Motivational Biology & science lessons with supportive focus

AP Biology tutor - Lauren Lujan
Bachelors degree
/ hour
Expert in simplifying concepts
Breaks down tough topics into easy steps.
Strong Parent Endorsements
Rated 4.9/5 by parents for effective, result-driven tutoring.
Interactive quizzes for better retention
Students find it easy to learn with the tutor.
About your tutor
I'm a bilingual researcher and educator based in Costa Rica with a deep passion for education and the natural sciences. I have a BS in Cell and Molecular Biology and I'm currently pursuing a MS in Integrated Watershed Management. As you can see from my degrees, I'm an interdisciplinary scientist and I believe this is key to an integrated and sustainable understanding of the natural world. I have been educating since I was very young because I love teaching and helping others achieve their goals. I currently freelance for many online educational companies educating in multiple areas such as biology, research, lab techniques, English, and Spanish. I also work as a researcher in rainwater collection systems and other environmental science projects related to water. I past have experience as a wet-lab technician, cell culturist, trainer, learning assistant, customer service specialist, and biologist. I look forward to meeting you and sharing my knowledge with you!
Concepts learning
Exam prep
Grade improvement
Test prep
Teaching methodology
I want to help you in the way you need help! - This is my tutoring methodology. Every single student is different and we all have our own needs, goals, limitations, and strengths. I am very flexible and interdisciplinary, which means I will be able to accommodate your learning style and educational goals. Due to my broad experience in multiple subjects and with students of many ages and fields, I can understand students on a deeper level and provide the assistance they are looking for. I always include real-life applications to the concepts we learn in class, I want my students to use the knowledge we acquire together in their everyday life. It is my priority that my students feel comfortable and engaged in our lessons! I encourage feedback and know both the students and myself are learning together in the classroom. Knowledge is power and I'm here to make my students superpowerful individuals!
Student types
Learning Disabilities
Subjects taught by tutor
GED Science
AP Biology
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