Engaging AP Chemistry & Biology lessons with practical approach

Biology tutor - Shruti Gupta
Bachelors degree
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About your tutor
A student and a teacher at the same time. That's how I perceive the process to be. I am a research student at UM- Department of Atomic Energy, Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences, currently pursuing my master's degree in Chemical sciences. I also mentor students who want to pursue a career in science via an online platform; I teach chemistry to students preparing for pre-university entrance exams chiefly for Science education and research colleges like IISER, NISER, CEBS, and others. An engaging and interactive communicator; have mentored students both in a batch and personally with positive feedbacks. Previously, I have been a part of a research project under Bhabha Atomic Research Centre BARC. Apart from this as a part of my coursework, I have worked on research projects and have hands-on experience with many skills as a result of the diverse spectrum of fields that I have explored, which helps me connect the theory to real life implementations. Troubleshooting, critical thinking, and conclusive analysis are the most common and much required of all.
Homework help
Test prep
Grade improvement
Exam prep
Concepts learning
Teaching methodology
I ensure that the student develops an intuitive understanding and a sense of curiosity about the subject. I make my classes as interactive and engaging as possible and encourage every and any type of question that comes in my student's mind even if it is not pertaining to a particular syllabus and I am up for every type of discussions, such as those pertaining to interdisciplinary backgrounds. Since chemistry is a predominantly experimental science, I try to impart a sense of practical experimentation methods, planning and analysis. I am a learner myself and have been a part of these 'systematic education institutes'; I know the hurdles that a student faces in her/his school days, hence I take the non conventional routes to implant the concept in the student's mind.
Student types
Home schooled
Subjects taught by tutor
AP Chemistry
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