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What is Algebra 1?

Written by Medha Pandey

Updated on: 20 Jan 2025


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Imagine you’re a detective, deciphering clues to unravel a mystery. Each piece of evidence holds a key to solving the case.

Welcome to Algebra 1 – the beginner’s toolkit for unlocking the mysteries of numbers and equations. 

Algebra 1 is the first stage of advanced algebra. It mainly focuses on algebraic equations, functions, and expressions. Algebra 1 involves the conceptual understanding of advanced algebraic formulas and operations. The topics taught in Algebra 1 include Equations, Exponents, Expressions, Equalities, Inequalities, Polynomials, and Functions.

Having a good grasp of Algebra 1 is crucial to understand Algebra 2 and Pre-calculus. Continue reading to find out:

  1. Algebra 1 topics
  2. Resources to Study Algebra 1
  3. Differences between Algebra 1 and 2
  4. Importance of learning Algebra 1 

Algebra 1 topics

Algebra 1 covers a wide range of topics and subtopics, making it quite extensive! Many students find it challenging to complete Algebra 1 within the expected timeframe. Depending on the institution and educational standards, Algebra 1 may include the following topics:

Introduction to Expression

  1. Parts of an Expression
  2. Combining Like Terms
  3. Simplify and Evaluate Expressions
  4. Equivalent Expressions
  5. Algebraic Fractions
  6. Complex Fractions

Exponents and Radicals

  1. Exponent Laws and Notation
  2. Simplify Roots
  3. Radical Laws and Notation
  4. Rational Exponents
  5. Rationalize Denominators


  1. Polynomial Operations
  2. Interpret Expression Structure
  3. Factorization Procedures
  4. Factor Polynomials

Linear Equations 

  1. Formulas
  2. Units and Quantitative Reasoning
  3. One-Step Equations
  4. Two-Step Equations
  5. Multi-Step Equations
  6. The Coordinate Plane
  7. Understand Slope
  8. Slope-Intercept Form
  9. Point-Slope Form
  10. Standard Form
  11. Transformations of Linear Functions
  12. Parallel Lines
  13. Perpendicular Lines

Linear Inequalities 

  1. Understand Inequalities
  2. One-Step Inequalities
  3. Two-Step Inequalities
  4. Multi-Step Inequalities
  5. Compound Inequalities
  6. Linear Inequalities: Solve and Graph
  7. Linear Inequalities: Write and Apply

Systems of Equations and Inequalities 

  1. Understand Systems of Equations
  2. Solve Systems of Equations
  3. Systems of Inequalities

Introductions to Functions 

  1. Understand Functions
  2. Function Notation
  3. Interpret and Model Functions
  4. Operations on Functions
  5. Composite Functions
  6. Inverse Functions

Sequences and Exponential Functions 

  1. Arithmetic Sequences
  2. Geometric Sequences
  3. Mixed Sequences
  4. Recursive Formulas for Sequences
  5. Exponential Growth and Decay
  6. Exponential Functions

Piecewise and Transformations 

  1. Piecewise Functions
  2. Absolute Value and Step Functions
  3. Function Transformations

Quadratic Functions 

  1. Explore Quadratic Functions
  2. Factored Form
  3. Vertex Form

Quadratic Equations

  1. Understand Solving Quadratics or Polynomials
  2. Solve Quadratics: Factoring
  3. Solve Quadratics: Complete the Square
  4. Solve Quadratics: Graphing
  5. Solve Quadratics: Quadratic Formula
  6. Irrational Numbers

Descriptive Statistics 

  1. Represent Data
  2. One-Variable Statistics
  3. Variation
  4. Standard Deviation
  5. Two-Way Tables
  6. Scatter Plots

💡Read What is Algebra 2? to find important Algebra 2 topics and learning resources.

Differences between Algebra 1 and 2

Both courses, Algebra 1 and 2 deal with variables and functions. So are they the same? Well, not actually. 

Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 are both branches of Algebra, but they vary significantly on the following grounds:

Algebra 1Algebra 2
Students typically take an Algebra 1 class in grade 9 in the USA.Algebra 2 is, however, typically taught in grade 11.
It introduces fundamental concepts of Algebra.It advances upon the topics of Algebra 1 more intricately.
This is generally based on three variables (x,y, and z). This includes even irrational and imaginary variables like ‘i’.
One needs to complete Algebra 1 to take Algebra 2.One needs to complete Algebra 2 to take Pre-calculus.
Difference between Algebra 1 and Algebra 2

💡Wondering when to take Algebra 1 and Algebra 2? In What Grade Should You Take Algebra 1 and Algebra 2?

Resources to learn Algebra 1

Wondering how to tackle such extensive topics of Algebra 1?  Don’t worry! There are plenty of learning resources available to assist you.

These resources include tutorials, videos, and interactive quizzes, providing flexibility, instant feedback, and personalized learning experiences.

Leveraging reliable learning resources can speed up your understanding of Algebra 1. 

Students looking to master Algebra 1 can benefit from using the best apps to learn algebra, which offer engaging and interactive lessons.

However, remember to select learning resources aligned with your learning style and academic goals.

Here are some reliable resources you can utilize to master Algebra 1:

Free Algebra 1 worksheets

Algebra 1 worksheets are designed with questions that cover essential concepts from the subject. 

You can work through these worksheets to enhance your problem-solving skills and increase your confidence in tackling algebraic problems.

The top websites to provide free Algebra 1 worksheets are

  1. Kuta Software
  2. Free Maths Worksheets by Math-Drills
  3. Effortless Math

Free online lessons for Algebra 1

Online Algebra 1 lessons are available 24/7 for you to access; ensuring that you practice at your own pace. These are also available in various formats such as audio or video lessons or interactive quizzes. 

Here you can find a few popular online lessons for Algebra 1: 

  1. Khan Academy
  2. YouTube channels –

Algebra 1 books

Books offer comprehensive explanations and ample examples to help you master algebraic concepts.

If you prefer learning from books, then here is a list of books for your practice and understanding of Algebra 1:

  1. Algebra 1: Groups, Rings, Fields, and Arithmetic
  2. Glencoe Algebra 1 (Merrill Algebra 1)
  3. McGraw-Hill Education Algebra I Review and Workbook by Sandra Luna McCune 

Algebra 1 tutoring 

Algebra 1 can be hard to grasp as it has complex algebraic concepts. 

If you’re seeking personalized guidance from a knowledgeable professional to assist you in mastering Algebra 1, consider these tutoring platforms. 

The reputed platforms offer tailored support from experienced tutors who can provide homework help, test prep, and concept-clearing sessions.

  1. Wiingy: For affordable and quality 1-on-1 tutoring, homework help and test-prep with Algebra 1 tutors.
  1. Chegg: For homework help.
  1. The Princeton Review: For test prep.

đŸ„‡Looking for the best tips to learn Algebra? Read: How to Learn Algebra?

Importance of Algebra 1 in education and career

Algebra 1, usually taught in grade 8 or 9, is an important branch of Algebra. 

To quote The GatesNotes by Bill Gates, “Students who pass Algebra 1 by the end of 9th grade open the door to advanced STEM courses and AP classes, and are more likely to enroll in college, graduate with a Bachelor’s degree, and go on to well-paid, in-demand careers.”

Learning Algebra 1 is important because it helps you:

Build a base for advanced maths

The East Tennessee State University says, “An understanding of Algebra I and the role that this foundational course plays as an entry to the college preparatory pathway in secondary education and its influence on mathematical achievement is an integral component for the education of American youth in the global world of science and technology.”

Algebra 1 is the building block of learning advanced algebra. You must master the concepts of Algebra 1 before trying to learn Algebra 2 and Pre-calculus which are important high school math courses.

Do well in STEM Career

If you are keen to pursue Engineering, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Architecture, or any other course under STEM, having a good grasp of high school math becomes important. 

Algebra 1 is one of the most important courses in high school math. So to do well in high school math, you must do well in Algebra 1.

Build problem-solving skills

Many students simply consider Algebra 1 to be an academic requirement. However, learning Algebra 1 enhances analytical and problem-solving skills. 

According to a study by the National Library of Medicine, students are better at making critical decisions if they have developed early algebraic thinking. 

💡Wondering if Algebra is a hard math course? Read – Is Algebra Hard?

Key Takeaways on “What is Algebra 1?

Algebra 1 is a foundational course in high school mathematics. It teaches you the basics of algebra, like polynomials, equations, and functions. Algebra 1 lays the groundwork for advanced courses like Algebra 2, Geometry, and Calculus.

You can find reliable learning resources to support your journey through Algebra 1. You can find free worksheets, online lessons, and textbooks, to support your learning journey. You can also get help from expert Algebra 1 tutors.

Learning Algebra 1 isn’t just about passing a class. It opens up good opportunities in science, math, and engineering! Plus, it helps you become a better problem solver, which is useful in all parts of life.

So whether you want to be a scientist, an engineer, or anything else, getting really good at Algebra 1 will help you reach your goals!

📖Recommended Reading:

What is Algebra?

What is Pre-Algebra?

What is Linear Algebra?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is Algebra 1 easy or hard? 

Algebra 1 can be hard for many students.
According to reports from Edsource, in California, more than one-third of 8th-grade Algebra 1 students, which is around 80,000 students, scored “below basic” or “far below basic.” 
The failure rate varied across districts, with some reaching as high as 40-50 percent.
A study by the International Academy of Science identified several Algebra concepts as particularly challenging. These include:
Averaging data with different units
Multiplying polynomials by monomials
Modeling using exponential functions
Converting units for derived quantities
Understanding complementary and supplementary angles

What grade level is Algebra 1?

Algebra 1 is typically taught in grade 9. 
However, students who take advanced math courses can take Algebra 1 in grade 8. 
Alternatively, students who take remedial or basic math courses can take Algebra 1 later, in grade 10. 

What is taught in Algebra 1?

Algebra 1 includes topics like:
Introduction to Expression
Exponents and Radicals
Linear Equations 
Linear Inequalities 
Systems of Equations and Inequalities 
Introductions to Functions 
Sequences and Exponential Functions 
Piecewise and Transformations 
Quadratic Functions 
Quadratic Equations
Descriptive Statistics 

What is the difference between Algebra 1 and Pre-Algebra? 

Pre-Algebra acts as a precursor to Algebra 1. The differences between Pre-Algebra and Algebra 1 are as follows:

Pre-AlgebraAlgebra 1
Pre-algebra is a foundational math concept and forms the base of Algebra 1.Algebra 1 is an advanced math concept and builds upon the concepts of Pre-algebra.
Pre-algebra is taught in middle school.Algebra 1 is taught in high school. 
Pre-algebra has an intermediate level of difficulty. Algebra 1 has an advanced level of difficulty.
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Medha Pandey

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