year 3NAPLAN 2008, – reading, Year 3NAPLAN 2008, – numeracy, Year 3NAPLAN 2008, – language conventions, Year 3
Download links for NAPLAN Year 3 Practice Tests and Past Test Papers

Tip: Download all papers for year 3 in one shot – Download NAPLAN year 3 past papers.

Links to Download NAPLAN Year 5 Past Papers:

YearWriting PromptWritingReading MagazineReadingNumeracyLanguage Conventions
2016NAPLAN 2016 , writing prompt – Year 5NAPLAN 2016, writing, Year 5NAPLAN 2016, reading magazine, Year 5NAPLAN 2016, reading, Year 5NAPLAN 2016, numeracy, Year 5NAPLAN 2016, language conventions, Year 5
2015NAPLAN 2015, writing prompt, Year 5NAPLAN 2015, writing, Year 5NAPLAN 2015, reading magazine, Year 5NAPLAN 2015, reading, Year 5APLAN 2015, numeracy, Year 5NAPLAN 2015, language conventions, Year 5
2014NAPLAN 2014, writing prompt, Year 5NAPLAN 2014, writing, Year 5NAPLAN 2014, reading magazine, Year 5NAPLAN 2014, reading, Year 5NAPLAN 2014, numeracy, Year 5NAPLAN 2014, language conventions, Year 5
2013NAPLAN 2013, writing prompt – Hero Award, Year 5NAPLAN 2013, writing, Year 5NAPLAN 2013, reading magazine, Year 5NAPLAN 2013, reading, Year 5NAPLAN 2013, numeracy, Year 5NAPLAN 2013, -language conventions, Year 5
2012NAPLAN 2012, writing prompt (all years), Year 5NAPLAN 2012, writing, Year 5NAPLAN 2012, reading magazine, Year 5NAPLAN 2012, reading, Year 5NAPLAN 2012, numeracy, Year 5NAPLAN 2012, -language conventions, Year 5
2011NAPLAN 2011,– writing prompt, Year 5No separate doc NAPLAN 2011, – reading magazine, Year 5NAPLAN 2011,– reading, Year 5NAPLAN 2011, – numeracy, Year 5NAPLAN 2011,– language conventions, Year 5
2010NAPLAN 2010, – writing prompt, Year 5No separate doc NAPLAN 2010, – reading magazine, Year 5NAPLAN 2010,– reading, Year 5NAPLAN 2010, – numeracy, Year 5NAPLAN 2010, – language conventions, Year 5
2009NAPLAN 2009, – writing prompt, Year 5No separate doc NAPLAN 2009, – reading magazine, Year 5APLAN 2009,– reading, Year 5NAPLAN 2009, – numeracy, Year 5NAPLAN 2009, – language conventions, Year 5
2008NAPLAN 2008, – writing prompt, Year 5No separate doc NAPLAN 2008,– reading magazine, Year 5NAPLAN 2008,– reading, Year 5NAPLAN 2008, – numeracy, Year 5NAPLAN 2008, – language conventions, Year 5
Download links for NAPLAN Year 5 Practice Tests and Past Test Papers

Tip: Download all papers for year 5 in one shot – Download NAPLAN year 5 past papers.

Links to Download NAPLAN Year 7 Past Papers:

YearWriting PromptWritingReading MagazineReadingNumeracyLanguage Conventions
2016NAPLAN 2016, writing prompt – Sign Said, Year 7NAPLAN 2016, writing, Year 7NAPLAN 2016, reading magazine, Year 7NAPLAN 2016, reading, Year 7NAPLAN 2016, numeracy, Year 7 (calculator) (PDF 1.3 MB)

NAPLAN 2016, numeracy, Year 7 (non-calculator)
NAPLAN 2016, language conventions, Year 7
2015NAPLAN 2015, writing prompt – The Best, Year 7NAPLAN 2015, writing, Year 7NAPLAN 2015, reading magazine, Year 7NAPLAN 2015, reading, Year 7NAPLAN 2015, numeracy (calculator), Year 7

NAPLAN 2015, numeracy (non-calculator), Year 7
NAPLAN 2015, language conventions, Year 7
2014NAPLAN 2014, writing prompt – Change a rule or law, Year 7NAPLAN 2014, writing, Year 7NAPLAN 2014, reading magazine, Year 7NAPLAN 2014, reading, Year 7NAPLAN 2014, numeracy, Year 7 (calculator) (PDF 2.8 MB)

NAPLAN 2014, numeracy, Year 7 (non-calculator)
NAPLAN 2014, language conventions, Year 7
2013NAPLAN 2013, writing prompt – Hero Award, Year 7NAPLAN 2013, writing, Year 7NAPLAN 2013, reading magazine, Year 7NAPLAN 2013, reading, Year 7NAPLAN 2013, numeracy, Year 7 (calculator) (PDF 3 MB)

NAPLAN 2013, numeracy, Year 7 (non-calculator)
NAPLAN 2013, language conventions, Year 7
2012NAPLAN 2012, writing prompt, Year 7NAPLAN 2012, writing, Year 7NAPLAN 2012, reading magazine, Year 7NAPLAN 2012, reading, Year 7NAPLAN 2012, numeracy, Year 7 (calculator) (PDF 3.3 MB)

NAPLAN 2012, numeracy, Year 7 (non-calculator)
NAPLAN 2012, language conventions, Year 7
2011NAPLAN 2011,– writing prompt, Year 7No separate doc NAPLAN 2011, – reading magazine, Year 7NAPLAN 2011, – reading, Year 7NAPLAN 2011,– numeracy, Year 7 (calculator) (PDF 3.6 MB)

NAPLAN 2011, final test – numeracy, Year 7 (non-calculator)
NAPLAN 2011 – language conventions, Year 7
2010NAPLAN 2010,– writing prompt, Year 7
No separate doc NAPLAN 2010– reading magazine, Year 7NAPLAN 2010, – reading, Year 7NAPLAN 2010 – numeracy, Year 7 (calculator) (PDF 4.2 MB)

NAPLAN 2010 – numeracy, Year 7
NAPLAN 2010 – language conventions, Year 7
2009NAPLAN 2009,– writing prompt, Year 7No separate doc NAPLAN 2009,– reading magazine, Year 7NAPLAN 2009,– reading, Year 7NAPLAN 2009 – numeracy, Year 7 (calculator)

NAPLAN 2009 – numeracy, Year 7 (non-calculator)
NAPLAN 2009 – language conventions, Year 7
2008NAPLAN 2008,– writing prompt, Year 7No separate doc NAPLAN 2008,– reading magazine, Year 7NAPLAN 2008, – reading, Year 7NAPLAN 2008 – numeracy, Year 7 (calculator)

NAPLAN 2008 – numeracy, Year 7 (non-calculator)
NAPLAN 2008 – language conventions, Year 7
Download links for NAPLAN Year 7 Practice Tests and Past Test Papers

Tip: Download all papers for year 7 in one shot – Download NAPLAN year 7 past papers.

Links to Download NAPLAN Year 9 Past Papers:

YearWriting PromptWritingReading MagazineReadingNumeracyLanguage Conventions
2016NAPLAN 2016, writing prompt – Sign Said, Year 9NAPLAN 2016, writing, Year 9NAPLAN 2016, reading magazine, Year 9NAPLAN 2016, reading, Year 9 NAPLAN 2016, numeracy, Year 9 (calculator)

 NAPLAN 2016, numeracy, Year 9 (non-calculator)
NAPLAN 2016, language conventions, Year 9
2015NAPLAN 2015, writing prompt – The Best, Year 9NAPLAN 2015, writing, Year 9NAPLAN 2015, reading magazine, Year 9NAPLAN 2015, reading, Year 9NAPLAN 2015, numeracy, Year 9 (calculator)

NAPLAN 2015, numeracy, Year 9 (non-calculator)
 NAPLAN 2015, language conventions, Year 9
2014NAPLAN 2014, writing prompt – Change a rule or law, Year 9NAPLAN 2014, writing, Year 9 NAPLAN 2014, reading magazine, Year 9NAPLAN 2014, reading, Year 9 NAPLAN 2014, numeracy, Year 9 (calculator)

 NAPLAN 2014, numeracy, Year 9 (non-calculator)
NAPLAN 2014, language conventions, Year 9
2013 NAPLAN 2013, writing prompt – Hero Award (all year levels) NAPLAN 2013, writing, Year 9NAPLAN 2013, reading magazine, Year 9NAPLAN 2013, reading, Year 9NAPLAN 2013, numeracy, Year 9 (calculator)

 NAPLAN 2013, numeracy, Year 9 (non-calculator)
NAPLAN 2013, language conventions, Year 9
2012NAPLAN 2012, writing prompt Year 9NAPLAN 2012, writing, Year 9NAPLAN 2012, reading magazine, Year 9NAPLAN 2012, reading, Year 9 NAPLAN 2012, numeracy, Year 9 (calculator)

 NAPLAN 2012, numeracy, Year 9 (non-calculator)
NAPLAN 2012, language conventions, Year 9
2011NAPLAN 2011, – writing prompt, Year 9No separate doc NAPLAN 2011,– reading magazine, Year 9NAPLAN 2011 – reading, Year 9NAPLAN 2011, – numeracy, Year 9 (calculator)

NAPLAN 2011, – numeracy, Year 9 (non-calculator)
NAPLAN 2011, – language conventions, Year 9
2010NAPLAN 2010,– writing prompt, Year 9
No separate doc NAPLAN 2010, – reading magazine, Year 9NAPLAN 2010,– reading, Year 9NAPLAN 2010, – numeracy, Year 9 (calculator) (PDF 4.2 MB)

NAPLAN 2010, – numeracy, Year 9
NAPLAN 2010, – language conventions, Year 9
2009No separate doc NAPLAN 2009, – reading magazine, Year 9NAPLAN 2009,– reading, Year 9NAPLAN 2009, – numeracy, Year 9 (calculator)

NAPLAN 2009, – numeracy, Year 9 (non-calculator)
NAPLAN 2009, – language conventions, Year 9
2008No separate doc NAPLAN 2008, – reading magazine, Year 9NAPLAN 2008,– reading, Year 9NAPLAN 2008, – numeracy, Year 9 (calculator)

NAPLAN 2008, – numeracy, Year 9 (non-calculator)
NAPLAN 2008, – language conventions, Year 9
Download links for NAPLAN Year 9 Practice Tests and Past Test Papers

Tip: Download all papers for year 9 in one shot – Download NAPLAN year 9 past papers.

Steps to download NAPLAN past papers from the ACARA website

The steps to download the free NAPLAN past test papers from the ACARA website are as follows:

Step 1: Go to the official website of ACARA (Australian Curriculum, Assessment, and Reporting Authority).

Step 2: Navigate to the Assessment section of the webpage.

Step 3: Go to the NAPLAN section on the left-hand side of the page.

Step 4: Download the test papers from the available link on the page.

ACARA website - About NAPLAN page

The above screenshot is of the page with links to the NAPLAN past paper downloads.

The test papers have been listed in two buckets below:

  • NAPLAN test papers and answers from 2012 to 2016
  • NAPLAN test papers and answers from 2008 to 2011 

ACARA does not provide access to the NAPLAN tests after 2016. These tests are used for other projects related to the continued improvement of the National Assessment Program.

To navigate further, move on to the next page by clicking on the links. Let’s see how the page lists the NAPLAN past test papers. 

The page maintains a year-by-year collection of test papers and answers. The NAPLAN test papers have been segregated year-wise as Year 3, Year 5, Year 7, and Year 9.

Here’s a snapshot of the download page:

NAPLAN 2012-2016 test papers and answers on the ACARA Website

Advantages of Analysing Past Papers:

  • The analysis of tests from previous years will give you a better understanding of the test format, the pattern of questions, and the difficulty level.
  • Use the test papers as free NAPLAN Practice tests to get an idea of your speed and accuracy within the defined time limit.
  • Track your scores as you take these free NAPLAN practice tests to see a performance trend as you prepare for NAPLAN.

Tips to Help Your Child Ace the NAPLAN Test?

It takes time and effort to prepare for NAPLAN. Working hard, paying attention in class, and establishing confidence under exam conditions are all part of the process. Here are some suggestions that can help your child prepare for the NAPLAN exam.

  • Practice: Make sure you and your child both are familiar with the special NAPLAN question format. In older years, this includes practicing fill-in-the-blank and multiple-choice questions, as well as writing pithy short answer solutions.
  • Request assistance: If you believe your child is struggling, you should seek assistance from a teacher, parent, or tutor. In the run-up to NAPLAN, one-on-one tutoring can provide the support your child needs to boost confidence and fill in knowledge gaps.
  • Assist your child in relaxing: NAPLAN is not the be-all and end-all, and it is critical to keep this in mind during the preparation process. The outcomes for your child represent a snapshot of their abilities at a specific point in time.
  • Make sure your child gets enough rest: It’s essential that your child receives enough rest so that they can focus on each assignment, especially on Day One of NAPLAN when they take two reading tests. A restful night’s sleep and a clear mind will also reduce anxiety.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to download NAPLAN past papers?

The ACARA website has made available downloads of NAPLAN 2008 to 2016 past papers and answers. However, you have to go through multiple pages and then individually download the paper for each year and each testing domain. This can be a really time-consuming process.

What is tested in the NAPLAN assessment?

The designed pattern tests reading, writing, spelling, grammar, and numeracy.

Why appear for the NAPLAN test?

The NAPLAN acts as a snapshot of the student’s present skills in literacy and numeracy. The assessment results are used by the schools and also for the governmental data collection for a better educational track.
NAPLAN also allows parents to see how their child is progressing against national standards.

What is the format of the NAPLAN test?

The test requires different responses based on the questions. The response can be multiple choice or Technology-enabled type( like drag and drop) or short written response.

Can students with disabilities appear for the NAPLAN test?

Absolutely. ACARA and all Australian governments have committed to promoting maximum participation of students in the national assessment program. ACARA has implemented a range of adjustments to support students with disabilities.

How is spelling capability assessed in NAPLAN when most systems have an in-built spell check software? 

Spelling is assessed as a part of NAPLAN. A general requirement of NAPLAN is that the student’s device must be secured (using a locked-down browser) so they cannot access unauthorized websites, applications, and spell-checking features.

Are the standard text editing tools available while appearing for the online NAPLAN writing assessment?

Standard editing tools will be available during the NAPLAN writing assessment, so students will be able to copy, cut, paste, and move text.

Can students use their laptops/ PCs to appear for the NAPLAN test?

Yes. NAPLAN supports BYOD (bring your device) for students. BYOD devices must be secured so students do not have access to unauthorized websites, applications, and spell-checking features. NAP locked-down browser applications are available to support schools in ensuring online assessments run smoothly.

How are the NAPLAN tests marked?

As the NAPLAN is a tailored test. So, Student answers to multiple choice questions are scanned and the data is captured electronically. All other responses and the writing task will be marked by trained, independent markers.

How do schools schedule the NAPLAN test?

Through the NAPLAN test window, schools can reserve test dates. Schools can plan the test dates for the corresponding years within the 9-day NAPLAN test window (i.e Years 3, 5, 7, and 9). The following must be given priority in schools:

1. Within the test window, morning test scheduling should take priority over afternoon test scheduling.
2. Students who take multiple exams on the same day must be given a break of at least 20 minutes.

If schools have any concerns regarding the test schedule that doesn’t fit their needs, schools should contact the relevant state/territory Test administration authority (TAAs).

How does the NAPLAN test window work?

The NAPLAN test window lasts for nine days. If any student missed the NAPLAN test that was administered in their school over these nine days, they may still show up for the test. “Catch-up tests” are what NAPLAN refer to them as. Catch-up exams can be taken later in the testing window by missing students for their classes.

Disclaimer: While we have taken utmost care to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information, you are recommended to refer to the official website of ACARA and NAPLAN for test-related info.

Reviewed by Wiingy

Jan 22, 2025

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