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How difficult is AP Environmental Science?
In 2022, the AP Environmental Science passing rate was 56.3%, slightly lower than the average passing rate of 66% for all AP exams. This suggests that AP Environmental Science is more difficult than other AP subjects.
Despite being one of the hardest AP classes, AP Environmental Science was still opted by 179,957 as it is one of the preferred AP courses of many competitive colleges/universities.
However, it is important to note that the difficulty of any course can vary depending on the individual student’s preparation and abilities. Some students may find AP Environmental Science hard, and others may find it easier.
If you are considering taking AP Environmental Science, you should have an understanding of The Living World: Ecosystems, The Living World: Biodiversity, Populations, Earth Systems and Resources, Land and Water Use, Energy Resources and Consumption, Atmospheric Pollution, Aquatic and Terrestrial Pollution and Global Change.
APES skills & concepts to know for better grades
Our experienced APES tutors help students enhance their knowledge of introductory or advanced APES concepts, including the following:
- Rhetorical analysis
- Argumentation
- Evidence gathering and evaluation
- Style and tone
- Grammar and mechanics
- Research and writing process
AP Environmental Science exam pass rate
In 2022, 66% of test takers earned a three or above on their AP exams. APES pass rate was 56.3% for 2022.
You could conclude that AP Environmental Science is more challenging than some other AP subjects since the exam’s pass rate is lower than the average pass rate for all other AP classes.
AP Environmental Science Exam Overview
The AP Environmental Science exam is 2 hours 40 mins long and is divided into two sections
The first section consists of 80 multiple-choice questions and is 1 hour 30 minutes long.
The second section is a free-response section with 3 questions and is 1 hour 10 minutes long.
The AP Environmental Science Exam will test your understanding of the psychological concepts covered in the course units, as well as your ability to analyze behavioral studies.
AP Environmental Science exam structure and scoring
The AP Environmental Science Exam format includes two sections as below:
Section | No. of Questions | Time allocated to each section | Weightage |
Multiple-choice questions | 80 questions | 1 hour 30 mins | 60% |
Free response questions | 3 questions | 1 hour 10 mins | 40% |
AP Environmental Science Syllabus
AP Environmental Science syllabus covers the primary topics in college-level APES. Students should have some basic knowledge and interest to take the course.
Unit | What’s included | Weight in Exam |
Unit 1: The Living World: Ecosystems You’ll begin to explore a view of planet Earth as one system made up of regional ecosystems composed of interdependent environmental features, processes, and relationships between species. | -Introduction to ecosystems -Terrestrial and aquatic biomes -Primary productivity -Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and water cycles -Trophic levels -The flow of energy in an ecosystem and the 10% rule -Food chains and food webs | 16%–8% |
Unit 2: The Living World: Biodiversity You’ll learn about the importance of biodiversity within ecosystems and the impact of outside factors on the evolution of organisms. | -Introduction to biodiversity -Ecosystem servicesIsland biogeography -Ecological tolerance -Natural disruptions to ecosystems -Ecological succession | 6%-8% |
Unit 3: Populations You’ll examine how populations within ecosystems change over time, and the factors that affect population growth. | -Generalist and specialist species -Survivorship curves -Population growth and resource availability -Age structure diagrams -Human population dynamics | 10%-15% |
Unit 4: Earth Systems and Resources You’ll study the natural components that make up the environment, from geologic features to the atmosphere and climate. | -Tectonic plates -Soil formation and erosion -Earth’s atmosphere -Global wind patterns -Earth’s geography and climate -El Niño and La Niña | 10%–15% |
Unit 5: Land and Water Use You’ll examine how humans use and consume natural resources, and the ways in which we disrupt ecosystems, both positively and negatively. | -The tragedy of the commons -The Green Revolution -Types and effects of irrigation -Pest-control methods -Meat production methods and overfishing -The impacts of mining -Urbanization and ecological footprints -Introduction to sustainable practices including crop rotation and aquaculture | 10%–15% |
Unit 6: Energy Resources and Consumption You’ll learn about renewable and nonrenewable sources of energy, where they’re used, and their impact on the environment. | -Energy sources and fuel types, including fossil fuels, ethanol, and nuclear power -Global energy consumption and distribution of natural resources -Natural sources of energy, including solar power, wind, geothermal, and hydroelectric power -Energy conservation methods | 10%–15% |
Unit 7: Atmospheric Pollution You’ll learn more about air pollution, including how human actions can cause it, and you’ll analyze legislation intended to regulate emissions and improve air quality. | -Introduction to air pollution -Photochemical smog -Indoor air pollution -Methods to reduce air pollutants -Acid rain -Noise pollution | 7%–10% |
Unit 8: Aquatic and Terrestrial Pollution You’ll examine the impact of pollution on ecosystems and learn how to determine its source. | -Sources of pollution -Human impact on ecosystems -Thermal pollution -Solid waste disposal and waste reduction methods -Pollution and human health -Pathogens and infectious diseases | 7%–10% |
Unit 9: Global Change You’ll come to understand the global impact of local and regional human activities and evaluate and propose solutions. | -Ozone depletion -Global climate change -Ocean warming and acidification -Invasive species -Human impacts on diversity | 15%–20% |
Why Wiingy is the best site for online AP Environmental Science homework help and test prep
If you are struggling with AP Environmental Science and are considering a tutoring service, Wiingy has the best online tutoring program for AP Environmental Science. Here are some key benefits of using Wiingy for online AP Environmental Science homework help and test prep:
- Best AP Environmental Science teachers:
Wiingy’s award-winning AP Environmental Science tutors are experts in their field, with years of experience teaching and helping students succeed. They are passionate about APES and committed to helping students reach their full potential.
- 24/7 AP Environmental Science help:
With Wiingy, you can get AP Environmental Science help whenever you need it, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our tutors are available online so you can get the help you need when you need it most.
- Better AP Environmental Science grades:
Our APES tutoring program is designed to help students improve their grades and succeed in the class. Our tutors will work with you to identify your strengths and weaknesses and develop a personalized plan to help you reach your goals.
- Interactive and flexible sessions:
Our Advanced Placement APES tutoring sessions are interactive and flexible, so you can learn at your own pace and in a way that works best for you. You can ask questions, get feedback on your work, and get help with any specific topics that you are struggling with.
- AP Environmental Science worksheets and other resources:
Wiingy provides students with access to various AP Environmental Science practice tests and worksheets in addition to tutoring sessions. Wiingy also offers an AP Environmental Science exam guide. These resources can help you to learn new concepts, practice your skills, and prepare for the AP Environmental Science exam.
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Average lesson cost: | $28/hr |
Free trial offered: | Yes |
Tutors available: | 494+ |
Average tutor rating: | 4.8/5 |
Lesson format: | One-on-One Online |