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20 Real-World JavaScript Projects to Enhance Your Portfolio in 2024

Written by Shifa Ali

Updated on: 28 Sep 2024

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As a developer, building real-world projects is a great way to enhance your skills and demonstrate your expertise to potential employers or clients. With JavaScript being a core technology used in web development for creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces, mastering this language is a crucial step toward becoming a proficient developer. To help you achieve this goal, we’ve compiled a list of 20 real-world JavaScript projects that you can build to expand your portfolio.

These projects vary in complexity and cover a range of topics, including e-commerce sites, machine learning applications, and real-time data visualization dashboards. By building these projects, you’ll gain valuable experience and showcase your ability to develop practical solutions using JavaScript. So, whether you’re a beginner looking to improve your skills or an experienced developer seeking to add to your portfolio, these real-world JavaScript projects are sure to provide challenging yet rewarding experiences.

Don’t wait to take your skills to the next level with our guidance and inspiration.

20 Best JavaScript Projects in 2024

  1. Simple Calculator
  2. To-do List
  3. Quiz App
  4. Tip Calculator
  5. Weather App:
  6. Movie Recommendation App:
  7. Interactive Map:
  8. Chat Application
  9. E-commerce Site
  10. Weather App with Chart Visualization
  11. Full Stack Social Network
  12. Real-time Collaboration Tool
  13. Machine Learning Application
  14. Blockchain-based Web App
  15. Augmented Reality Web App
  16. High-performance Web App
  17. Voice-controlled Web App
  18. Real-time Data Visualization Dashboard
  19. Multiplayer Game
  20. Artificial Intelligence Platform

Beginner Level Javascript Projects:

Let us look at some simple projects that help us explore JavaScript. The goal is to achieve familiarity with the tools and techniques.

#1 Simple Calculator:

Beginner Level Javascript Projects: #1 Simple Calculator
Project Simple Calculator
What it isThis project involves creating a calculator web app that can perform basic mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Why its importantIt is a good project to start with as it covers fundamental JavaScript concepts like variables, functions, and event handling.
Skills neededBasic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Potential ApplicationsThis project can be used as a calculator tool on any website, or as a standalone app.
Simple Calculator

#2 To-do List:

Beginner Level Javascript Projects: #2 To-do List:
ProjectTo-do List
What it isBeginners may learn how to manipulate DOM components, use event listeners, and comprehend the fundamentals of programming logic by building a to-do list app.
Why its importantIn this project, a straightforward web application that lets users add and remove jobs from a list is being developed.
Skills neededBasic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Potential ApplicationsThis project can be used as a personal to-do list, or as a task management tool for teams.
To-do List

#3 Quiz App:

Beginner Level Javascript Projects: #3 Quiz App:
ProjectQuiz App
What it isA fantastic project for beginners to master conditional expressions and arrays is a quiz app.
Why its importantThe goal of this project is to create a straightforward quiz web app that can present questions, collect responses, and tally the results.
Skills neededBasic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Potential ApplicationsThis project can be used to create an educational quiz app for students or to test knowledge on a particular subject.
Quiz App
NameLinkOther information
Quiz App, CSS, HTML
Quiz App

#4 Tip Calculator:

Beginner Level Javascript Projects: #4 Tip Calculator
ProjectTip Calculator
What it isMaking a web application that can determine the tip amount depending on the bill and tip % is a straightforward undertaking.
Why its importantThis project is a fantastic method to learn about processing user input and fundamental basics.
Skills neededBasic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Potential ApplicationsThis project can be used as a tool to calculate tips at restaurants or other service industries.
Tip Calculator
NameLinkOther information
Tip Calculator, CSS, JS
Tip Calculator

#5 Weather App:

Beginner Level Javascript Projects: #5 Weather App
ProjectWeather App
What it isThis project involves creating a calculator web app that can perform basic mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Why its importantIt is a good project to start with as it covers fundamental JavaScript concepts like variables, functions, and event handling.
Skills neededBasic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Potential ApplicationsThis project can be used as a tool to check the weather in a particular location, or as part of a larger app that requires weather data.
Weather App

Intermediate Javascript Level Projects:

These projects are more complex than beginner-level projects, They involve more than one component.

#6 Movie Recommendation App:

Intermediate Javascript Level Projects: #6 Movie Recommendation App
ProjectMovie Recommendation App
What it isThis project entails developing a web application that can make movie suggestions depending on user input.
Why its importantWorking with JSON data, processing user input, and learning about APIs are all important skills to have.
Skills neededIntermediate knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, familiarity with API calls and JSON data
Potential ApplicationsThis project can be used as a tool to check the weather in a particular location, or as part of a larger app that requires weather data.
Movie Recommendation App

 #7 Interactive Map:

Intermediate Javascript Level Projects: #7 Interactive Map
ProjectInteractive Map
What it isA nice project to learn about online mapping technologies and the Leaflet library is an interactive map.
Why its importantIn this project, a web application that displays a map and enables users to interact with it by adding markers, adjusting the zoom level, and presenting information will be developed.
Skills neededIntermediate knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, familiarity with the Leaflet library and web mapping technologies
Potential ApplicationsThis project can be used as part of a larger web mapping application or as a standalone map visualization tool.
Interactive Map

#8 Chat Application:

Intermediate Javascript Level Projects: #8 Chat Application
ProjectChat Application
What it isAn excellent project to learn about real-time communication and web sockets is a chat application.
Why its importantIn this project, a web application that features a chat interface and enables real-time user communication will be developed.
Skills neededIntermediate knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, familiarity with web sockets and real-time communication
Potential ApplicationsThis project can be used as part of a larger messaging system or as a standalone chat application for a website
Chat Application

 #9 E-commerce Site:

Intermediate Javascript Level Projects:  #9 E-commerce Site
ProjectE-commerce Site
What it isA wonderful project to learn how to create dynamic web apps and deal with databases is an e-commerce website.
Why its importantIn this project, a web application that enables users to explore items, add them to a shopping cart, and finish a transaction is being developed.
Skills neededIntermediate knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, familiarity with server-side programming and database management
Potential ApplicationsThis project can be used as a starting point for building a larger e-commerce site or as a standalone shopping cart tool for a website.
E-commerce Site:

 #10 Weather App with Chart Visualization:

Intermediate Javascript Level Projects:  #10 Weather App with Chart Visualization
ProjectWeather App with Chart Visualization:
What it isThe goal of this project is to improve the basic weather app by adding chart visualisation to show weather data from the past or the future.
Why its importantIt’s a fantastic project for learning about Chart.js and other data visualisation technologies.
Skills neededIntermediate knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, familiarity with APIs and data visualization libraries
Potential ApplicationsThis project can be used as a weather forecast tool with additional data visualization features for educational or research purposes.
Weather App with Chart Visualization:

Advanced Javascript Level Projects:

These below-mentioned projects are designed for experienced programmers who have a deeper understanding. They are often large-scale projects.

#11 Full Stack Social Network:

Advanced Javascript Level Projects: #11 Full Stack Social Network
ProjectFull Stack Social Network
What it isThis project entails developing a web application that can make movie suggestions depending on user input.
Why its importantWorking with JSON data, processing user input, and learning about APIs are all important skills to have.
Skills neededAdvanced knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, familiarity with full-stack web development technologies such as Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and React.
Potential ApplicationsThis project can be used as a starting point for building a larger social network or as a platform for a niche community.
Full Stack Social Network

 #12 Real-time Collaboration Tool:

Advanced Javascript Level Projects:  #12 Real-time Collaboration Tool
ProjectReal-time Collaboration Tool
What it isA nice project to learn about online mapping technologies and the Leaflet library is an interactive map.
Why its importantIn this project, a web application that displays a map and enables users to interact with it by adding markers, adjusting the zoom level, and presenting information will be developed.
Skills neededAdvanced knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, familiarity with real-time communication and collaboration technologies such as WebRTC, WebSockets, and serverless architectures.
Potential ApplicationsThis project can be used as part of a larger collaboration platform or as a standalone collaboration tool for teams.
Real-time Collaboration Tool

 #13 Machine Learning Application:

Advanced Javascript Level Projects:  #13 Machine Learning Application
ProjectMachine Learning Application:
What it isAn excellent project to learn about artificial intelligence and how to incorporate machine learning models into web apps is a machine learning application.
Why its importantIn this project, a web application that carries out a certain activity, such picture recognition or language translation, makes use of machine learning techniques.
Skills neededAdvanced knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, familiarity with machine learning libraries such as TensorFlow.js and scikit-learn.
Potential ApplicationsThis project can be used as part of a larger machine learning platform or as a standalone machine learning tool for specific applications.
Machine Learning Application:

 #14 Blockchain-based Web App:

Advanced Javascript Level Projects:  #14 Blockchain-based Web App
ProjectBlockchain-based Web App
What it isA nice project to learn about blockchain technology and how to incorporate it into web apps is a blockchain-based web app.
Why its importantThis project entails building a web application that securely shares and stores data using blockchain technology.
Skills neededAdvanced knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, familiarity with blockchain technologies such as Ethereum, Solidity, and Web3.js.
Potential ApplicationsThis project can be used as part of a larger blockchain platform or as a standalone blockchain tool for specific applications.
Blockchain-based Web App

#15 Augmented Reality Web App:

Advanced Javascript Level Projects: #15 Augmented Reality Web App
ProjectAugmented Reality Web App
What it isA wonderful project to learn about augmented reality and how to incorporate it into web apps is an augmented reality web app.
Why its importantIn this project, a web application that enables users to engage with augmented reality objects in a virtual environment.
Skills neededAdvanced knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, familiarity with augmented reality libraries such as AR.js and Three.js.
Potential ApplicationsThis project can be used as part of a larger augmented reality platform or as a standalone augmented reality tool for specific applications such as gaming, education, or marketing.
Augmented Reality Web App

Expert Level Javascript Projects

These are for the most experienced projects and require mastery of the language and tools. They have advanced problem-solving skills and a deep understanding of underlying technologies.

#16 High-performance Web App:

Expert Level Javascript Projects #16 High-performance Web App
ProjectHigh-performance Web App:
What it isAn excellent project to learn about speed and scalability optimisation for web applications is a high-performance online application.
Why its importantIn this project, a web application that can manage a lot of traffic, loads quickly, and uses little resources is being developed.
Skills neededExpert-level knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, familiarity with advanced performance optimization techniques such as code splitting, lazy loading, and caching.
Potential ApplicationsThis project can be used as a starting point for building large-scale, high-performance web applications.
High-performance Web App:
NameLinkOther information
High-performance Web App:, Typescript
High-performance Web App:

 #17 Voice-controlled Web App:

Expert Level Javascript Projects  #17 Voice-controlled Web App
ProjectVoice-controlled Web App
What it isAn excellent project to learn about speech recognition and natural language processing is a voice-controlled web application.
Why its importantIn this project, a web app will be developed that interacts with users using voice commands, enabling them to do things like search for information or manage smart home appliances.
Skills neededExpert-level knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, familiarity with voice recognition and natural language processing libraries such as Web Speech API and Natural Language Toolkit.
Potential ApplicationsThis project can be used as part of a larger voice-controlled platform or as a standalone voice-controlled tool for specific applications.
Voice-controlled Web App

#18 Real-time Data Visualization Dashboard:

Expert Level Javascript Projects #18 Real-time Data Visualization Dashboard
ProjectReal-time Data Visualization Dashboard
What it isAn excellent project to learn about data visualisation and real-time communication technologies is a real-time data visualisation dashboard.
Why its importantThe goal of this project is to develop a web application that can provide real-time data in numerous sources together with interactive graphs and charts for data analysis.
Skills neededExpert-level knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, familiarity with data visualization libraries such as D3.js and real-time communication technologies such as WebSockets.
Potential ApplicationsThis project can be used as part of a larger data analytics platform or as a standalone real-time data visualization tool for specific applications such as financial analysis or social media monitoring.
Real-time Data Visualization Dashboard

#19 Multiplayer Game:

Expert Level Javascript Projects #19 Multiplayer Game
ProjectMultiplayer Game
What it isAn excellent project to learn about game creation and multiplayer networking technology is a multiplayer game.
Why its importantThis project entails developing a web-based game with features like leaderboards and chat that can be played by several people simultaneously.
Skills neededExpert-level knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, familiarity with game development libraries such as Phaser and multiplayer networking technologies such as WebRTC.
Potential ApplicationsThis project can be used as part of a larger game development platform or as a standalone multiplayer game for specific applications such as e-sports or education.
Multiplayer Game

#20 Artificial Intelligence Platform:

Expert Level Javascript Projects #20 Artificial Intelligence Platform
ProjectArtificial Intelligence Platform
What it isA wonderful project to learn about cutting-edge machine learning and artificial intelligence technology is an artificial intelligence platform.
Why its importantThe goal of this project is to provide a web-based platform that would enable users to access various AI models for certain tasks, including picture recognition or natural language processing.
Skills neededExpert-level knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, familiarity with machine learning and AI libraries such as TensorFlow and PyTorch, and cloud computing technologies such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure.
Potential ApplicationsThis project can be used as part of a larger AI development platform or as standalone AI tool for specific applications such as healthcare or finance
Artificial Intelligence Platform


Having a solid portfolio is crucial for every professional or aspiring developer, and finishing real-world projects is a fantastic way to demonstrate your abilities and wow potential employers. In this post, we’ve included 20 inspiring JavaScript project ideas you may work on to build your portfolio and show off your language competence. Whether you have a passion for data visualisation, web development, or game creation, there is a project on this list that will support you in achieving your objectives. So go constructing and remember to have fun while doing it!

With determination, dedication, and a passion for coding, you can build these projects and achieve your career goals in the field of web development.


What projects can you build with JavaScript?

There are a variety of JavaScript projects you can build ranging from beginner to advanced:
– Simple Calculator
– To-do List
– Quiz App
– Real-time Data Visualization Dashboard
– Multiplayer Game
– Artificial Intelligence Platform

What is the best project to learn JavaScript?

Simple projects like To-Do lists, Quizzes, Pong Games, Tic Tac Toe, etc which teach basic syntax are good projects to learn from.

How to run a project made with JavaScript?

Open your browser. Open developer tools by right-clicking and selecting Inspect. Shortcut: F12. Type your code in the console.

What is JavaScript?

It is used to create dynamically updating content, control multimedia, animate images, etc.

Is JavaScript frontend?

Yes, it is front-end. However, JavaScript can also be used for back-end development. When used with HTML and CSS, it works as the front end, and when used with tools like Node.Js, it acts as the back end.

Useful Resources

Best JavaScript Bootcamps
Best JavaScript Certifications

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Shifa Ali

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