Creative R & Visual Basic lessons with collaborative problem solving

R tutor - Maren Brooks
Bachelors degree
/ hour
Quick assignment help
90% of students get assignment support within 24 hours.
100% on-time college submissions
Students meet deadlines with tutor support.
Proven success with code projects
85% of students complete personal projects in a few months.
About your tutor
Im Maren, a proficient R tutor specializing in data science, with more than 4 years of teaching experience. Holding a Masters degree in Data science, Im committed to offering practical assistance and direction to students aiming to excel in R programming, particularly in tasks like data manipulation, visualization, and statistical analysis. Outside of work, I find joy in watching movies.
Project help
Paired coding
Bootcamp help
Teaching methodology
My goal is to foster practical skills and problem-solving abilities crucial for success in data-driven fields by encouraging experimentation and collaboration among students. I aim to prepare students to proficiently handle complex data analysis tasks as proficient R programmers.
Student types
All Levels
Adult / Professional
Subjects taught by tutor
Visual Basic
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