AP Formula Sheets

By Wiingy on Oct 31, 2023

Updated Feb 14, 2025

AP Formula Sheets

AP Formula sheets also known as AP equations sheets are a set of formulas that students are allowed to use during the AP exam. These sheets are provided by the College Board and not every subject has an equations sheet. The formulas are meant to help students solve problems more efficiently and accurately.

While the AP equation sheets can help as a reference for the formulae to be used, students are still expected to have a good understanding of the concepts and principles behind the formulas. 

What is included on an AP Equations Sheet?

The contents of the AP Equations Sheet vary depending on the subject. However, it generally includes a list of equations, formulas, and constants that are relevant to the course material.

For instance, the AP Chemistry Equations Sheet includes tables containing equations and constants in the Section I multiple-choice booklet and the Section II orange Reference booklet. Similarly, the AP Calculus Equations Sheet includes tables containing equations and formulas that are relevant to the course material.

Are AP equation sheets allowed in exams?

Yes, they are provided to students by the College Board. Students should familiarize themselves with the equation sheet for their exam before taking it so that they can use it efficiently and effectively during the exam.

The equation sheets are provided for use during the entire exam. Students must not bring any of their own equation/formulae sheets to the exam.

List of Formula Sheets

  1. AP Chemistry Formula Sheets
  2. AP Physics 1 Formula Sheets
  3. AP Physics 2 Formula Sheets
  4. AP Physics C Mechanics Formula Sheets
  5. AP Physics C E &M Formula Sheets
  6. AP Calculus AB Formula Sheets
  7. AP Calculus BC Formula Sheets
  8. AP Statistics Formula Sheets

How to use the AP Formula (Equation) Sheets?

Here are some tips for using the AP formula sheets:

1. Familiarize yourself with the sheet

Before you take the exam, take some time to familiarize yourself with the formula sheet. Make sure you know where each formula is located and what it is used for. This will save you time during the exam and help you avoid confusion.

2. Practice using the sheet

The best way to get comfortable with the formula sheet is to practice using it. Try solving practice problems using only the formulas on the sheet. This will help you get a sense of how the formulas work together and how they can be used to solve different types of problems.

3. Don’t rely too heavily on the sheet

While the formula sheet can be a useful tool, it’s important not to rely too heavily on it. Remember that you still need to have a good understanding of the concepts behind the formulas to do well on the exam.

4. Use the sheet strategically

During the exam, use the formula sheet strategically. Don’t waste time looking up every formula for every problem. Instead, focus on using the formulas that you know well and that are most relevant to each problem.


AP formula sheets are an essential tool for students taking AP exams. They provide a quick reference for important formulas and can help students solve problems more efficiently and accurately. To get the most out of your AP formula sheet, familiarize yourself with it before taking the exam, practice using it, and use it strategically during the exam.

Reviewed by Wiingy

Feb 14, 2025

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