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Weighted vs Unweighted GPA

Written by Shefali Sundram

Updated on: 04 Jan 2025

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Depending on the courses you take and the grading system used by your school, your GPA can be either weighted or unweighted. What is the difference between weighted vs unweighted GPA, the two methods of calculating GPA, and which one is more beneficial for you?GPA improvement guideDepending on the courses you take and the grading system used by your school, your GPA can be either weighted or unweighted. What is the difference between weighted vs unweighted GPA, the two methods of calculating GPA, and which one is more beneficial for you?

Grade Point Average is a number that summarizes your academic performance in high school or college. It is one of the most important factors that colleges and employers look at when evaluating your application. 

In this blog, we will explore what are weighted and unweighted GPA, the pros and cons of weighted and unweighted GPA, and help you understand when they are most relevant for your academic goals.

Understanding Unweighted GPA

What is an Unweighted GPA?

An unweighted GPA is a student’s average grade point average calculated without considering the difficulty of the courses they took. 

It is a simple and straightforward way to measure academic performance but may not be the most accurate representation of a student’s academic potential especially for those taking challenging or advanced courses.

Unweighted GPA is the standard way of measuring academic performance. It is calculated on a scale typically ranging from 0 to 4.0, where each letter grade received in a course is assigned a standard value (A=4, B=3, etc.), regardless of course difficulty.

When is Unweighted GPA Used?

Unweighted GPA is commonly used by high schools for internal academic tracking and by some colleges for admissions, especially when comparing students from different educational backgrounds.

Here’s a grade and percentage to GPA conversion chart for a 4 pointer scale.

Letter GradePercentageGPA
FBelow 650.0
Grade and percentage to GPA conversion chart for a 4 pointer scale.

*Most schools follow this scale for unweighted GPAs.

How to calculate unweighted GPA?

To calculate unweighted GPA, the total grade points are divided by the total number of courses. 

1.Convert letter grades to numerical points:

Each letter grade corresponds to a specific number of points. For example:

  • A = 4.0
  • B = 3.0
  • C = 2.0
  • D = 1.0
  • F = 0.0

2. Total the grade points:

Multiply the number of points for each grade by the number of credits for that course. Then, add up the total points earned across all courses.

3. Divide by the total number of courses:

This final step gives you your unweighted GPA.


  • Let’s say a student scored four A’s (4 points each) and one B (3 points) in five courses.
  • Their total grade points would be (4 * 4) + (3 * 1) = 19.
  • Their unweighted GPA would be 19 points / 5 courses = 3.8.

Pros and cons of unweighted GPA 

Easy to understand and calculate: Simply average letter grades or their corresponding points. No weighting involved.Doesn’t reflect course difficulty: All courses are treated equally, regardless of rigor, potentially underrepresenting students taking challenging classes.
Provides a simple overview of academic performance: Offers a clear picture of overall achievement.May not be competitive for college admissions: Many colleges consider weighted GPA, disadvantaged students with unweighted GPAs in competitive environments.
Useful for internal comparisons: Allows for easy comparison within schools, where all students are graded on the same scale.Doesn’t motivate taking challenging courses: Students may opt for less demanding classes to maintain high unweighted GPAs, impacting their academic growth.
Used for internal awards and recognition: Often used to determine academic honors and awards within schools.Limited applicability: May not be relevant for external applications or scholarship opportunities considering weighted GPAs.
Pros and cons of unweighted GPA 

Understanding Weighted GPA

What is a Weighted GPA?

A weighted GPA is a calculation that takes into account the difficulty of a course when determining a student’s overall academic performance. Unlike a traditional GPA, which simply averages all grades together, a weighted GPA gives more importance to grades earned in harder classes. 

Weighted GPA considers the difficulty of courses. Advanced classes like Honors, AP, or IB are given extra weight. This means an A in these courses could be worth more than 4.0 points, often up to 5.0.

When is weighted GPA used?

Weighted GPA is used when a school wants to give more weight to grades earned in challenging courses. It is a method of calculating a student’s grade point average (GPA) that takes into account the difficulty level of the courses taken. The weighted GPA scale ranges from 0 to 5.0, depending on the scale used by the school.

For instance, if a student earns an A in an Advanced Placement (AP) course, it will be worth more than an A in a regular course. This is because AP courses are considered more challenging and require more work than regular courses.

Weighted GPA is often used by colleges and universities to evaluate applicants for admission. It is also used by high schools to determine class rank and eligibility for honors programs.

CourseGradeUnweighted GPAWeighted GPA (assuming a 5.0 scale)
English 101A4.05.0
AP CalculusB+3.54.5

How to calculate weighted GPA?

Calculating your weighted GPA might seem intimidating, but it’s actually quite straightforward. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

1: Gather Information

  • Grades: List all your grades for each course.
  • Credits: Note the number of credits awarded for each course.
  • Weights: Determine the weight assigned to each course. This information is usually provided by your school counselor or can be found in your school handbook.

2: Assign Numerical Values to Grades

Most schools use a 4.0 scale for grading, but some might have different scales. Here’s a common conversion chart:

  • A = 4.0
  • A- = 3.7
  • B+ = 3.3
  • B = 3.0
  • B- = 2.7
  • C+ = 2.3
  • C = 2.0
  • C- = 1.7
  • D+ = 1.3
  • D = 1.0
  • F = 0.0

3: Calculate Weighted Grade Points

For each course, multiply your grade’s numerical value by the course weight and then by the number of credits. This will give you the weighted grade points for that course.

4: Add Up Weighted Grade Points

Sum up the weighted grade points for all your courses.

5: Divide by Total Credits

Divide the total weighted grade points by the total number of credits you have taken. This will give you your final weighted GPA.


Let’s say a student scored four A’s (4 points each) and one B (3 points) in five courses. The courses are as follows:

  1. Honors English (A) – 4.5 points
  2. AP Calculus (A) – 5 points
  3. Regular Biology (A) – 4 points
  4. Honors History (A) – 4.5 points
  5. Regular Spanish (B) – 3 points

To calculate the weighted GPA, we first need to add up the total number of grade points earned. This is done by multiplying the grade point value of each course by the number of credits it is worth. In this case, the total number of grade points earned is:

(4.5 * 1) + (5 * 1) + (4 * 1) + (4.5 * 1) + (3 * 1) = 21

Next, we need to add up the total number of credits earned:

1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5

Finally, we divide the total number of grade points earned by the total number of credits earned to get the weighted GPA:

21 / 5 = 4.2

Therefore, the student’s weighted GPA would be 4.2.

Pros and cons of Weighted GPA 

Students who take challenging courses are rewarded with a higher GPA, reflecting their academic dedication.May encourage students to choose easier courses to maintain a high GPA, hindering their academic growth.
Allows for a fairer comparison between students who take different course loads and difficulty levels.May still favor students who have access to more resources and advanced courses.
Encourages students to challenge themselves academically and strive for higher achievement.Can create unnecessary stress and pressure, particularly for students who are not naturally gifted academically.
Provides a more accurate picture of a student’s academic potential by considering the rigor of their coursework.Can be misleading if not used in conjunction with other measures, such as standardized test scores and extracurricular activities.
May be beneficial for students applying to colleges that consider weighted GPA in admissions decisions.Some colleges may not consider weighted GPA or may have their own calculation methods, making it less relevant.
Can lead to grade inflation as students receive higher grades for taking weighted courses.May distort the true meaning of grades and make it difficult to compare students across different schools.
Pros and cons of Weighted GPA 

Differences between weighted vs unweighted GPA 

Weighted and unweighted GPAs serve different purposes. While unweighted GPA offers a straightforward measure of performance, weighted GPA highlights students’ willingness to engage with more challenging material.

Weighted GPAUnweighted GPA
Grade points are multiplied by course weights and credits before averaging.Grades are averaged without considering weights or credits.
Provides a more nuanced picture of academic performance, especially for students taking challenging courses.Easier to understand and compare between students with different course loads.
Rewards students for taking challenging courses, motivates them to excel, and provides a more accurate picture of academic potential.Offers a fairer comparison between students with different course loads and provides a simple overview of academic performance.
Can lead to grade inflation, may not be universally accepted by colleges, puts pressure on students, and can create inequities.May not accurately reflect academic achievement for students taking challenging courses, and can be influenced by factors outside of academic ability.
May be beneficial for students applying to colleges that consider weighted GPA in admissions decisions.Colleges may not consider weighted GPA or may have their own calculation methods, making it less relevant.
Weighted vs Unweighted GPA 

How to Improve your GPA

Improving your GPA involves strategic planning and consistent effort.

Key practices include setting realistic goals, managing study schedules effectively, and completing assignments on time. Regular study habits, efficient note-taking, and participating in study groups are also crucial.

Tracking your GPA regularly helps identify areas for improvement. Our GPA improvement guide simplifies GPA calculation, emphasizing the importance of understanding your institution’s grading system.

Following practical tips, like attending the right classes and using study resources, significantly boosts your GPA.

For those with lower GPAs, reassessing study habits and seeking private tutoring can help.

A good GPA, generally around 3.5 or higher, varies based on academic programs. Consistent effort, organized study practices, and utilizing available resources lead to academic success.

Calculating your Grade Point Average (GPA) is a vital skill for monitoring academic progress. In our comprehensive guide, How to Calculate Your GPA,” we provide an easy-to-use calculator and step-by-step instructions.


The debate between weighted and unweighted GPAs highlights the complexity of evaluating academic performance. While both offer valuable insights, they present distinct strengths and weaknesses.

Unweighted GPAs provide a clear and consistent measure across students, regardless of their course selection. This standardized approach facilitates easy comparison and avoids potential bias based on course difficulty. However, it fails to acknowledge the additional effort and intellectual rigor associated with advanced classes.

Weighted GPAs, conversely, recognize the inherent challenge of AP and IB courses by assigning higher point values to corresponding grades. This rewards students for tackling demanding academic pursuits and provides a more nuanced picture of their capabilities. However, concerns about potential grade inflation and the lack of universal adoption among colleges raise questions about its efficacy.

Ultimately, the choice between weighted and unweighted GPAs depends on the specific context. Colleges often have their own preferences, making it crucial for students to understand how their target institutions evaluate academic performance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the main difference between weighted and unweighted GPA?

The main difference lies in how course difficulty is accounted for. Unweighted GPA treats all courses equally, assigning the same value to grades irrespective of course difficulty. Weighted GPA, however, gives additional weight to more challenging courses like AP or honors classes.

Why do some colleges prefer weighted GPA over unweighted?

Some colleges prefer weighted GPA because it reflects not only the student’s academic capabilities but also their willingness to engage with challenging material. It helps admissions officers understand a student’s potential in a rigorous academic environment.

Do all high schools offer both weighted and unweighted GPAs?

Not necessarily. The availability of weighted and unweighted GPAs depends on the school’s policy. Some schools may offer only one type, while others provide both for different purposes, such as internal ranking and college applications.

Written by

Shefali Sundram

Reviewed by

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