Your AP Computer Science Principles Resource Center
Overview of AP Computer Science Principles
AP Computer Science Principles is a college-level course offered by the College Board to high school students who are interested in studying Computer science at an advanced level. It was opted by 169,000 students in 2023 as it is one of the preferred AP courses. The difficulty rating of the course by past students is 4.4 out of 10 and the pass rate for the year 2023 was 68%. AP CSP, students engage in hands-on projects, data analysis, and the creation and testing of digital artifacts, showcasing their understanding of core concepts while also honing their creative and collaborative skills.
Course content
Big Idea 2: Data
You’ll explore how computers handle data and how data can be used to produce new information and solve problems.
- Data compression
- Extracting information from data
Big Idea 3: Algorithms and Programming
You’ll learn how to use algorithms and abstractions to create programs that solve problems or to express your own creativity.
- Developing algorithms
- Simulations
- Algorithmic efficiency
Big Idea 4: Computer Systems and Networks
You’ll explore how computer systems and networks work and how using multiple computers to divide tasks can speed up processes.
- The Internet
- Parallel and distributed computing
Big Idea 5: Impact of Computing
You’ll examine the effects computing has had on societies, economies, and cultures and consider the legal and ethical responsibilities of programmers.
- The digital divide
- Computing bias
- Safe computing
Exam Date
AP Computer Science Principles Exam
Will be conducted on
Wed, May 15, 2024 | 12 PM Local
AP Computer Science Principles Exam Guide
AP Computer Science Principles is known for its demanding structure. It requires basic programming concepts and mathematical reasoning. In the AP Computer Science Principles exam guide, we provide you with the exam structure, topics, study resources, and student performance in AP Computer Science exams to put together the comprehensive AP Computer Science exam guide.

Explore more in AP Computer Science Principles
AP Computer Science Principles Course Resources
AP Computer Science Principles Course
The College Board website offers a variety of extra resources to help AP CSP students succeed on the exam. These resources include the AP CSP Course and Exam Description, the AP CSP Scoring Information, the AP CSP Exam Reference Sheet, and more. To help students prepare for the AP CSP exam, we have provided a list of extra resources below.
AP Computer Science Principles Exam Reference Sheet
AP Computer Science Principles Exam Reference Sheet This reference sheet is distributed to students for use during the end-of-course exam. It contains both block-based and text-based programming constructs and establishes a common way to communicate programming concepts.
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