Supportive AP Statistics tutor with interactive lessons


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AP Statistics tutor


AP Statistics tutor - Miles Harrington

Post Doctorate degree


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Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars.
Star Tutor
Highly skilled & top-rated
127 ratings

Proven strategies for exam success

90% of students say strategies boosted their confidence.


Rated 4.9/5 for effective test prep

Parents see their children scoring higher with each exam.


Real-time feedback for continuous improvement

95% of students receive valuable feedback on practice tests.

About your tutor

I am an experienced tutor with over 11 years of teaching AP Statistics to High school students. My tutoring approach focuses on making statistics simple and engaging by using real-life examples and problem-solving techniques. I believe in adapting to each students learning style to build confidence and understanding. Along with AP Statistics, I can also teach related subjects like general math and data analysis. My goal is to help students not only succeed academically but also develop critical thinking and a love for learning.


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Teaching methodology

My teaching methodology for AP Statistics focuses on creating a supportive and motivating environment. I use empathy to understand each students needs and adapt my lessons with flexibility to match their learning styles. By promoting positivity, I help students stay confident, even when tackling challenging concepts. I incorporate real-world examples to make statistics relatable and engaging. My goal is to motivate students to think critically and apply their knowledge effectively. Besides AP Statistics, I can teach related subjects like general math, algebra, and data analysis.

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AP Statistics

AP Statistics

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