Environmental science through practical and problem-solving techniques

AP Environmental Science tutor - Ellie Martin
Bachelors degree
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About your tutor
Hello there! Im Ellie. With over 5 years of experience teaching AP Environmental Science, Im dedicated to educating students about sustainability and protecting our planet. I hold a Bachelors degree in Sustainability. I assist high school students with test preparation and completing assignments. Outside of teaching, I enjoy hiking, photography, and actively participating in environmental projects within my community.
Concepts learning
Test prep
Homework help
Exam prep
Teaching methodology
I prioritize an interactive and hands-on approach to learning. Through experiments, discussions, and real-world examples, I engage students in understanding environmental issues. Emphasizing scientific inquiry and critical analysis, I prepare students for the AP exam. Additionally, I offer individualized support to address each students needs, guiding them through assignments and exam preparation.
Student types
All Levels
Adult / Professional
Learning Disabilities
Subjects taught by tutor
AP Environmental Science
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