AP Score Distribution 2023: Insights into Student Performance

By Wiingy on Aug 20, 2024

Updated Mar 07, 2025

In this article

In this blog, we present an overview of the 2023 Advanced Placement AP score distributions. We’ll explore the percentage of students who scored 3 or higher in each subject, ranging from AP Latin to AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism.

We analyzed the AP Exam Scores 2023 score distribution by Trevor Packer, to offer a glimpse into what these scores mean and how they can shape students’ academic futures.

Join us in celebrating the accomplishments of these talented students and their dedication to academic excellence.

Let’s dive into the data and discover the outcomes of the 2023 AP exams!

Table of Contents

How to check my AP Scores 2023

  • Visit the website – https://bit.ly/apscores2023
  • Check that you can sign into your College Board account.
    Make sure that you remember your login credentials by signing in before scores are released in July. This is the same account that you use to access My AP or other College Board resources.
  • Make sure we have your current email address.
    If you’ve changed your email address, update it in your account.
  • Don’t create a new account if you already have one.
    Duplicate accounts can cause delays in getting your AP scores. Sign in with the same account you used to register and enroll in AP class sections.

AP Score Distribution 2023 Breakdown

Here’s the list of subjects in increasing order of pass rates (scores of 3 or higher):

SubjectPercentage (3 or higher)
AP Latin47%
AP US History48%
AP European History49%
AP Chemistry50%
AP World History50%
AP Physics 145%
AP Music Theory61%
AP Calculus AB58%
AP English Literature & Composition57%
AP English Language & Composition56%
AP Psychology60%
AP Statistics60%
AP Microeconomics66%
AP Macroeconomics64%
AP Art History64%
AP German66%
AP Biology64%
AP Calculus BC74%
AP French74%
AP Seminar69%
AP Italian69%
AP Computer Science Principles68%
AP Spanish Literature67%
AP Computer Science A67%
AP Comparative Government & Politics71%
AP Physics C: Mechanics66%
AP Japanese76%
AP Art and Design 3D Portfolio76%
AP Spanish Language84%
AP Research84%
AP Chinese85%
AP Art and Design Drawing Portfolio85%
AP Physics 268%
AP Human Geography54%
AP US Government and Politics38%
AP Environmental Science53%
AP Macroeconomics64%
AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism68%

The subjects are listed in increasing order based on the pass rates (scores of 3 or higher) from lowest to highest.

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AP Score Distribution – Mean Score Analysis

SubjectMean Score
AP English Language & Composition2.81
AP US History2.56
AP English Literature and Composition2.84
AP World History3.04
AP US Government and Politics2.59
AP Psychology2.89
AP Calculus AB2.98
AP Biology3.03
AP Human Geography2.74
AP Statistics2.88
AP Environmental Science2.77
AP Physics 12.52
AP Computer Science Principles3.03
AP Macroeconomics3.05
AP Chemistry3.24
AP Calculus BC3.72
AP Microeconomics3.15
AP European History2.94
AP Computer Science A Exam3.20
AP Seminar3.29
AP Physics C: Mechanics Exam3.35
AP Art and Design 2D Portfolio3.37
AP Research3.33
AP Spanish Literature2.95
AP Art History3.01
AP Comparative Government & Politics3.13
AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism3.42
AP French (total group)3.17
AP Art and Design Drawing Portfolio3.48
AP Music Theory3.03
AP Chinese (total group)3.93
AP Art and Design 3D Portfolio3.05
AP Latin2.80
AP German (total group)3.11
AP Japanese (total group)3.63
AP Italian3.22
AP Physics 23.09

The table presents the mean scores for all Advanced Placement (AP) subjects in 2023, providing a comprehensive overview of student performance. Higher mean scores indicate stronger proficiency, while lower scores may suggest more challenging courses.

This data offers valuable insights for educators and students, guiding efforts to enhance academic achievements. It highlights the importance of academic excellence and recognizes the diverse skill sets and interests of students in various AP subjects.

Top 10 Hardest AP Subjects in 2023 based on AP Scores

Here are the subjects with the top 10 lowest pass rates (3 or higher):

SubjectMean Score
AP Physics 12.52
AP US History2.56
AP US Government and Politics2.59
AP Human Geography2.74
AP Environmental Science2.77
AP Latin2.8
AP English Language & Composition2.81
AP English Literature and Composition2.84
AP Statistics2.88
AP Psychology2.89

The list represents the top 10 hardest Advanced Placement (AP) subjects based on the mean score for the year 2023. These courses, known for their rigor and academic challenges, have garnered lower mean scores among students who took the respective exams. Topping the list are AP Physics 1, AP US History, and AP US Government and Politics, where students achieved average scores of 2.52, 2.56, and 2.59, respectively. The list also includes other demanding subjects such as AP Human Geography, AP Environmental Science, and AP English Language & Composition.

Top 10 Easiest AP Subjects in 2023 based on AP Scores

Here are the subjects with the top 10 highest pass rates (3 or higher):

SubjectMean Score
AP Chinese3.93
AP Calculus BC3.72
AP Japanese3.63
AP Art and Design Drawing Portfolio3.48
AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism3.42
AP Art and Design 2D Portfolio3.37
AP Physics C: Mechanics3.35
AP Research3.33
AP Seminar3.29
AP Chemistry3.24

The table represents the top 10 easiest Advanced Placement (AP) subjects based on the mean scores for the year 2023. These courses have earned higher mean scores among students who took the respective exams, indicating that they are comparatively less challenging. At the top of the list are AP Chinese (total group) with a mean score of 3.93, closely followed by AP Calculus BC with a mean score of 3.72, and AP Japanese (total group) with a mean score of 3.63.

These subjects are considered less daunting by students, resulting in higher average scores. The list also includes other relatively accessible subjects, such as AP Art and Design Drawing Portfolio, AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism, and AP Art and Design 2D Portfolio, all of which have received commendable mean scores

AP Score Distribution 2023

The AP Score Distribution for 2023 provides a comprehensive analysis of the performance of students in various subjects. This examination of score distribution offers valuable insights into the overall achievements of test-takers.

The data reveals patterns and trends, showcasing subjects where students excelled and areas where improvement may be needed. Educators and policymakers can utilize this information to assess the effectiveness of educational programs and tailor support accordingly.

The 2023 AP Score Distribution serves as a valuable resource for evaluating student performance and shaping future educational initiatives.

AP English Language 2023 Score Distribution

AP English Language & Composition Scores 2023

SubjectAP English Language & Composition

The 2023 AP English Language & Composition scores: 5: 10%; 4: 20%; 3: 26%; 2: 29%; 1: 15%. Big praise: AP English Lang teachers achieved the largest equity/access gains of any subject (40,000 more students admitted this year) and scores increased as well.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 22, 2023

AP United States History 2023 Score Distribution

AP US History Scores 2023

SubjectAP US History

The 2023 AP US History scores: 5: 11%; 4: 15%; 3: 22%; 2: 23%; 1: 29%.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 22, 2023
2023 AP US History Scores

AP English Literature 2023 Score Distribution

AP English Literature & Composition Scores 2023

SubjectAP English Literature and Composition

The 2020 AP English Literature and Composition scores: 5: 9.3%; 4: 17.3%; 3: 33.5%; 2: 27.7%; 1: 12.2%.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) July 7, 2020

AP World History 2023 Score Distribution

AP World History Scores 2023

SubjectAP World History

The 2023 AP World History scores: 5: 15%; 4: 22%; 3: 28%; 2: 22%; 1: 13%. (Congrats – this year’s group earned what are easily the all-time high scores in this subject for as long as I’ve posted these.)

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 21, 2023

AP US Government & Politics 2023 Score Distribution

AP US Government and Politics Scores 2023

SubjectAP US Government and Politics

The 2023 AP US Government and Politics scores: 5: 13%; 4: 11%; 3: 25%; 2: 24%; 1: 27%. These scores and the required points are consistent over the past decade. I wish colleges were less stringent in the points they require for 3s/4s/5s in this subject!

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 28, 2023
2023 AP US Govt & Politics Scores

AP Psychology 2023 Score Distribution

AP Psychology Scores 2023

SubjectAP Psychology

The 2023 AP Psychology scores: 5: 17%; 4: 23%; 3: 20%; 2: 12%; 1: 28%. Kudos to AP Psychology teachers and students: psychometric equating shows that learning outcomes were stronger this year, so scores went up, even as 27,000 more students were given seats at this table.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 27, 2023

AP Calculus AB 2023 Score Distribution

AP Calculus AB Scores 2023

SubjectAP Calculus AB

The 2023 AP Calculus AB scores: 5: 22%; 4: 16%; 3: 20%; 2: 22%; 1: 20%. This is a hefty increase over last year, rivaling pre-pandemic performance; exciting to see this strong recovery, given the pandemic’s impact on math sequences/proficiency.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 29, 2023
2023 AP Calculus AB Scores

AP Biology 2023 Score Distribution

AP Biology Scores 2023:

SubjectAP Biology

The 2023 AP Biology scores: 5: 14%; 4: 23%; 3: 27%; 2: 24%; 1: 12%.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 23, 2023
2023 AP Biology scores

AP Human Geography 2023 Score Distribution

AP Human Geography Scores 2023:

SubjectAP Human Geography

The 2023 AP Human Geography scores: 5: 16%; 4: 20%; 3: 18%; 2: 14%; 1: 32%. Very inspiring work here by these teachers, who expanded access to 27,000 more students . . . and achieved the highest scores yet posted for this subject!

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 29, 2023
2023 AP Human Geography scores

AP Statistics 2023 Score Distribution

AP Statistics Scores 2023:

SubjectAP Statistics

The 2023 AP Statistics scores: 5: 15%; 4: 22%; 3: 23%; 2: 16%; 1: 24%. Great work: these are higher than the pre-pandemic scores of 2019, let alone last year, and educators invited 10% more students into the AP Stats classroom this year than last.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 27, 2023
2023 AP Statistics Scores

AP Environmental Science 2023 Score Distribution

AP Environmental Science Scores 2023:

SubjectAP Environmental Science

The 2023 AP Environmental Science scores: 5: 8%; 4: 28%; 3: 17%; 2: 27%; 1: 20%.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 21, 2023

AP Spanish Language & Culture 2023 Score Distribution

AP Spanish Language Scores 2023

SubjectAP Spanish Language

The 2023 AP Spanish Language scores (total group): 5: 24%; 4: 30%; 3: 30%; 2: 14%; 1:3%. Congrats to AP Spanish teachers, who continue to build back toward pre-pandemic levels of student proficiency – this is a significant increase in scores over last year.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 28, 2023
2023 AP Spanish Language scores
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AP Physics 1 2023 Score Distribution

AP Physics 1 Scores 2023

SubjectAP Physics 1

The 2023 AP Computer Science Principles scores:
5: 12%; 4: 23%; 3: 33%; 2: 20%; 1: 12%.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 20, 2023

AP Macroeconomics 2023 Score Distribution

AP Macroeconomics Scores 2023

SubjectAP Macroeconomics

The 2023 AP Macroeconomics scores: 5: 16%; 4: 23%; 3: 25%; 2: 22%; 1: 14%. This year’s research into college econ performance found that AP Macro students were significantly outperforming college peers, hence the big jump in 3s/4s/5s this year. Great work.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 29, 2023

AP Chemistry 2023 Score Distribution

AP Chemistry Scores 2023

SubjectAP Chemistry

The 2023 AP Chemistry scores: 5: 15%; 4: 27%; 3: 33%; 2: 17%; 1: 8%.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 21, 2023

AP Calculus BC 2023 Score Distribution

AP Calculus BC Scores 2023

SubjectAP Calculus BC

The 2023 AP Calculus BC scores: 5: 42%; 4: 16%; 3: 20%; 2: 16%; 1: 6%. This is an increase over last year, really impressive scores (all those 5s!), although not yet back to pre-pandemic levels.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 29, 2023
2023 AP Calculus BC Scores

AP Microeconomics 2023 Score Distribution

AP Microeconomics Scores 2023

SubjectAP Microeconomics

The 2023 AP Microeconomics scores: 5: 18%; 4: 26%; 3: 22%; 2: 21%; 1: 13%.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 29, 2023
2023 AP MicroEconomics Scores

AP European History 2023 Score Distribution

AP European History Scores 2023

SubjectAP European History

The 2023 AP European History scores: 5: 13%; 4: 21%; 3: 25%; 2: 29%; 1: 12%.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 21, 2023

AP Computer Science A 2023 Score Distribution

AP Computer Science A Exam Scores 2023

SubjectAP Computer Science A Exam

The 2023 AP Computer Science A Exam scores: 5: 27%; 4: 22%; 3: 18%; 2: 10%; 1: 23%.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 16, 2023

AP Seminar 2023 Score Distribution

AP Seminar Scores 2023

SubjectAP Seminar

The 2023 AP Seminar scores: 5: 11%; 4: 20%; 3: 57%; 2: 11%; 1: 1%. Many schools are merging AP Seminar with English 10 to build skills; as a result, it’s this year’s fastest growing AP subject (30% increase). Even with such growth, 88% earned scores of 3+, same as last year.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 26, 2023
2023 AP Seminar Scores

AP Physics C – Mechanics 2023 Score Distribution

AP Physics C: Mechanics Scores 2023

SubjectAP Physics C: Mechanics Exam

The 2023 AP Physics C: Mechanics Exam scores:
5: 23%; 4: 28%; 3: 22%; 2: 15%; 1: 12%.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 15, 2023

AP Art and Design: 2-D 2023 Score Distribution

SubjectAP Art and Design 2D Portfolio

The 2023 AP Art and Design 2D Portfolio scores: 5: 12%; 4: 31%; 3: 41%; 2: 14%; 1: 2%. So far, 338 of 49,000 students who submitted these portfolios achieved all 100/100 points possible across all of their works; we’ll notify them and their schools in the fall.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 27, 2023
2023 AP Art and Design 2D Scores

AP Research 2023 Score Distribution

AP Research Scores 2023

SubjectAP Research

The 2023 AP Research scores: 5: 13%; 4: 26%; 3: 45%; 2: 13%; 1: 3%. Congrats to this year’s AP Research students and teachers, who have achieved all-time high scores in this subject, 84% earning scores of 3 or higher.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 26, 2023
2023 AP Research Scores

AP Spanish Literature & Culture 2023 Score Distribution

AP Spanish Literature Scores 2023

SubjectAP Spanish Literature

The 2023 AP Spanish LITERATURE scores: 5: 8%; 4: 22%; 3: 37%; 2: 23%; 1: 10%.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 16, 2023

AP Art History 2023 Score Distribution

AP Art History Scores 2023

SubjectAP Art History

The 2023 AP Art History scores:
5: 13%; 4: 23%; 3: 28%; 2: 24%; 1: 12%.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 20, 2023

AP Government & Politics – Comparative 2023 Score Distribution

AP Comparative Government & Politics Scores 2023

SubjectAP Comparative Government & Politics

The 2023 AP Comparative Government & Politics scores: 5: 16%; 4: 23%; 3: 32%; 2: 16%; 1: 13%.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 20, 2023

AP Physics C – E&M 2023 Score Distribution

AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism Scores 2023

SubjectAP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism

The 2023 AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism scores: 5: 31%; 4: 24%; 3: 13%; 3: 20%; 1: 12%

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 15, 2023
2023 AP Physics C Electricity and Magnetism scores

AP French Language & Culture 2023 Score Distribution

AP French Scores 2023

SubjectAP French

The 2023 AP French scores (total group): 5: 12%; 4: 25%; 3: 37%; 2: 20%; 1: 6%. This is a significant increase in 3s/4s/5s over last year, as teachers and students continue to press forward after pandemic interruptions of language sequences and progressions.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 29, 2023
2023 AP French Scores

AP Art and Design: Drawing 2023 Score Distribution

AP Art and Design Drawing Portfolio Scores 2023

SubjectAP Art and Design Drawing Portfolio

The 2023 AP Art and Design Drawing Portfolio scores: 5: 16%; 4: 33%; 3: 36%; 2: 13%; 1: 2%. So far, 309 of 25,000 students who submitted these portfolios achieved all 100/100 points possible across all of their works; we’ll notify them and their schools in the fall.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 27, 2023
2023 AP Art and Design Drawing Portfolio Scores

AP Physics 2 2023 Score Distribution

AP Physics 2 Scores 2023

SubjectAP Physics 2

The 2023 AP Physics 2 scores:
5: 15%; 4: 17%; 3: 36%; 2: 26%; 1: 6%

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 15, 2023
AP Physics 2 score distribution Trevor Packer 2023

AP Music Theory 2023 Score Distribution

AP Music Theory Scores 2023

SubjectAP Music Theory

The 2023 AP Music Theory scores: 5: 20%; 4: 17%; 3: 24%; 2: 24%; 1: 15%

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 26, 2023
2023 AP Music Theory scores

AP Chinese Language & Culture 2023 Score Distribution

AP Chinese Scores 2023

SubjectAP Chinese

The 2023 AP Chinese scores (total group): 5: 50%; 4: 17%; 3: 18%; 2: 6%; 1: 9%. These scores are higher than last year’s, as dedicated teachers and students build and develop proficiency that was interrupted during the pandemic.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 29, 2023
2023 AP Chinese Scores

AP Art and Design: 3-D 2023 Score Distribution

AP Art and Design 3D Portfolio Scores 2023

SubjectAP Art and Design 3D Portfolio

The 2023 AP Art and Design 3D Portfolio scores: 5: 7%; 4: 25%; 3: 40%; 2: 23%; 1: 4%. So far, 52 of 8,600 students who submitted these portfolios achieved all 100/100 points possible across all of their works; we’ll notify them and their schools in the fall.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 27, 2023
2023 AP Art and Design 3D Portfolio Scores

AP Latin 2023 Score Distribution

AP Latin Scores 2023

SubjectAP Latin

The 2023 AP Latin scores: 5: 12%; 4: 17%; 3: 28%; 2: 25%; 1: 18%.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 23, 2023
2023 AP Latin scores

AP German Language & Culture 2023 Score Distribution

AP German Scores 2023

SubjectAP German

The 2023 AP German scores (total group): 5: 19%; 4: 21%; 3: 26%; 2: 20%; 1: 14%.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 26, 2023
2023 AP German scores

AP Japanese Language & Culture 2023 Score Distribution

AP Japanese Scores 2023

SubjectAP Japanese

The 2023 AP Japanese scores (total group): 5: 47%; 4: 9%; 3: 19%; 2: 9%; 1: 17%. AP Japanese teachers and students achieved a big score increase this year, a return to pre-pandemic levels of Japanese language learning proficiency – nice work.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 27, 2023
2023 AP Japanese scores

AP Italian Language & Culture 2023 Score Distribution

AP Italian Scores 2023

SubjectAP Italian

The 2023 AP Italian scores: 5: 20%; 4: 22%; 3: 29%; 2: 18%; 1: 11%.

— Trevor Packer (@AP_Trevor) June 28, 2023
2023 AP Italian Scores

Source: Trevor Packer (Head of Advanced Placement Programme at Collegeboard)

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Understanding AP Score Distribution 2023

In summary, the AP score distribution for 2023 serves as a valuable tool for gauging student performance and identifying both the most challenging and accessible subjects. The data allows educators and students to comprehend the academic landscape, driving efforts towards academic improvement and recognizing the diverse abilities and interests of learners in various AP courses.

Beyond the AP Scores: How to check my AP Credit for College Application?

AP scores can have a significant impact on earning college credit. Many universities have established credit policies that outline the minimum AP scores required to receive credit for specific subjects. These policies vary among institutions, with some granting credit for scores as low as 3, while others may require a score of 4 or 5.

Our blog on AP Credit Policies covers the universities and their minimum AP score requirements to earn a college credit in detail


In conclusion, the AP score distribution for the year 2023 offers valuable insights into the performance of students across various subjects. The data reveals both the top 10 hardest and easiest subjects based on mean scores, providing a glimpse of the academic challenges students faced and their achievements.

The analysis of these scores can guide educators and students in understanding the rigor and proficiency of different AP courses, fostering continuous improvement in academic outcomes. By recognizing the diversity of skill sets and interests among students, the AP program continues to promote a well-rounded education that prepares learners for future success.

When do the AP Scores come out?

College Board has released the Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Scores for 2023 on their official website.

Which AP Subject was the hardest in 2023?

AP Latin was the hardest subject in 2023 with a low pass rate (scoring 3 or higher) of 47%. It was followed by AP US History at 48% and AP European History at 49%. These subjects have been consistently in the hardest AP Subjects over the past decade.

What is the AP Score Distribution for 2023?

The AP score distribution for 2023 for students scoring 3 or higher were as follows: AP Latin: 47%
AP US History: 48%
AP European History: 49%
AP Chemistry: 50%
AP World History: 50%
AP Physics 1: 45%
AP Music Theory: 61%
AP Calculus AB: 58%
AP English Literature & Composition: 57%
AP English Language & Composition: 56%
AP Psychology: 60%
AP Statistics: 60%
AP Microeconomics: 66%
AP Macroeconomics: 64%
AP Art History: 64%
AP German: 66%
AP Biology: 64%
AP Calculus BC: 74%
AP French: 74%
AP Seminar: 69%
AP Italian: 69%
AP Computer Science Principles: 68%
AP Spanish Literature: 67%
AP Computer Science A: 67%
AP Comparative Government & Politics: 71%
AP Physics C: Mechanics: 66%
AP Japanese: 76%
AP Art and Design 3D Portfolio: 76%
AP Spanish Language: 84%
AP Research: 84%
AP Chinese: 85%
AP Art and Design Drawing Portfolio: 85%
AP Physics 2: 68%
AP Human Geography: 54%
AP US Government and Politics: 38%
AP Environmental Science: 53%
AP Macroeconomics: 64%
AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism: 68% , read the detailed analysis on the blog

What is a passing AP Score?

A passing AP score is the minimum score required on an AP exam to earn college credit. The passing score varies by subject and is usually between 3 and 5. However, different colleges may have their own specific requirements, so it’s important to check with the institution you’re interested in.

Is 3 on an AP Exam good?

Scoring a 3 on an AP exam is generally considered a decent achievement. It demonstrates a solid understanding of the subject and shows that you can perform at a college level. However, the significance of a 3 may vary depending on the college or university you are applying to, as their policies regarding AP scores may differ. It’s important to research the specific requirements of your target institutions to understand how they view a score of 3.

Can you retake an AP exam?

Yes, College Board allows you to retake an AP exam if you want to improve your score or were not satisfied with your initial performance. It’s important to note that retaking an AP exam requires registering and paying the exam fee again

How do I log in to AP Classroom?

To log in to AP Classroom, follow these steps:
Visit the official College Board website (collegeboard.org).
Click on the “AP Students” or “AP Central” section, depending on how the website is organized.
Look for the “AP Classroom” link or tab and click on it.
You will be directed to the AP Classroom login page.
Enter your username and password. Note that your username is usually your College Board account username.
Once you have entered your login credentials, click on the “Log In” or “Sign In” button.
If the entered information is correct, you will be logged in to your AP Classroom account, where you can access resources, assignments, practice exams, and more.

Reviewed by Wiingy

Mar 07, 2025

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