Practical Data Analysis lessons with problem solving focus

Data Analysis tutor - Michael Willhoit
Bachelors degree
/ hour
Quick assignment help
90% of students get assignment support within 24 hours.
Project-based learning for real-world skills
90% of students complete relevant coding projects.
Highly rated for problem-solving approach
95% of students improve problem-solving skills and speed.
About your tutor
Ive completed a Master in Architecture from a top 10 university worldwide and have multiple years of experience in the field. My work has been published in several school publications and I have work featured at the Venice Biennale for architecture. I have been working full-time as an architect now and am available to teach in the evenings. I consider my strongest skills to be 3D design software, from Revit, Rhino 3D, Sketchup, 2D drawing software and design like AutoCAD, the Adobe Suite, and hand drafting, as well as a keen eye for plan drawing and reading.
Great for beginners
Bootcamp help
Paired coding
Assignment help
Teaching methodology
I am offering tutoring sessions to high school and university students. I try to gain an understanding of the students needs and typically would like to see any assignments prior to a session so I can jump right into teaching.
Student types
All Levels
Adult / Professional
Subjects taught by tutor
Data Analysis
Power BI
Microsoft Excel
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