AP Statistics with a creative & adaptable learning style


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AP Statistics tutor


AP Statistics tutor - Jasper Clarke

Bachelors degree



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Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
Student Favorite
Highly rated by students for excellence
113 ratings

Score improvement within 8 weeks

Students report noticeable improvement in test scores.


Rated 4.9/5 for effective test prep

Parents see their children scoring higher with each exam.


Personalized study plans for success

90% of students feel their plan is tailored to their needs.

About your tutor

Hey, Im Owen. Ive been tutoring AP Statistics for over 4 years, assisting students ranging from high school to university levels. My expertise lies in test preparation and conducting mock exams. In addition to teaching Actuarial Science, Ive also covered Physics and Chemistry. I emphasize the use of graphs, charts, and diagrams to make data and concepts easier to understand. Outside of tutoring, Im a sports enthusiast. I encourage my students to utilize diverse tools for math practice and test preparation.


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Teaching methodology

I enrich my lessons with real-life examples, visuals, and hands-on demonstrations, ensuring an engaging learning experience. Encouraging active participation, I foster an environment where students ask questions and discuss their learning. Rather than rote memorization, I emphasize problem-solving skills, guiding students through step-by-step solutions. Utilizing interactive boards and educational apps, I enhance the learning process further. Prioritizing seamless sessions, I ensure the smooth functioning of the internet and learning tools. Moreover, I tailor my teaching approach to accommodate students preferred learning styles, facilitating effective comprehension and retention.

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Subjects taught by tutor

AP Statistics

AP Statistics

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