Algebra & Math that actually makes sense

Algebra tutor - Krantik Das
Bachelors degree
/ hour
Quick homework assistance
85% of students receive timely help with homework and assignments.
Highly recommended for results
Parents consistently recommend the tutor for math success.
Regular progress check-ins
90% of students get regular updates on their math performance.
About your tutor
I have been really passionate about teaching. I have completed my undergraduate from RKMRC Kolkata, India, which is one of the top 20 colleges of the country. Currently enrolled as a graduate economics student as Madras School of Economics, specialising in quantitative finance. I have worked as various startups as a data scientist and have received a Bronze Badge from the SPARKS FOUNDATION for outstanding during the GRIP internship in 2021. I love to tell stories with data, explore data and play around with data. My usual choice of language is R.
Concepts learning
Homework help
Exam prep
Assignment help
Teaching methodology
I offer tutoring sessions on R to college and university graduates. Apart from this, I also help them tell stories with data and understand the logic behind each syntax they put into R. The motive is to develop the intuition behind the subject, be it statistics, economics or R. My tutoring sessions are generally detailed and tailored to the needs of the students. I explain each and every concept in the most simplified way I can, and I am also keen on listening to the students doubts and providing clarifications to them. Apart from tutoring, I also help my students with their assignments, homework, and test preparation. I always take regular feedback from my students and also give my feedback on the students performance, so that the tutoring sessions are effective for the learner. My sessions are much more like a conversation between me and the student where each of us get to learn something new.
Student types
Adult / Professional
All Levels
Learning Disabilities
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