Practical Geometry & Calculus lessons with empathetic problem solving
Calculus tutor - Lola Foster
Bachelors degree
/ hour
Quick homework assistance
85% of students receive timely help with homework and assignments.
Support beyond class hours
Parents appreciate the extra support for last-minute questions.
Personalized lesson plans for all levels
90% of students feel their lessons are customized to their needs.
About your tutor
Hello! Im Lola, an exceptional Calculus tutor with 3+ years of experience. From high school, Ive been dedicated to helping students excel in Calculus. Through interactive 1-on-1 lessons, I aim to enhance learning by incorporating practical aspects into our sessions. Additionally, I enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and camping, where I can unwind and appreciate the beauty of nature.
Project help
Homework help
Grade improvement
Test prep
Concepts learning
Teaching methodology
I regularly seek feedback from both students and parents to ensure our sessions are helpful. I also provide feedback on their progress to keep them on track. During tutoring, I delve deeply into topics, adjusting my approach to suit each student. My goal is not just to help them understand the material but also to build their confidence in applying it independently. I offer assistance with homework and provide mock tests to support their learning.
Student types
All Levels
Adult / Professional
Home schooled
Subjects taught by tutor
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