AP Economics that’s engaging & practical
AP Microeconomics tutor - Claire Harrison
Bachelors degree
/ hour
Rated 5 stars for test prep
Students report improved scores with every practice.
Strong parent endorsements
Rated highly by parents for effective exam preparation.
Real-time feedback for continuous improvement
95% of students receive valuable feedback on practice tests.
About your tutor
I have great communication skills and am patient, confident, and gregarious. I have a strong track record thanks to my more than five years of experience. Whether you need assistance with a specific topic or would just like to know more about the status of the economy, Im here to help. Contact me right now to arrange a free consultation and learn how I can help you succeed academically!
Homework help
Score improvement
Test prep
Teaching methodology
I employ precise instructions, consistent feedback systems, and individualized teaching methods. I use a complex approach that includes multiple teaching exercises and additional practice exams to familiarize pupils with higher order cognitive skills. I use assignments, quizzes, and formative assessments on a regular basis to assess my students progress. This allows me to investigate possible areas for improvement and offer timely feedback.
Student types
All Levels
Adult / Professional
Home schooled
Subjects taught by tutor
AP Macroeconomics
AP Microeconomics
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