Problem-solving and adaptable High School Math tutoring
High School Math tutor - Mayuri
Bachelors degree
/ hour
Improved problem-solving skills
90% of students report faster and more efficient problem-solving.
Highly recommended for results
Parents consistently recommend the tutor for math success.
Hands-on learning for better understanding
Interactive methods help students grasp complex problems.
About your tutor
Hi, I am Mayuri Thorat. I am an experienced math and pyton tutor with a strong background in coding. I have been tutoring students in python for past 2 years. I highly belive in sharing the knowledge with young minds to empower them and help them building their programming skills.
Project help
Test prep
Grade improvement
Concepts learning
Exam prep
Teaching methodology
I emphasize practicing high school math with regular assessments, as it is very important for STEM courses in University. I encourage my computer students to practice coding exercises and make projects frequently to enhance their programming skills. By encouraging them to make projects, I help students develop confidence in their abilities. I prefer my sessions to be interactive and hence I customize my sessions as per individual requirements, so that it becomes easy for students to ask doubts.
Student types
All Levels
Adult / Professional
Learning Disabilities
Subjects taught by tutor
High School Math
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