Python, R & SQL taught with practical & engaging methods

SQL tutor - Durga Alagirisamy
Bachelors degree
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90% of students get assignment support within 24 hours.
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Highly rated for problem-solving approach
95% of students improve problem-solving skills and speed.
About your tutor
I'm a passionate tutor with a Bachelor's degree in IT, specializing in data science. My expertise spans Python, SQL, and other programming languages, complemented by a strong background in statistics and mathematics. Having completed my studies as an international student in Sydney, I offer personalized tutoring services, including assistance with IELTS preparation. With experience tutoring students from Year 3 to 12, as well as providing academic support at the university level, I am committed to helping learners excel in their educational journey.
Paired coding
Great for beginners
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Job readiness
Bootcamp help
Teaching methodology
My teaching approach centers on adaptability and student-centered learning. I believe in tailoring each session to the individual needs and learning styles of my students, ensuring maximum engagement and understanding. By assessing student performance and continuously modifying resources, I create a supportive learning environment where students feel empowered to ask questions and explore concepts deeply. Additionally, I integrate practical examples and real-world applications to enhance comprehension and foster a deeper appreciation for the subject matter. Through this personalized and interactive approach, I aim to instill confidence and ignite a lifelong passion for learning in my students.
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Adult / Professional
All Levels
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