Economics & Finance tutoring with a motivational focus
Finance tutor - Jovienne Zane
Bachelors degree
/ hour
Test-ready in 8 weeks
88% of students feel confident and prepared for exams.
Rated 4.9/5 for student engagement
Parents love how lessons keep their child engaged.
Flexible scheduling for busy students
90% of students easily schedule lessons around academics.
About your tutor
As an experienced financial educator, my goal is to help students achieve their learning goals and overcome barriers in the classroom. I have a keen interest in business and a solid experience in finance. I offer tailored tutoring sessions based on each students unique requirements and preferred methods of learning. I love travelling and have visied more thna 50 citites. I have a passion for music and actively go to concerts.
Concepts learning
Exam prep
Homework help
Grade improvement
Teaching methodology
My teaching style emphasizes a methodical approach to guarantee thorough comprehension and useful application of the language. My approach to teaching is centered on going over the conceptual underpinnings, which include basic ideas like variables, data kinds, control structures, and functions. To facilitate self-paced learning, I also offer presentations, role-plays, online tutorials, and coding assignments in addition to classroom lessons. Regular evaluations and channels for providing feedback are essential components of my teaching style. I assess students progress using tests, quizzes, and code reviews and offer helpful criticism for development.
Student types
All Levels
Adult / Professional
Subjects taught by tutor
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