Key to Musical Magic: Piano Maestro with Engaging Style


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Private tutor - Ryan Angdhiri

Bachelors degree



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About the tutor

Hi there! I'm Ryan, a piano teacher with over 3 years of teaching and more than 10 years of experience with the piano at Yamaha. I believe in creating a supportive environment where students can explore their creativity and develop their musical passion, as it's a key component of actually improving as a musician. Learning music requires time, dedication, discipline, and consistend discipline, but I believe that together we will be able to work through these challenges. Everyone has to start from somewhere, after all! It took time for me to love the piano. Let's make learning music a fun and rewarding experience together!


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Teaching methodology

As a Piano tutor, I specialize in teaching School and College Students with an engaging, interactive, and supportive approach. My teaching style focuses on personalized suggestions for improvement, which have helped my students excel in music exams and even pursue professional careers in music. I strive to create a dynamic learning environment where students feel motivated to learn and grow. Through my methodology, students have had the opportunity to showcase their talents on stage at various events. Join me for a transformative learning experience that will enhance your musical skills and passion for playing the piano.

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