AP Physics tutoring that connects theory with real-world applications

AP Physics 1 tutor - Oke Okwokwo
Bachelors degree
/ hour
Homework help with quick turnaround
Students receive support within 24 hours for assignments.
Trusted by 95% of Parents
Parents report noticeable academic improvement within months.
Flexible scheduling options
90% of students say scheduling is hassle-free.
About your tutor
I have a bachelors degree in Physics, and a masters and PhD degree in Applied Geophysics. I have been in the field of teaching for over ten years as a Lecturer in higher education, and I have been tutoring Physics and Maths for over three years in the UK. I do believe that I have a good understanding of the subjects and possess strong analytical skills. I always keep myself updated with the latest teaching methods.
Exam prep
Homework help
Concepts learning
Grade improvement
Test prep
Teaching methodology
My teaching strategies are totally based on the requirements of the students. As the learning requirements of each student are different. Generally, I explain each and every concept in the most simplified way I can, and I am also keen on listening to the students doubts and providing clarifications to them. I try to keep my students as engaged in the class discussions as I can. I also assist them with their assignments, homework, and test preparation.
Student types
Adult / Professional
All Levels
Home schooled
Subjects taught by tutor
GCSE Physics
GED Science
AP Physics 1
Free lesson slots
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