Transforming Melodies with Motivation and Patient Guidance


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Private tutor - Jeremy Egerton

Masters degree



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Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars.
Star Tutor
Highly skilled & top-rated
80 ratings

About the tutor

Hi there! I'm Jeremy Egerton, a music tutor from Australia specialising in violin teaching. I have 6 years of teaching experience and 20 years of performing experience. I hold a Bachelor degree in Music Performance from the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University as well as a Masters Degree and Teaching Assistantship from the University of Massachusetts. I am currently completing a Graduate Artist Diploma at the University of Cincinnati College Conservatory of Music. I have worked professionally with Australia's Ensemble Q, New England Repertory Orchestra and the Keene Chamber Orchestra and have performed in festivals such as the renowned Meadowmount School of Music, the Australian Festival of Chamber Music and the Australian Youth Orchestras National Seasons Tour. My teaching philosophy revolves around creating a supportive and engaging environment for students of all levels and I aim to inspire a love for music through personalised lessons tailored to each student's unique strengths and learning style. Let's make music together!


Ear training icon

Ear training

Great for intermediate icon

Great for intermediate

Music composition icon

Music composition

Great for advanced icon

Great for advanced

Rhythm timing icon

Rhythm timing

Tutoring icon


International Baccalaureate (IB) icon

International Baccalaureate (IB)

Solfege icon


Songwriting icon


Music theory icon

Music theory

Great for beginners icon

Great for beginners

Production icon


Teaching methodology

My violin and viola lessons are tailored towards students of all ages, with lessons based around your current musical and personal needs. I have experience in many practices such as stretching, relaxation, technical work (scales, exercises, etc.), musical games as well as various other learning activities. I focus a lot on releasing restrictive tension in the body, as my goal is to give you the most possible freedom in order to be able to express yourself. I aspire to teach fun and engaging lessons, with consideration on how music fits into your everyday life and I endeavour to enable you to thrive not only as a musician, but as a human being.

Student types

School icon


College icon


All Levels icon

All Levels

Adult / Professional icon

Adult / Professional

ADHD icon


Learning Disabilities icon

Learning Disabilities

Anxiety or Stress Disorders icon

Anxiety or Stress Disorders

Interactive lessons

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Record lessons

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Note taking

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Parent feedback

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Open Q&A

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Chat for quick help

Smart teaching tools

Sheet PDFs image

Sheet PDFs

Tuner apps image

Tuner apps

Notation software image

Notation software

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