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Biology tutor


Biology tutor - Soren Gill

Bachelors degree


/ hour

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars.
Star Tutor
Highly skilled & top-rated
104 ratings

Expert in simplifying concepts

Breaks down tough topics into easy steps.


Strong Parent Endorsements

Rated 4.9/5 by parents for effective, result-driven tutoring.


Flexible scheduling options

90% of students say scheduling is hassle-free.

About your tutor

Hey there, Im Soren. I hold a Bachelor’s degree and have 8 years of experience in biology. I specialize in enhancing your understanding of biological concepts with detailed explanations and real-world applications. My goal is to make complex biology topics more comprehensible and relevant, supporting you in achieving academic success.


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Homework help

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Test prep

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Grade improvement

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Exam prep

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Concepts learning

Teaching methodology

In teaching Biology, I am dedicated to assisting you with mock tests and targeted exam preparation to ensure youre well-prepared for assessments. I strongly advocate for making learning enjoyable and interactive. By incorporating hands-on experiments, engaging demonstrations, and real-world applications, I aim to ignite your curiosity and motivation in the subject. When learning is engaging and stimulating, it enhances retention and understanding of complex biological concepts.

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Adult / Professional

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Learning Disabilities

Subjects taught by tutor

GCSE Chemistry

GCSE Chemistry

GED Science

GED Science

ACT Science

ACT Science

Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry

AP Chemistry

AP Chemistry

GCSE Biology

GCSE Biology

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