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Elementary School Math tutor


Elementary School Math tutor - jayanti jayanti

Bachelors degree


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Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars.
Student Favorite
Highly rated by students for excellence
103 ratings

Increased confidence in math

Students report feeling more confident tackling difficult problems.


Rated 4.9/5 for student engagement

Parents love how lessons keep their children engaged in learning.


Focus on real-world applications

85% of students find math concepts more relevant to real-life problems.

About your tutor

I have been really passionate about teaching from a very young age, and I do believe that I possess all the qualities that a teacher needs to have, such as good communication skills and the ability to convey the matter to others with ease. I did my BSc in Zoology and my MSc in Biotechnology. Currently i am doing PhD in cytogenetics . I had worked as online tutor for two years and had tutored about 100 students, where I received lots of positive feedback from the students.


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Test prep

Teaching methodology

My teaching strategies are totally based on the requirements of the students. As the learning requirements of each student are different. Generally, I explain each and every concept in the most simplified way I can, and I am also keen on listening to the students doubts and providing clarifications to them. I try to keep my students as engaged in the class discussions as I can. I also assist them with their assignments, homework, and test preparation

Student types

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Adult / Professional

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Home schooled

Subjects taught by tutor

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Math

High School Math

High School Math

Middle School Math

Middle School Math



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