Engaging AP government & politics lessons with problem solving

AP US Government and Politics tutor - Rhea Marston
Masters degree
/ hour
Score improvement within 8 weeks
Students report noticeable improvement in test scores.
Support beyond regular classes
Parents appreciate timely help during stressful exam times.
Real-time feedback for continuous improvement
95% of students receive valuable feedback on practice tests.
About your tutor
With 11 years of experience, I specialize in teaching AP U.S. Government and Politics to high school and college students. My approach is centered on personalized learning, tailoring lessons to meet each students unique needs and learning style. I focus on making complex political concepts clear and engaging, helping students build confidence and critical thinking skills. In addition to AP U.S. Government, I also teach related subjects like U.S. history and political science, fostering a well-rounded understanding of the subject matter.
Homework help
Test prep
Score improvement
Teaching methodology
My teaching style for AP U.S. Government and Politics centers on creativity, understanding, and support. I use creative methods such as case studies, real-world examples, and interactive activities to make complex political concepts engaging and easier to grasp. I focus on understanding each students needs and adapting lessons to fit their learning style. By creating a supportive environment, I encourage students to ask questions, think critically, and gain confidence. I also teach related subjects like U.S. history and political science.
Student types
All Levels
Adult / Professional
Home schooled
Subjects taught by tutor
AP US Government and Politics
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