Engaging Economics lessons with problem-solving focus
AP Macroeconomics tutor - Xavier Fairbrooke
Masters degree
/ hour
Score improvement within 8 weeks
Students report noticeable improvement in test scores.
Support beyond regular classes
Parents appreciate timely help during stressful exam times.
Focus on timed practice and strategy
85% of students master time management through mock tests.
About your tutor
I am passionate about education and have been tutoring for 13 years. I specialize in teaching AP Microeconomics to high school and college students, helping them understand complex concepts in a simple and relatable way. Over the years, I have successfully taught around 150 students, guiding them to achieve their academic goals. My focus is on fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, and a deep understanding of economics, making learning enjoyable and meaningful for every student.
Score improvement
Homework help
Test prep
Teaching methodology
My teaching methodology for AP Microeconomics is based on clear communication, problem-solving, and flexibility. I use real-world examples to help students connect concepts to everyday life, making learning practical and engaging. I encourage critical thinking and provide opportunities for students to work through problems independently, building confidence and accountability. I also adapt my approach to meet each students needs and create an inclusive environment, ensuring all students feel respected and supported.
Student types
All Levels
Adult / Professional
Home schooled
Subjects taught by tutor
AP Macroeconomics
AP Microeconomics
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