AP Calculus tutoring that’s patient & supportive


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AP Calculus AB tutor


AP Calculus AB tutor - Lucy Morgan

Bachelors degree


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Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Student Favorite
Highly rated by students for excellence
58 ratings

Focus on practice tests and review

90%+ of students improve after mock tests.


Rated 4.9/5 for effective test prep

Parents see their children scoring higher with each exam.


Personalized study plans for success

90% of students feel their plan is tailored to their needs.

About your tutor

I am a dedicated tutor with 5+ years of experience, specializing in teaching AP Calculus AB to students of all levels. Over the years, I have taught around 200 students, helping them build strong mathematical foundations and achieve their academic goals. My teaching approach is rooted in personalized learning, where I adapt lessons to fit each students unique needs and learning style. I focus on breaking down complex concepts into manageable parts, using real-life examples and interactive exercises to keep students engaged. Patience, clear communication, and empathy are at the core of my teaching style, ensuring students feel supported throughout their learning journey. In addition to AP Calculus AB, I also teach relevant subjects like Algebra, Precalculus, and Geometry, aiming to foster a deeper understanding of mathematics in my students. My goal is to instill confidence, critical thinking skills, and a love for learning that extends beyond the classroom.


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Teaching methodology

My teaching strategy for AP Calculus AB is centered around fostering a creative and engaging learning environment. I believe in breaking down complex calculus concepts into manageable, real-world examples that make learning both enjoyable and relevant. Integrity is key in my approach, as I ensure transparency and honesty with my students, creating an open space for questions and growth. I also emphasize effective time management, teaching students not just how to solve problems, but how to organize their study time for maximum efficiency. My focus is to build confidence in students through step-by-step guidance, helping them grasp fundamental concepts, apply problem-solving techniques, and achieve success on exams. In addition to AP Calculus AB, I can also teach subjects like Algebra, Trigonometry, and Precalculus, always ensuring that students have a strong mathematical foundation to support their learning. My goal is to inspire a deep understanding and appreciation of mathematics that lasts a lifetime.

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AP Calculus AB

AP Calculus AB

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