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AP Chemistry Practice Tests

Written by Apoorvaa Agarwal

Updated on: 04 Jan 2025


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As the AP exam dates are approaching we decided to help our readers by compiling all the free and official AP Chemistry past exam papers and providing them with the top 3 choices of online resources for the AP Chemistry practice tests.

AP Chemistry past question papers

AP Chemistry free-response questions (FRQs)

Links to all the previous year’s free-response question papers are available in one place! Just click on the links given below and download the FRQs and start practicing for the AP Chemistry exam.

AP Chemistry Exam Guide
AP Chemistry Exam Guide 2024

AP Chemistry multiple-choice questions (MCQs)

Unlike, free-response questions, there are no official multiple-choice questions available for any AP exam.

*Disclaimer: These questions are taken from the official College Board website.

AP Chemistry exam

AP Chemistry exam will be held on Monday, May 8th, 2023, at 8:00 A.M. local time. This exam will be 3 hours and 15 minutes long and will spread across 2 sections:

  • Section A: multiple-choice questions (MCQs)
  • Section B: free-response questions (FRQs)
SectionTimingNumber of Questions% of Exam Score
Multiple choice questions1 hour and 30 minutes60 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)50%
Free-response questions1 hour and 45 minutesPart A: 3 long free-response questions (Each carries 10 points) – 32.6%
Part B: 4 short free-response questions (4 points each) – 17.4%
AP Chemistry exam format

Source: College Board

AP Chemistry practice test online

AP Chemistry exam is considered to be one of the hardest AP exams. AP Chemistry had a passing rate of 54% in 2021. When compared to other AP exams, the AP Chemistry exam has a lower pass rate as the average pass rate of other AP exams in 2022 was 66%.

So, this shows that students who opt for AP Chemistry need to put a lot of effort into understanding the concepts as well as sharpening their problem-solving skills.

We understand the pain of wasting hours researching good resources online with good practice questions for enhancing your problem-solving capabilities. We understand this pain and that is why we have compiled the top 3 online resources that will provide you with AP Chemistry practice tests.

1. Albert

Albert is an online learning platform that provides students with questions related to different exams like SAT, PSAT, AP, different state exams, etc. It also provides students with practice questions and assessments on different school and college-level subjects.

The AP Chemistry practice tests available on Albert consist of different types of questions related to all the units of AP Chemistry. The practice tests are divided into different formats:

  1. Practice: This section of practice tests contains multiple-choice questions (MCQs). The questions are given for each section covered in the AP Chemistry coursework. The number of questions for each section varies.
  2. Free response: Albert also provides AP Chemistry FRQs for practice. The questions are again spread across all the topics covered in the coursework.
  3. Assessments: This section also contains both MCQs and FRQs but the question formatting is in the style of the AP Chemistry exam. Students are given questions in the exact format of the AP Chemistry exam and with the same time limit as given during the exam.
  4. Overview: Here you get can all the information related to the AP Chemistry exam.

Of course, all the practice tests are 100% free for all students. Do create an account to keep track of your progress.

2. Varsity Tutors

Varsity Tutors

If you are looking for detailed and effective online AP Chemistry practice tests and assessments, then Varsity Tutors is a great choice. Varsity Tutors provides online study resources and practice tests to help students practice for the AP Chemistry exam in a better and more impactful manner.

Varsity Tutors has divided their practice test sessions into five different categories; 6 diagnostic tests, 225 practice tests, the question of the day, flashcards, and learn by the concept. Let’s understand these categories one by one.

  1. 6 diagnostic tests: The diagnostic tests are designed to diagnose your progress in AP Chemistry coursework. These tests will help you in determining your core strengths and weaknesses. The results will highlight how you performed in each section which will give you an insight into where you need to improve.
  2. 225 practice test: You will be given a total of 225 practice questions, which are majority MCQs. The questions will be spread across all the topics covered in the AP Chemistry coursework and you will be given a time limit for each test.
  3. Question of the day: This is an additional feature given by the Varsity Tutors This feature gives you new questions every day. The question changes every day and students also get explanations if they answer a question wrong.
  4. Flashcards: The questions in this section are all MCQs. Questions are spread across all the topics covered in the AP Chemistry coursework and the number of questions varies from section to section.

All the questions are 100% free to access. Do create an account to keep track of your progress.

3. Crack AP

Crack AP is an online educational platform that provides students with study materials and practice test questions for different tests like AP, SAT, PSAT, ACT, etc.

Crack AP provides practice test questions and study materials for all AP exams, including AP Chemistry. AP Chemistry practice tests consist of both MCQs and FRQs.

There are 46 MCQs consisting of questions from all the topics covered in AP Chemistry coursework and then there are 28 MCQs that are subject-specific. It also provides 22 FRQs covering questions from all the topics of AP Chemistry.

Apart from these practice test questions, Crack AP also provides students with download options where students can download MCQs and FRQs of different topics covered in the AP Chemistry coursework.


In conclusion, AP Chemistry 1 practice tests can be a valuable tool for students to prepare for the exam and deepen their understanding of the subject. Regularly taking these tests can help identify areas of weakness and provide opportunities for improvement.

Private tutoring offers targeted guidance tailored to your strengths and weaknesses. Learn more about how private tutoring can help you excel in AP Chemistry by reading our guide: Private Tutoring: The Key to Mastering High School Chemistry.

With consistent practice and a strong grasp of the concepts, students can achieve success on the AP Chemistry exam.

**Disclaimer: The past questions provided in the above section are taken from the official College Board website.

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